GM HEI ignition module

Would I be able to get a good enough ground by using an alligator clip jumper from the module to a ground just to test it enough to see if it works?

They absolutely HAVE to have a good ground to the screw holes AND aluminum backing, as the module not only needs that ground but your coil also grounds through the module ground.
Since the aluminum eyelets are a separate piece those eyelets need to be pressed against the aluminum on the back to be sure of a good connection.

A machine screw in each eyelet with a nut on the back would insure this and your chances of it working for you are majorly increased.
Then your alligator clip ground should be fine.

Trust me, I know.:D
When testing, also twist the pickup wires and keep them short. If not, they can trigger from the HV output forming a positive-feedback self-triggering situation, like holding a microphone near a speaker.
Besides needing a good ground, the HEI module also needs a good heat sink. Make sure you smear some thermal paste between the bottom of the module and what you're attaching it to. See HEI Ignition Upgrade.
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