I dont think he's ready to date yet

thanks, i will look into those

as a Christian (believer, knower, what have you) he will not be allowed to "date" any non Christian women
(and i know, as a parent you only have so much influence here. but i will teach him what the Bible has to say about mixed marriage and the clear prohibitions against it)
I've known several families that forbid their child to be with the one they loved and the parents jump in (If it's any or their business) and put a stop to it. Is that fair? Absolutely not!!! My wife's uncle had that happen when he was young and later on in life the two of them did get together got married and lived a great life till his wife died. They could have had a whole life together if someone hadn't stuck their nose in their business.
As far as mixed marriages go once again who cares. Doesn't matter what colour of skin they have and being a so called christian you should know that.
Isn't your wife from a different country? So how come you married her?
If they are gay...so what... none of anyone's business except theirs and theirs only. Time to take your blinders off.
I know of course you're going to disagree but I don't care. I'm not prejudice and you shouldn't be either calling yourself a christian.
32 years tomorrow. She's my best buddy, my fishing pal and she loves classic cars. She even very enthusiastically helped me to complete my classic car collection! Not too long ago we sat down and I told her what I wanted to get and she very enthusiastically informed me that we are getting no more cars!! So my collection is complete!!! (I tell this everywhere. She's a good enough sport to put up with it)
Amen!! My bride of 36-1/2 years is also supportive of my car hobby (addiction). She is fine with all the parts that show up at the door and is more than willing to go look for stuff at swap meets and junkyards with me. Couple of things....
1. She was broken in right - her first date in a car was in my 69 Charger
2. She loves the sound of an engine with too much cam!!
I am blessed!!!! :thumbsup::thumbsup:
I've known several families that forbid their child to be with the one they loved and the parents jump in (If it's any or their business) and put a stop to it. Is that fair? Absolutely not!!! My wife's uncle had that happen when he was young and later on in life the two of them did get together got married and lived a great life till his wife died. They could have had a whole life together if someone hadn't stuck their nose in their business.
As far as mixed marriages go once again who cares. Doesn't matter what colour of skin they have and being a so called christian you should know that.
Isn't your wife from a different country? So how come you married her?
If they are gay...so what... none of anyone's business except theirs and theirs only. Time to take your blinders off.
I know of course you're going to disagree but I don't care. I'm not prejudice and you shouldn't be either calling yourself a christian.

i was wondering if you were going to tell me why you hit the red X on that

you misunderstood what i meant with "mixed marriages"
i was specifically talking about a marriage where one person is a Christian and the other one is not
the Bible forbids those unions

i dont mind people marrying out of their ethnicity and you are right, my wife and i are both from different countries and different colors

(edit, come to think of it, remember how this conversation started? i suggested he looked at girls outside his ethnicity)

there is nothing in the Bible that forbids that (of course, there is in the old testament, but that only had reference to Jews, and for the same reason...it would lead to idolatry)

as for gays (since you brought it up) it is a sin and two men (or two women) can not get married
i could go into the depths of how marriage is a picture of Christ and the Church and how serious God takes it when people ruin a picture of Christ (Moses smiting the rock a second time comes to mind)

soooo. back on topic
a person who claims to be a Christian, is biblically forbidden to marry someone who does not claim to be a Christian

since im raising my children as Christians (and all but the youngest profess to be) we will be holding them to that command
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I've known several families that forbid their child to be with the one they loved and the parents jump in (If it's any or their business) and put a stop to it. Is that fair? Absolutely not!!! My wife's uncle had that happen when he was young and later on in life the two of them did get together got married and lived a great life till his wife died. They could have had a whole life together if someone hadn't stuck their nose in their business.
As far as mixed marriages go once again who cares. Doesn't matter what colour of skin they have and being a so called christian you should know that.
Isn't your wife from a different country? So how come you married her?
If they are gay...so what... none of anyone's business except theirs and theirs only. Time to take your blinders off.
I know of course you're going to disagree but I don't care. I'm not prejudice and you shouldn't be either calling yourself a christian.
i was wondering if you were going to tell me why you hit the red X on that

you misunderstood what i meant with "mixed marriages"
i was specifically talking about a marriage where one person is a Christian and the other one is not
the Bible forbids those unions

i dont mind people marrying out of their ethnicity and you are right, my wife and i are both from different countries and different colors

(edit, come to think of it, remember how this conversation started? i suggested he looked at girls outside his ethnicity)

there is nothing in the Bible that forbids that (of course, there is in the old testament, but that only had reference to Jews, and for the same reason...it would lead to idolatry)

as for gays (since you brought it up) it is a sin and two men (or two women) can not get married
i could go into the depths of how marriage is a picture of Christ and the Church and how serious God takes it when people ruin a picture of Christ (Moses smiting the rock a second time comes to mind)

soooo. back on topic
a person who claims to be a Christian, is biblically forbidden to marry someone who does not claim to be a Christian

since im raising my children as Christians (and all but the youngest profess to be) we will be holding them to that command
Your bible is so outdated and according to it I think god is supposed to love everyone. Sure, as long as your straight and believe in him. What a hypocrite!!
A lot of sheep out there!!
As much as one may like to choose what their offspring will do.

Sometimes it just doesn't happen.

It's called being an individual.

You can "educate" and forbid/allow all you want, but you cannot force.

I used to belly laugh at all the people I overheard in my younger days saying things like - "my baby is going to college",. or, that they would be a certain profession.

You can't force any of that any more than you can force them to date or marry a person of your choosing.

Trying to force the issue will likely lead to a very toxic environment for most all concerned and possibly permanently separate your family.
As much as one may like to choose what their offspring will do.

Sometimes it just doesn't happen.

It's called being an individual.

You can "educate" and forbid/allow all you want, but you cannot force.

I used to belly laugh at all the people I overheard in my younger days saying things like - "my baby is going to college",. or, that they would be a certain profession.

You can't force any of that any more than you can force them to date or marry a person of your choosing.

Trying to force the issue will likely lead to a very toxic environment for most all concerned and possibly permanently separate your family.
Couldn't agree more!!! Well said and thanks
As much as one may like to choose what their offspring will do.

Sometimes it just doesn't happen.

It's called being an individual.

You can "educate" and forbid/allow all you want, but you cannot force.

I used to belly laugh at all the people I overheard in my younger days saying things like - "my baby is going to college",. or, that they would be a certain profession.

You can't force any of that any more than you can force them to date or marry a person of your choosing.

Trying to force the issue will likely lead to a very toxic environment for most all concerned and possibly permanently separate your family.
Again, what he said
Your bible is so outdated and according to it I think god is supposed to love everyone. Sure, as long as your straight and believe in him. What a hypocrite!!
A lot of sheep out there!!
God does love everyone
that is why He send His Son to die for our sins

that is God's mercy
on the other hand, is God justice which requires Him to be angry with the wicked every day

the only thing that shields a person from that wrath (now or in the world to come) is our acceptance of God's mercy in the Person of Jesus Christ

i think the bigger issue in this conversation if the difference between love and license
you got kids right?

when they were young did you love them enough to let them make the decision to play in the highway?
or were you one of those mean parent who put a fence around them and only let them play in the backyard?

acting gay is the same thing, you can claim to love them enough to make their own decisions but if those decisions are wrong and going to hurt them you are not loving them at all
As much as one may like to choose what their offspring will do.

Sometimes it just doesn't happen.

It's called being an individual.
Except when someone chooses to be single then they get told their life is a waste.
There is a point in life when an individual begins to make decisions for their self.

(The state often says this is at age 18 or 21, but in reality it is much earlier than this)

It is statistically doubtful that they will make 100% of those decisions the same way as you would.

Choosing a mate is a lot different than a small child choosing to play in the street.
32 years tomorrow. She's my best buddy, my fishing pal and she loves classic cars. She even very enthusiastically helped me to complete my classic car collection! Not too long ago we sat down and I told her what I wanted to get and she very enthusiastically informed me that we are getting no more cars!! So my collection is complete!!! (I tell this everywhere. She's a good enough sport to put up with it)

Amen!! My bride of 36-1/2 years is also supportive of my car hobby (addiction). She is fine with all the parts that show up at the door and is more than willing to go look for stuff at swap meets and junkyards with me. Couple of things....
1. She was broken in right - her first date in a car was in my 69 Charger
2. She loves the sound of an engine with too much cam!!
I am blessed!!!! :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Sounds like myself w/my wife. Been married since ‘89.

Young men need to be taught what to look for and think years and decades down the line. Something youth in general can not do. I’m 33 years married and I would do it again with her.
Sounds like myself w/my wife. Been married since ‘89.

Young men need to be taught what to look for and think years and decades down the line. Something youth in general can not do. I’m 33 years married and I would do it again with her.
Know where your coming from 1990 for my wife and I. Went around for 2 1/2 years before we decided. Was 31 when we got married. Had enough time to get **** figured out to know what I wanted. She was 27 so she also knew what she wanted. It’s been a fun ride, wouldn’t change it for anything.
There is a point in life when an individual begins to make decisions for their self.

(The state often says this is at age 18 or 21, but in reality it is much earlier than this)

It is statistically doubtful that they will make 100% of those decisions the same way as you would.

Choosing a mate is a lot different than a small child choosing to play in the street.

Nah I disagree. Doing your thinking with the little head is just as dangerous as playing in the street.
He's just smart. No matter how handsome the opposite sex is.... stay on target and treat yourself right and stay single. A life of ease, not having to share your stuff, having extra spending money, no one there to hen peck your life to death.

Hopefully he stays smart and doesn't let a little needy but beautiful creature sway him.
Wise words to live by. When you’re young. I followed this mantra until I found one that completed me. Seems people make extremely important life decisions way too young and it effects the rest of their lives. Too all those happily married for many many years, congratulations, I applaud you, but you are the exception to the now all too common rule.
Wise words to live by. When you’re young. I followed this mantra until I found one that completed me. Seems people make extremely important life decisions way too young and it effects the rest of their lives. Too all those happily married for many many years, congratulations, I applaud you, but you are the exception to the now all too common rule.

End welfare, and alimony and the Duluth model and this **** will stop right quick.

All a woman has to do is to say, "I'm not happy," get a lawyer and she gets all kinds of cash and prizes. Young men are seeing this, have seen it destroy their dads, uncles, grandfathers and say no thanks. Marriage rates are way down just look at how many jewelry stores and bridal shops have closed up in the last decade.

Women may be the gatekeepers to sex and children, the other side of the coin is that men are the gatekeepers to marriage.
I don’t know where you are from, but in CT, under seven years, you just walk away
My oldest is living with his girlfriend, he came to me and say dad I want to buy this house. I said let your mother buy it for you and leave it in her name that way you won’t lose the house if she decides to leave. So it was done
Except when someone chooses to be single then they get told their life is a waste.

Funny how society puts so much emphasis on marriage . My girlfriend has never been married and feels horrible about it . That and having kids ... I love my kids but would have been ok without children ( actually I have 1 of my own and 2 step kids but never differentiate ) . I know lots of people that have never been married and are super happy .
My oldest is living with his girlfriend, he came to me and say dad I want to buy this house. I said let your mother buy it for you and leave it in her name that way you won’t lose the house if she decides to leave. So it was done
Smart advice. Love is grand.. divorce is 100 grand at least
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i was wondering if you were going to tell me why you hit the red X on that

you misunderstood what i meant with "mixed marriages"
i was specifically talking about a marriage where one person is a Christian and the other one is not
the Bible forbids those unions

i dont mind people marrying out of their ethnicity and you are right, my wife and i are both from different countries and different colors

(edit, come to think of it, remember how this conversation started? i suggested he looked at girls outside his ethnicity)

there is nothing in the Bible that forbids that (of course, there is in the old testament, but that only had reference to Jews, and for the same reason...it would lead to idolatry)

as for gays (since you brought it up) it is a sin and two men (or two women) can not get married
i could go into the depths of how marriage is a picture of Christ and the Church and how serious God takes it when people ruin a picture of Christ (Moses smiting the rock a second time comes to mind)

soooo. back on topic
a person who claims to be a Christian, is biblically forbidden to marry someone who does not claim to be a Christian

since im raising my children as Christians (and all but the youngest profess to be) we will be holding them to that command
You see how outdated and wrong you are. The Pope is even ok with gay marriage now. Your bible is nothing but fictional mumbo jumbo. As as jesus calls you his flock and rightly so because you're all a bunch of sheep
You see how outdated and wrong you are. The Pope is even ok with gay marriage now. Your bible is nothing but fictional mumbo jumbo. As as jesus calls you his flock and rightly so because you're all a bunch of sheep
what in the world does the pope have to do with Christianity?

i will boldly state that anyone who is ok with sodomy does not know his bible

and that is nothing new either, the Bible tells us about a man named Asa whose heart was perfect with God and you know what he did?

he removed all the sodomites from the land

(like the destruction of sodom and gmorrah didnt tell tell you all you needed to know about how God feels about sodomites)