Getting Evicted

DUster... I've owned 6 dodge vans over the years, all gave me good service. My 1986 van I sold to a friend with 301,000 miles on it, and he added another 150,000 to that, and sold it, Gin. Original engine, trans and rear. Biggest issue seemed to be water pumps, about even 40,000 miles or so. They were less than 50 bucks, so it wasn't a big deal every 3 years or too. Best of luck wit the 350.
Thanks Frankie, I am still awaiting the Paypal transfer and hopefully it will be here tomorrow. Then I can go get the van and really clear out this house in a hurry.
Glad Dee is home. And that you have a direction to head to. Good luck with the move. Moving sucks!
This is great news, Tom. They have made some great strides in cancer treatment. Thank the Lord that they found it and hopefully in time to treat/eradicate it. You guys are still on the top of my prayer list.
Best of luck to you. I'm sure you are in for rough times. My sympathies. Several of my family have battled cancer.
I would like to publicly acknowledge and thank those FABO members and/or businesses that pulled together to help Dustermaniac through these tough times, however, I'm not sure if anyone wanted anonymity as all we have is your real name. If so, please PM me and I will eliminate your name from the list if so (I am planning on using only the first name and last initial.)
You guys did a bang-up job and should be commended.
I would like to publicly acknowledge and thank those FABO members and/or businesses that pulled together to help Dustermaniac through these tough times, however, I'm not sure if anyone wanted anonymity as all we have is your real name. If so, please PM me and I will eliminate your name from the list if so (I am planning on using only the first name and last initial.)
You guys did a bang-up job and should be commended.

Yes they did. Thanks for all you did to bail us out of literally being on the street. You guys and gals rock!!!!!!!
Good to see your loving Bride is home. Cancer can be beat. Really feel a big part of doing so is not letting it beat you down mentally...
Good to hear Dee is home and comfortable. Van gives you lots of options. And works very well for moving contents of household. Sending prayers to Dee and your family.
so glad you have Dee home, make her rest. prayers sent for all.

everyday, I try to remember to thank the good Lord for another great day, even if its going to rain on my parade. somedays we need the rain and all the uncomfortable times it brings, because without it , life would wither away.

donating here is not totally an unselfish act, as it make us feel good to help deserving people.
Since nobody PM'd me with any objections, I would like to thank the following individuals for donating to Dustermaniac:

Andrew R.
Douglas C.
Dave A.
CB Cycles
Bill B.
Chuck L.
Mitchell L.
Frank C.
G Gordon H.
Paul B.
Sweet and Sassy Shop
John T.
Anthony S.
David W.
David T.
Maurice A.
Tracy L.
Manuel B.
Scott H.
Paul M.
Geoffrey G.
Kirk S.
Michael A.
Dave R.
Wade B.
Joe M.
George S.
Shawn I.
John A.
Timothy B.
David S.
Joel S.
Joseph D.
Timothy J.
Thomas S.

Additional donors names will be added as they come.
Thanks again, FABO family for stepping up!
That is an impressive list! when I started the fund, I knew we could get 900.00, but dang, way over that! Thanks everyone, "there but the grace of God goes we". MT

I sent $100.00 your way on PayPal. My prayers are with you and your family. God Bless.


P.S. I thought I would put this up for easy reference as the post has progressed quite a bit.
The PayPal address the donations can be sent to are [email protected]. Tom's address was sent out earlier in the posting but I don't think it is a good idea to send money through the mail now that we have a Paypal email address. I don't believe Tom is currently at that address so he may not get some donations if sent thought the mail.
It is good news that Dee is home, and hopefully resting comfortably!! Your plan is certainly what is best for your family Tom, and we are behind you all the way! Also on top of my prayer list, and will be as I know that God will do what's best for you and your family! You're right, it's in His hands, and that's a great place to be!!! Geof
A bunch of strangers open there hearts and there wallets to a Man and his family, THIS is what AMERICA stands for. Yet in other places we have neighbors trying to kill one another. This is NOT what AMERICA stands for! My wifes and my prayers go out to Tom and Dee. Hang in there brother! MT
Wow I go away and I miss so much!

Dee is home and resting fairly comfortably today. She is still weak and is having a hard time with her balance. The Sjogrens Syndrome she has had is messing up her eyesight and balance. Auto Immune diseases really are frustrating. We now await the next step in the road ahead. Hopefully it will be a successful one without pain and at the same time we can beat this cancer down.

Thanks for the continued help and the prayers. Yes the list is very impressive and I am shocked but not shocked at the volume of giving. I am shocked because of the fact that I know times are hard and not shocked because of FABO members are the most kind compassionate and giving of anyone I have ever met. And I have never met any of you. I was busy running around today getting a storage unit and then I picked up the van and went and got it registered. This is what all the donations went to. I got three pictures before the sun set tonight I will post. This van has a lot of space because the seats are gone and there is 12' from the back of the front seats to the rear door. This will make moving much easier and save costs of moving truck and when we are camping it will allow us to have extra supplies that will not fit into the RV. Thanks for blessing my family. I owe you all so much. We needed a miracle and got one.


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