Friend is a Cop....



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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....he works for the AZ Department of Public Safety. He told me yesterday that they have been instructed to inquire about folks immigration status...and if they are in the country illegally detain them and call ICE...
I asked him if the local media has ran the "racial profiling" angle yet....not yet. He did team me that with the amount of folks his unit stops it is anything but racial profiling. Several members of his unit have been assigned "dangerous drivers detail"...
There was a protest and blocking of the ICE building gates this last Thursday in Phoenix over the deportation of a woman who was not only here illegally but had committed felony identity theft to be able to work.
This is the new law here now, and 6-7 were arrested for interfering.
Here illegally, we might work with you, but here illegally and committed a felony, your gone.

Oh yea, you can't see this because you have me on ignore. :D
Trump said that he was going to crack down.
I have mixed feeling about this. I had some neighbors who were here illegally. But the lady was born in Mexico and brought here as a very young child and knows nothing but the USA. Her husband came here to go to school, meet his wife and violated his visa. He's been deported, but managed to get back. They have a little boy that's the nicest kid in the world. That little boy can't speak a lick of spanish and his parents have tried to do everything in the world to acclimate. Not sure the whole reason, but I do know they both attempted to naturalize, but I know attorney fees were getting to pricey.
my take is.... keep the attorneys out of the game, the EPA, tree huggers , BLM OUT of this! common sense should set guidelines as to what type of people should be given the chance to LEGALLY become citizns.
Trump said that he was going to crack down.
I have mixed feeling about this. I had some neighbors who were here illegally. But the lady was born in Mexico and brought here as a very young child and knows nothing but the USA. Her husband came here to go to school, meet his wife and violated his visa. He's been deported, but managed to get back. They have a little boy that's the nicest kid in the world. That little boy can't speak a lick of spanish and his parents have tried to do everything in the world to acclimate. Not sure the whole reason, but I do know they both attempted to naturalize, but I know attorney fees were getting to pricey.
My father in law was here illegally. He worked farmers fields. Got deported several times. Got tired of looking over his shoulder, became a citizen. Ernestina doesn't recall any lawyers being necessary...
The biggest thing that most people miss in talking about legal , illegal or " illegal and have committed crimes." If you are in this country illegally you have already committed a crime , go no further. Same as if I go past a no trespassing sign and enter posted land , I have already committed a crime regardless of what I do after that point.
I have never thought that children born in the U.S. by immigrants legal or illegal should have automatic citizenship , this creates a huge problem as you can see. I do feel sorry for the kids , its always the kids that get stuck in the middle. At this point and time I say get the felons and deport them . Legal immigrants have one year to get their citizenship papers or their gone , illegal immigrants have a choice leave now and come in the right way or be deported and loose any chances of coming back.
My buddy told me that ICE response time has been no more than 15 minutes. He did tell me that none of the officers in his unit have not had any problems yet...other than a bit of paperwork. His unit was instructed to just pay attention to folks mannerisms....He told me a couple weeks back that he was waiting for this to happen.
As harsh as some think it is, legal is legal and illegal is illegal.

What must the descendants of those who came to this country legally through Ellis Island think? Since I am one, it pisses me off.
its rough for the poor little babies born here, but that just goes to show that your actions affect more people then just yourself

and it is not HARD to enter this country through the proper venue
time consuming, yes, but not hard

now, i got a feeling that if someone wanted to better themselves and actually build this country when they got here they might, its gonna take me a year to get in there? i could learn english during that time

but,thats just my mindset
seems to me that immigrants that are allowed to enter this country should WANT to contribute to our society. they should have a plan as to how to do so. NOT expect out govn't to set them up with it all?
I say screw the whole time and resource wasting thing and annex Mexico.
That would solve all that BS wouldn't it?
As harsh as some think it is, legal is legal and illegal is illegal.

What must the descendants of those who came to this country legally through Ellis Island think? Since I am one, it pisses me off.
Big believer in very little middle of the road...left is left, right is right...
its rough for the poor little babies born here, but that just goes to show that your actions affect more people then just yourself

and it is not HARD to enter this country through the proper venue
time consuming, yes, but not hard

now, i got a feeling that if someone wanted to better themselves and actually build this country when they got here they might, its gonna take me a year to get in there? i could learn english during that time

but,thats just my mindset
Yup, not all to difficult,just time consuming. Took my father in law quite some time to become a citizen, but he felt it was the right thing to do.
seems to me that immigrants that are allowed to enter this country should WANT to contribute to our society. they should have a plan as to how to do so. NOT expect out govn't to set them up with it all?
Unfortunately far to many folks are leeches. Often times they are not from a land far away. Just look at my neighbor, aka "Tentboy". Claims to be unable to work. Lives in a tent with his wife and 2, soon to be 3 kids. No utilities. Welfare/food stamps. No tags on his vehicle..."I am a free traveler". Tried to scam a 200k property from a local woman after her retired military husband passed. Last I heard his new claim is he is "Native American"....
seems to me that immigrants that are allowed to enter this country should WANT to contribute to our society. they should have a plan as to how to do so. NOT expect out govn't to set them up with it all?
around here, they want to change it to be like mexico. if mexico is so great, why did they leave ?
I say screw the whole time and resource wasting thing and annex Mexico.
That would solve all that BS wouldn't it?
We did, back in 1846, then we realized how bad it ducked. Fortunately we kept the receipt so we just took it to the customer service counter and returned it.
Typical American hypocrisy.
The Statue of liberty on one side of the country, and a border fence on the other.
I have legal immigrant friends and acquaintances from around the world. Legally. The ones I know that are here legally are some hard working nice people. But then again the fact that they waited 5+ years and did It legally gets my respect. 0 problems there. They are furious about their same people unlawfully getting here. They feel more strongly about it that even I do. They should deport every illegal no matter how nice or hard working. They have to be here legally. Plain and simple. It's a matter of respect and respecting our laws and culture. I have one "friend" that says we should be open arms to the world. That won't work ever. One must learn our culture and accept it or leave it. Better yet, don't come here if you want it to be like your culture. Stay in your culture and be happy. America isn't for everybody.
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

But we don't mean it.
Not saying we should or shouldn't, just that this is one of the things that is totally contradictory to our actions and in this day and age it should be taken down or made something useful out of, but at the very least the plaque with this written on it needs to go.
The Pledge of allegiance should be put back in schools and the Ten Commandments back in public places.
If those are offensive, move to another country.
When I was young there were immigration laws that were taught in school and the government enforced them. Over time, creeping liberalism forced our population to accept the gradual opening of our borders and tolerance for illegal immigration. Now we are in this pickle! It is hard to go backwards. I don't think we need to spend money on a useless wall that wont work and only deplete our treasure even further. I do think that Mexico should be responsible for stopping the immigration on their southern border of central Americans using Mexico as a transit route to the US. My experience is that most of the worst hombres are central American gangsters, not Mexicans who want to come here. It does bug me that the majority of them prefer Spanish to English but that is the way of the world and I have bigger things to worry about.
My $00.02 worth of opinion.
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

But we don't mean it.
Not saying we should or shouldn't, just that this is one of the things that is totally contradictory to our actions and in this day and age it should be taken down or made something useful out of, but at the very least the plaque with this written on it needs to go.
The Pledge of allegiance should be put back in schools and the Ten Commandments back in public places.
If those are offensive, move to another country.
I say we need to make it less attractive to be here illegally.. Problem nearly solved..
I have legal immigrant friends and acquaintances from around the world. Legally. The ones I know that are here legally are some hard working nice people. But then again the fact that they waited 5+ years and did It legally gets my respect. 0 problems there. They are furious about their same people unlawfully getting here. They feel more strongly about it that even I do. They should deport every illegal no matter how nice or hard working. They have to be here legally. Plain and simple. It's a matter of respect and respecting our laws and culture. I have one "friend" that says we should be open arms to the world. That won't work ever. One must learn our culture and accept it or leave it. Better yet, don't come here if you want it to be like your culture. Stay in your culture and be happy. America isn't for everybody.
You can add me to the first group
The rules are already written, just let our police and .. armed forces secure them......
We either have a border or we do not.
Do you have locks on your home? Do you have a fence around your yard? If not, do you welcome strangers coming and going at anytime that they want?
Great fences make great neighbors.
There are many reasons to have a secure border that have absolutely nothing to do with racism or xenophobia. ("Fear of people from other countries") Far too many people reach for the word RACIST to support their arguement when it absolutely does not apply. This destroys the importance of the word and makes their complaint LESS valid.
Security from terrorism is one aspect of closing a Swiss Cheese border. My opinion is that this is not the most important or dangerous part of illegal immigration.
To me, the list of negatives from illegal immigration isn't a long one.
* Illegal immigrants cause crime. Not all do, I would dare to say that not many do. Trouble is, even ONE that commits a crime is a criminal that does not belong here due to their unlawful entry in the first place. Stop the person from entering, there is ONE less criminal to deal with.
* Illegal Immigrants are a drain on the system. Again, some are hiding in the shadows and living productive lives. SOME are. Others are living 5 deep in a 2 bedroom, government funded apartment. No medical insurance means any trips to the Hospital are at the nearby E/R and the taxpayers are stuck paying the bill. If these persons were not here, there would be less money needed from OUR paychecks to fund programs that most of us do NOT use. There would be less traffic on the roads. We would need fewer Police and Firefighters, EMTs, we'd have MORE money to rebuild our roads, bridges, electrical infrastructure, etc. Fewer illegals would mean less need for MULTI language instruction in schools, simplifying the learning process.
* Illegal immigrants are instant Democrats. Okay, this isn't always true but if you went to another country to improve your life, then they showed you where to get free housing, free food, a check in the mail each month and a reminder of WHO to vote for, (Even though they are supposed to be ineligible) what are the chances that you'd support the opposition?

I used to think that the Democrats wanted the immigrants because they want the new voters while Republicans wanted them for cheap labor. While this may be true, I think this only applies to what the DEM/REP politicians want. Regular Republicans like me see a flood of unskilled immigrants as a real problem that the elite class never has to see. Politicians or big business people are not fighting every day to make a living, they are not living next to the immigrants. To them the immigrant is a "great success story" but sadly, these politicians live lives that are far detached from every day reality.
* Illegal Immigrants do the dirty jobs. Who will mow the lawns or pick the produce??? Who the hell did it before the illegals took over? Yes...the unskilled Americans already here....The Whites, Blacks, Asians and Hispanics.
* They contribute to our society. How? With culture? You mean they can't if they crossed the border through legal channels? How? Through taxes they never collect on? How about THIS. Many of them are smart enough to learn from others already here. They will file a W-2 for the highest amount of exemptions allowable so they pay very little in State or Federal taxes. They sometimes use an existing Social Security number to appease the lax Govt' requirement for employment. What happens if the SSN belongs to a US citizen? They are burdened with IRS problems to prove that they never worked on a construction site 19 states away.

I say, increase the penalties on business owners that knowingly hire illegal immigrants.
I say, eliminate the Government handouts to those that are NOT legal citizens.
Eliminate the easy access to FREE everything and the incentive to come here should drop off.
I say, increase the penalties on business owners that knowingly hire illegal immigrants.
I say, eliminate the Government handouts to those that are NOT legal citizens.
Eliminate the easy access to FREE everything and the incentive to come here should drop off.

[Lots of good points edited out for brevity]

$50,000 a head would do the trick! Whether it's ACME Construction, or a private citizen who wants some leaves raked in the yard. And make half of that fine going to pay a reward for turning that hiring person/business in. That **** would stop FAST.
The second point is kinda hard, hospitals don't turn people away anymore who can't afford to pay. When a hospital turns people away it's because they are on divert and have exceeded the Emergency Department capacity, it happens often in larger metropolitan areas. Solution is to bill the government of the person's nation of origin, perhaps with a fine/penalty for having to provide health care for THEIR citizens.
The third point, I think a better incentive would be to have their nation of origin have a good economy, minimal corruption and safe social structure. That is where our foreign aid money should be going. Some come because they can't feed their families, others because of crime and/or corruption, or they just can't get ahead...
Holy ****, the politicians should check in with some of the posts here. We could solve this problemwith regular American thinking!
ever been to mexico to see what there running here to get away from??? i have and if you can see that and kick some body for wanting a better life then you have a dark soul! all our blood lines crossed some body of water to get here...yall lightin up, some berretos drink a carona and drive our mopars!