

Mopar Al

Dec 21, 2008
Reaction score
Western Pa
Just asking, How do all you guy keep your shop clean? I have a 40X30 with 1 restored car, 1 project car, and space for cutting, grinding, welding. Total outcome is there is dust, dirt everywhere. Open to all suggestions? Thanks Al
Commercial sized air cleaner/dust collector?
Isn't that what women are for??? LOL!

If you grind/sand/wire wheel anything, it will make dust.

If possible and you have two garages, make one for storage, and another for working. Any working garage is hard to keep clean of dust and debris.
Or go through it once in a while with a leaf blower to clean out the dust... (or at least re-arrange the dust a little...)
Only suggestion I have is to stay on top of it....Don't just sweep up at the end of the day, stop whatever you are doing periodically and sweep up. At the very least it will limit the amount of junk on the floor that will just be transferred from one area to the next as you walk around.
I started doing this recently, seems to help out least for me....
Make a dirty bay, wall it in or if that isn't an option put up some tarps to enclose an area. Add an exhaust fan to pull the dust and dirt out

Good luck
I've seen guys take clear heavy gauge plastic nail it to the ceiling with furring strips{1X2} and a 1"-1 1/2" dowel rod stapled to the bottom. Roll it up and tie off with what ever when you want the area open. When you want that certain area sealed off, just drop the plastic to the floor. Works great to keep that area fairly clean. The guys usually did this for making a paint booth.


Only suggestion I have is to stay on top of it....Don't just sweep up at the end of the day, stop whatever you are doing periodically and sweep up.

Good idea, but sometimes you couldn't find the garage floor around here. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
I have a 40x 36 and it is rough with welding, woodworking, 1 dart project, a tractor, an rv and whatever maintenance on the drivers, and also this time of year a space heater 220k, and a coal stove (ash dust). I try to clean up after each project then in the spring and fall blow all of it out and pressure wash the floors. The loft is done first to blown out the dust. This year my friend thought it was on fire when I did it. I would not even think about spraying paint in it. My biggest problem is that I keep putting more things in it.
a separate place to do any work that causes dust is the answer, whether it be permanent walls or makeshift out of expexsive plastic, ( unless ya could save up enough Wallmart plastic!???)...
if ya lucky and have a concrete floor! paint it with a good porch paint or any good concrete sealer. if it had a drain in middle that would have been great!, hosing it off keeps floor clean, BUT all that dust will accumulate on all shelves, etc no doubt. LOL
well, I kinda ruined my garage for doing anything like grinding/welding so everything gets rolled outside to do that stuff. Pain in the *** yes, but I like a clean garage for assembly. I do some stuff for sure just not the dirty stuff. two garages would be the ideal set-up for sure. thx Bruce


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