I'm Done with FABO

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hey man if i was you id wait a bit...its a great site with lots of great info...ive noticed less activity on here (or maybe thats just me) because i think everyone is out workin on their cars or enjoying them...sometimes questions have been answered already, so use the search function first as you may find something...if not, just try to bump your post up i guess? i cant see why you would get upset, i dont think anyone is intentionally not answering your posts...try bumping them up i guess? not sure what to tell ya except that FABO really is a great site and if you dont stick around your losing out on a lot of really good info
Also, where are you making your posts, I've found that if I post in General Mopar Discussion I get a lot more views/responses, and I'm not even a gold member!
Hate to see you leave. Sometime its takes days for the right person to read your post who knows the answer. Just keep on BUMPIN.
Membership has absolutley nothing to do with responces.
You can go hunt a better, more polite forum.
I can tell you what you will find.. When you ask a question like
"vacuum hose routing ?" ,
a dozen people will respond,
"Buy a service manual !"
Sorry but you wont get that here. If I can't say something nice I wont say anything at all. Good luck :)
Vacuum systems help is the thread he is needing help with.
And yes! There are a lot of tec's racing or getting ready to race, good weather does that.
I am not much of a tec, But I will go back and look at your posts and see what up 68DartProject.
I've saved myself SO MUCH trouble by learning from other people on FABO, this is really an asset that nobody should pass up. I've found when your in a bind FABO is there, sometimes it's hit or miss, but when it's hit, it's well worth it!
Sometimes life just gets in the way of some of us getting on here everyday. Probably just that the people that viewed the threads didnt have the answers for you. Sometimes it takes a day or 2,especially on the weekends when the weather is nice, for someone to read a post and be able to give some advice. Im not a gold member either so dont take it personally because I guarantee thats NOT the reason you couldnt get the help you needed as fast as you wanted. Id say hang in there and in time most things get resolved. Good luck!
hey just wanted to say im kind of new here myself and i have had good responce to anything i have asked about (OH YES IM NOT A GOLD MEEMBER) I WOULDN'T LEAVE THIS SITE SO SOON i didn't see any of what you were asking but please feel free to get in touch with me if i can help i'd like nothing better [email protected] if you would like to talk on the phone just send me and e-mail ask for my number
Most here are not gold members and being a gold member has nothing to do with how you are treated. When you post make sure it is in the right section and you give the post a meaningful title. I scan the titles and if it is something I know about I open it up and read. If the title does not make sense to me I move on to the next thread.
I guess just got so much to do with moving to new house and cars to finish so i can move them. And son needed a ride to school this week. Just alot of stuff. Anyway will think things over.
Thanks For Kind Comments
Just so everyone knows I have been on here for just a short time and I have meet some nice people so this doesn't go to ya'll.
I have now posted several post and almost everyone of them except just a few I get any kind of response. I guess this is because I am NOT a gold member. Well oh well I have two teenagers and one is driving and I needed some kind of quick answers to get him back on road. And dont have the extra money to buy a membership. There were 37 views but nothing on my last post and nothing. I know this isn't an instant message post but I see post everyday that get answered in 10 min or less. Have a good one FABO I'm done.



Sorry to read this. But I'd like you to take a min. and read up on my 2 cents that I think is important about this site and your lack of responses.

You need NOT be a GOLD member for better response or response time in anyway shape or form.

Gold members are given that title for there small dontaion to the site for it's operating expenses and are given a small (Very small) section not seen by others because they contain much more risky sub board that we here think should not be for the public eyes due to risky photo's and topics that we the board members/owners and operaters think CHILDREN should not be able to see by a simple point and click.

This site, not being an instant message like site is veiwed by many looking for answers and few giving answers or ideas for the issue at hand.
(As for myself, I answer what I can in my limited knowledge while having a chore of a MOD and it's duties which is alot more than I thought it would be.)

Sometimes a question is a seldom seen problem and may take some time to answer. Often is the case with my questions. I normally get a low response due to it's odd nature or it's in depth/deep nature of the question.

Hang in there. Some questions are easy to answer, some require wiring schmatics (SP!) or a mechanic that has been there and done that. And theres not exactly alot of ex Chrysler/garage mechanics hanging around this board doing nothing but cruiseing around looking to answer questions in there retirement/off time.

Remember, this board is an easy way out of hard work and detective work via opening up books or simple trial and error of blindly seraching for the answer yourself. This is the way I learned much of how these things work. Often stranded on the road far from home.

Just hang in there and relax some. Those that can help will help. That is what the board is all about and how we act here.
we all have post's that go unanswered,if people don't have the answers or don't see the post,no big deal,I'm a gold member,some one here at f.a.b.o. did that annonymously(thanky thanky)but any way i wouldn't be goin nowhere If I was you,you won't find a better place.
...............We r here 2 help every1 we can, I, myself know quit a bit, but not everything..........whitch is y some threads r answered promptly, and some r not...................kim...................
I understand that life can get hectic some times and i looked at your threads and it seems you got some help on a few things here, I keep looking at the Vacuum Line threads to see what problem you are having but all I see is this.

This could stop a reply quickly , lets start all over bud.
I/m not a gold member, I will be someday when I grow up.......did you ever try the search at the top of the page......I check that before I ever post anything....The answers are in there you may have to search for it......All these guys and gals on here are great ....please do not leave........
Just so everyone knows I have been on here for just a short time and I have meet some nice people so this doesn't go to ya'll.
I have now posted several post and almost everyone of them except just a few I get any kind of response. I guess this is because I am NOT a gold member. Well oh well I have two teenagers and one is driving and I needed some kind of quick answers to get him back on road. And dont have the extra money to buy a membership. There were 37 views but nothing on my last post and nothing. I know this isn't an instant message post but I see post everyday that get answered in 10 min or less. Have a good one FABO I'm done.


bye then, dont let the door hit ya on the way out...stuff like that just happens sometimes. Ive posted before and after a week only got 2 replies..sometimes people dont know and sometimes they just dont care(about the posts topic) and just skip over it without even reading it. sometimes its just because the server is just not "busy"(not a lot of activity). But normally stuff gets answered but it takes a while..im assuming people just do not spend most of their time on FABO waiting to answer questions instantly after they were asked.

I mean a exact for example is..I looked at some of your posts and saw the vacuum lines one..since I know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about then except if you have a leak the car can run bad..thats a topic I

1) cant answer
2) know nothing about
3)would normally just skip over and not bother to read since I know nothing on the subject
4) when I think I have one I get someone that actually knows what they are doing/how to fix it to look at it I figure thats why god invented mechanics..they know that kind of stuff :)

oh im not a gold member either..ive long been debating selling the 340 Dart Sport because im just not as "into" it(the whole scene in general) as I used to be..I guess most of that rests in the FACT that now that I have kids IF something goes wrong on the car and it needs any "serious" work..I just dont have the $$ to fix it and that kinda limits my enjoyment of it.
Hi 68DartProject. I havn't been on here very long. I had the same problem when I started posting. No one seemed to want to answer any of my questions. This was the first forum I ever used and I did not use the welcome forum like I should have. I didn't know to use it. I think looking back at some of my questions, probably no one did have an answer for me. But I searched the forum and found some of the answers myself. Now I find that some of the questions that I ask are geting answered more frequently with very good suggestions I might add. I guess no one person has the answers for every thing. What I have seen on here are a group of people that are very passionate about this hobby and also the people that are in this hobby. The info here is great and so are the people. Give it some time as I did and I think you will be glad you did. I know I am. If you don't won't to post just use the awsome info that these good people have accumulated. Good luck.
We all have unanswered posts, it`s just the nature of things. Try posting at peak hours, perhaps after dinner to around 9pm. You`ll probably get more hits that way.
I can tell you that I just joined this site. I was on Moparts for a hear or so and
can tell you that you might not get as many immediate answers on here,
however they will be better answers, more accurate and by far less rude.

My theory is when you look at posts you will get an idea of who is really good
at what. I tend to PM people with questions as I know they will get a flag
and almost always respond. This time of year we are all busy wrenching and
busting up knuckles. Give it some time, and if you need a quick answer
PM people.
i have been in the situation many times where it may be the question asked..Some are difficult and require a response from someone with a specific area of expertise...and like yourself..at times..I too have been frustrated at the lack of response..however many time I do get an answer..It just takes a little time...and patience..but the folks here are a good group..and from what I see eager to help fellow members out..being a mopar guy in itself puts you in a different category..so to have others who share the same interests ..and brand loyalty....priceless..just my 2 cents...stay around...it will be worth it...
I think it is ironic that "this" post gets such quick and copius feedback.

I realize you wanted/needed help quickly, but if you had posted "Am I doing something wrong here? Why no replies or help?!" and investigated what might be the matter you would have probably found that people are just busy but still willing to be helpful. Assuming that there is some dark conspiracy regarding membership and taking things personal didn't even give anyone a chance to explain (as many have tried to do anyway). Then getting mad and leaving with such a public and visible sendoff leaves you nowhere to go.

The help people give on here is "free" and memberships are obviously not required, but no one is required to answer any post either. Unless you are the type of forum user that thinks others owe you free, quick, and accurate help... I doubt the lack of replies is personal, just the luck of the draw during the busiest and most exciting time in a car junkies calendar... getting ready for race/cruise/show season.

I hope you find the help you need. :-?
You know, I've looked all over the place and can't even find a link to
a gold membership sign up or what it costs....
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