Concentrix Logo "I work for a multibillion dollar company that doesn’t really care for its employees



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Aug 28, 2014
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The intent of this post is to highlight my personal experience working for a large corporation, this is not meant to be a "***** fest" an I hope you can find some humor in here somewhere.

An so it "was"

Working for a multi-billion dollar company that supports multi-billion dollar company’s

It is my opinion that this company doesn’t really care about its employees

I work for Convergys a multi-billion dollar corporation that provides technical support to multi-billion dollar corporations i.e.. AT&T, Comcast, Juniper, Sunbeam, NetApp, Apple, Comcast, Spectrum and now Microsoft.

The primary focus of the company from managements position is to get customer phone calls answered asap, outcome is not relative, getting the phone answered is what the base metrics are focused on.

Pulling into the parking lot on a bright morning you tend to notice the lot peppered with trash discarded by employees through the 3 shifts, this is a 24 Hour site. I have seen birds circle a McDonald's burger box knowing all too well which side to lift to get the food. I personally have trouble opening these containers, for the birds it's not much of a challenge with their learned skill set. Squirrels will guard their trash-find to the degree that you can reach out and touch them, very brave critters. Included in the litter are also used hypodermic syringes, used condoms and soiled women’s underwear. I’ve never witnessed their use or disposal and surely don’t hope to.

The front entry to our building is designated as "nonsmoking" you wouldn’t know judging by the smoke you have to walk through and the cigarette butts littered around, I guess as long as it doesn’t go into the building is "Ok" because the security desk doesn’t seem to care. On occasion there will be one security guard and don’t worry because his/her head is down looking at their smartphone as you enter the one working door. One of the double entrance doors is blocked off and unusable due to needed repairs and that haven’t been performed during the 2+ months it’s been blocked.

One of the 2 elevators that service 2 additional floors was inoperable for a month. A TSM (technical support manager) had to open a ticket for the repair, apparently building management and maintenance weren’t overly concerned or they could have had it fixed right away. The doors leading from the main corridors have alarms that beep if the door is left open for too long(fire code?) Well the alarm would come on at random and beep for 5 plus minutes, I found this to be just a little distracting especially while engaged on the phone with customers. I'm really not sure if this has been corrected or not as we were moved to a different area away from the exit doors.

Our work area on the 3rd floor is approximately 1/3 of the total layout. It has 1 kitchen break area equipped with a double sink, 2 microwaves, 2 refrigerators, a water cooler, a coffee maker and 2 pay vending machines. The kitchen is relatively clean, the microwaves get wiped out, the sinks cleaned, trashed emptied. The janitorial staff does a decent job of keeping the kitchen clean, most certainly better than site services does with keeping the parking lot clean. The one ice maker we had was leaking water out onto the floor, site maintenance fixed this this by turning off the water to the ice maker. 2nd or 3rd shift would turn the ice maker water back on and not off, so management resolved the issue by eliminating fresh ice altogether and had maintenance remove the ice maker from the freezer. Our account management brought in store bought ice for a while but that stopped along with the coffee, hot chocolate and tea when corporate decided they could save money by eliminating employee perks. Additionally trash bins were removed so the only disposal locations were in the break rooms and a few large bins randomly place or dragged there by a coworker.

Pluming in this building is at its worst. The kitchen sinks in at least 2 of the break rooms on our floor would backup with 3 inches of standing water in both bowls. This was blamed on employees putting coffee grounds down the drains, It was once rumored that we were putting the grounds in the men’s urinals subsequently causing them to back up, 2 of the 3 urinals would have garbage bags placed over them for weeks at a time pending repair or having a ticket opened. Management even went so far as to having a placard type sign placed in the men’s room warning against "throwing coffee grounds into the urinals"
Lately the urinals would overflow a waterfall of pee yellow onto the floor. Occasionally a sink would be closed for faucet repair that would take 2 weeks or more.

At one time the ceiling would leak or drip not at a fast rate but noticeable. The ceiling would get patched and at the next good rainfall the ceiling would leak again. The occasional critter most likely squirrel’s, would run across the ceiling panels, that was always a little exciting. The entire floor is covered in short pile carpet with the exception of the bath and break rooms, I cannot recall the carpets ever being vacuumed, dropped crumbs and food particles would remain undisturbed until someone picked it up. I remember one story of the cleaning crew vacuuming while a technician was engaged with a customer on the phone. The custodian was asked to stop or move to a different area, the response was "talk to my supervisor" sub sequentially the next day the TSE was told not to instruct the custodial person about their duties. Dead Roaches are common and like the food dropping would remain undisturbed for weeks or more.

Lunches were provided monthly, quarterly mostly by our the company that we support, our client. Eventually that stopped and we were encouraged to participate in Pot Luck lunches where coworkers would provide the food at our expense and the coordination efforts were often by a coworker. I consider this an inexpensive route for the company to continue providing company lunches? essentially at no expense to our employer while giving the impression of a perk. This to some degree worked but I never really was comfortable eating food prepared at someone else’s home. A little Paranoid; maybe!

A TSE's (technical support engineer) job is to provide the end user with 1st 2nd and 3rd lines of support in an effort to get their problems resolved. We answer the phones, remember 1st priority, we own and work the cases and communicate a solution to the clients customer. A small percentage of our cases are escalated to the clients senior level of support at the mother company. Our work is scrutinized, scored and occasionally praised, rarely ever recognized or rewarded for the most part. We don’t work in a modern decorative accommodating environment. We have to keep our work area clean although not everyone does, food on the desk and floors. The chairs are 10 plus years old. I've managed to hang on the same chair for about 5 years, must be the purple cushions and hole in the arm pad.

Our work area consists of a not so new or reliable computer; Dell OptiPlex I7, 8Gb ram no DVD and no USB access ($200+/- used) they run petty decent although my 5 year old laptop at home is much better. Most of the company computers are cycled, re-imaged or shelved when they crash, all of your data is gone unless you personally backed it up since there is no policy in place for backups. Computer issues can include crashing, running very slow or not at all. Hardware/software inconsistencies are mostly blamed on the TSE and unless several people complain, this is managements best solution. Hard dives crash, VPN connections lost, programs freeze or stop running altogether. Maintaining your computing environment requires more skill than just knowing how to operate a computer, more than the average Call center worker has, think CompTIA+ certified.

Top tier are the TSE's that work the cases and tolerate the tough customers, poor management and less than idea working environment.

Look through the Forbes 500 company employee satisfaction surveys, these don’t come from us we work at the customer support level that is outsourced. Our direct income does not come from these large corporations, our opinions are never solicited and never heard.
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Sad state for sure...and people tend to use a computer to see how a company "is". Or their image. And base their opinions on that.
Forbes?? Lol that's for companies that disclose their incomes....lots dont.
I have learned to appreciate my job more recently after seeing what other people have to tolerate.
Chin up Artie, look for something else that has a positive feel to it?
Christ man...I took a break from reading the OPs post and read War and Peace twice and Atlas Shrugged once.
The OP post is what I consider normal corporate biz. It is a sad state of affairs IMO. But normal.
I couldnt read the entire post but I get the jist ....
Yeah he could quit and go elsewhere but might find same situation. Nothing wrong with venting his frustrations.
The thing is many company keep chugging along DESPITE their leaders ! who in return are rewarded handsomely for their inept efforts... seen it many times.
Company provides lunch!!!!!!!! Where is this place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I though I had it good when I was allowed to bring in my coffee in my thermos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I didn't read how employees are chained to their desk and not allowed to quit???

The lower paying clients do have a high turnover rate, mostly minorities. So you quit then what? Not everyone has the leisure to jump from one job to another, sometime you have to man up and bite the bullet. Quit and you would literally have to change your skill set working at another company.
Maybe you should go somewhere else....

Well here's the "thing" The client put our contract out to bid in order to diversify the support providers (eggs in two baskets not one). Needless to say the company I worked for lost 50% of the business to another offshore support provider. The staff was cut from 160 people to 18 at our location. The offshore employees(india, south america) were unaffected. The cuts were all made on American soil.
Company provides lunch!!!!!!!! Where is this place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I though I had it good when I was allowed to bring in my coffee in my thermos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Client, the company whose customer we support......... Past tense "provided"
I've worked at crappy places, as have most people. Improve your on situation. Nobody else is gonna do it for you. And honestly, nobody here really cares about your work situation. I'm thinking the most of us would be way more interested in anything regarding your Abody, than how much you hate your job. Posts like this do not make this forum more enjoyable or worthwhile.
I feel for the OP. I have never worked in that type of role. But I have worked with these organizations for most of my career. During different times organization will outsource, hire/train their own support or a mixture - where 1st tier is outsourced. It is a tough thankless job - where movement is expected. If you are good, you move up or out. There is also a lot of opportunity because of the turnover to move up. And of course, use this as a spring board to move out - have you looked at your clients for a job?

Best of luck - but remember even though the company makes Billions - different departments either revenue generating or are a cost center. If you are working in a cost center - well
Christ man...I took a break from reading the OPs post and read War and Peace twice and Atlas Shrugged once.

I know, right? I never read posts this long. I always skim them and then look at the replies to get the gist of it.

That said, the assertion that corporate America is the devil, is a stupid one. I've never seen a poor person provide jobs. Where do people think jobs come from, the job fairy? No, corporate America. Just like everything else, you have to take the bad with the good. Get over it, suck it up, quit whinin and move forward.
Sucks, but this is getting to be 'normal'. And from someone over 50 who has had to find new employment twice (actually a 3rd temp job when unemployment ran out)in the last 5 years, it ain't fun. And hopefully you have more than one skill to offer cause you are not likely to find another position that wants exactly what you were doing. When you do find another job, hopefully some aspects may improve, but likely others will not
I know, right? I never read posts this long. I always skim them and then look at the replies to get the gist of it.

That said, the assertion that corporate America is the devil, is a stupid one. I've never seen a poor person provide jobs. Where do people think jobs come from, the job fairy? No, corporate America. Just like everything else, you have to take the bad with the good. Get over it, suck it up, quit whinin and move forward.
and nothing new.
while their may be 'dream jobs' out there. Good luck finding one.
And to think we outsource this stuff to India Call centers at $4/hr...Want some freedom? Get out of the office environment and stretch your legs. I work alone most of the time. Meet new people everyday, fix stuff by hand, solve problems....Only time it sucks is when it rains, or when I'm forced to wait for someone else to do their job so I can complete mine. Great office view too!
I know, right? I never read posts this long. I always skim them and then look at the replies to get the gist of it.

That said, the assertion that corporate America is the devil, is a stupid one. I've never seen a poor person provide jobs. Where do people think jobs come from, the job fairy? No, corporate America. Just like everything else, you have to take the bad with the good. Get over it, suck it up, quit whinin and move forward.
Aint nobody lookin for a handout here! My s**s all paid for!

The hierarchy of the large corporations pits management against the hands-on employee, you know the people that actually engage the customer. S**t flows down hill right?

The point of this post is to highlight the fact that this company really doesn't want to spend any more money than absolute necessary to keep the facility going. Our account is/was the bread and butter of all the clients, multi-million dollar hardware/software and support for top level government all over the world.

O' yeah and if you actually Read the post instead of following the crowd "I always skim them and then look at the replies to get the gist of it" you may of actually sensed some humor in it.

I feel for the OP. I have never worked in that type of role. But I have worked with these organizations for most of my career. During different times organization will outsource, hire/train their own support or a mixture - where 1st tier is outsourced. It is a tough thankless job - where movement is expected. If you are good, you move up or out. There is also a lot of opportunity because of the turnover to move up. And of course, use this as a spring board to move out - have you looked at your clients for a job?

Best of luck - but remember even though the company makes Billions - different departments either revenue generating or are a cost center. If you are working in a cost center - well
This is all so true. I work for a multi-billion dollar organization in an IT role, but I'm fortunate enough to work for one of the better companies.
If you are good (at 1st tier support), you move up or out."
^^Absolutely! Front line support is an entry level position, and it is not usually a fun job so the good ones don't stay there very long.

During different times organization will outsource, hire/train their own support or a mixture - where 1st tier is outsourced.
Outsourcing is going to happen in the modern economy. Not always, but a lot of the time. It's our job, as workers in the US (and Canada, in my case) to do your job with such a high level of quality that it makes the executives think twice about the idea. And if your department gets partially outsourced, that's when you really need to crank up the awesomeness. Companies do sometimes un-outsource, when the service from offshore is bad enough compared to what they're getting locally. My company is doing it right now in the Finance department for Accounts Payables. We sent it offshore and it was a disaster, so just over a year later it's coming back.

different departments either revenue generating or are a cost center. If you are working in a cost center - well
^^ So true. When times are tough or when growth targets aren't met, the executives will be looking at the costs first. If you are working in a cost centre, try to add value however you can.

Hopefully the OP can find something else, because if things are really that bad, it would take years for things to get significantly better. But the executives first have to recognize a problem and decide to fix it, and if they don't see the situation as a problem then things won't change.
I know, right? I never read posts this long. I always skim them and then look at the replies to get the gist of it.

That said, the assertion that corporate America is the devil, is a stupid one. I've never seen a poor person provide jobs. Where do people think jobs come from, the job fairy? No, corporate America. Just like everything else, you have to take the bad with the good. Get over it, suck it up, quit whinin and move forward.

Corporate America in reality has little or no reguard for the worker bee, despite the public face they give you.........for every job opening posted, there could be 100 people applying for it, one gets it..........many jobs start out as "part time" positions, as such you (the employer ) are limited by law on how many hours you can work the employee unless the employee "volunteers " to work, they get volunteered for alot of 12/7 work scheduleds.

On a personal note, I asked one of many, tiered levels of management where I work, what would he do with out me, his response was that" he'd take my salary, put it to plan" if you think about that statement, it says he has virtually no measurable worth to him as a human being..............I show up to work every day; I have over 10 years of perfect attendance; ready to do my job with in the confines they create for me...........that is the face and perspective of Corporate America I see and work in everyday, we the worker bees are just so much cattle they begrudgingly have to put up with, I'm still there because I like to eat regular meals, a roof over my head, not because I like the place..........