I've been a 3+ pack a day smoker for 35+ years. Haven't had a smoke for 45 hours.



Idiot In Training
Jun 28, 2018
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And trying to quit for good.

Hardest thing I've ever done.

Hour at a time. Every hour is a win.

I can't really tell the kid to make sacrifices with his life without making my own that he can relate to, so here I am.

Drinking beer is another thing.. but crap, I need something, lol.
Keep going! You can do it, time and perseverance will get you where you want to be.

Tried to quit lots of times. But never worked until I was finally ready. I took all the cigarettes I had crushed them (think I might have done a dance on them) and threw them in the trash. Never smoked again, never looked back. I was done. My point is until you are sure and truly ready it won't work. Make the choice and you can be done with it. Keep up the good work and if you are saving some cigs just in case, get rid of them!
Tried to quit lots of times. But never worked until I was finally ready. I took all the cigarettes I had crushed them (think I might have done a dance on them) and threw them in the trash. Never smoked again, never looked back. I was done. My point is until you are sure and truly ready it won't work. Make the choice and you can be done with it. Keep up the good work and if you are saving some cigs just in case, get rid of them!
When this whole covid stuff started, I started cutting back. About a month ago, I got some patches..cut back to about a pack and a half.. been plateaued since then. Yesterday morning I said to myself.. 'see if you can make an hour.' I did so I said 'see if you can make another hour'. Pretty soon it's 8 hours... This AM was a *****.. usually up at 5 AM smoking 2 or 3 by 5:20 with my coffee. Still have smokes sitting next to the front porch with my lighter sitting next to it.. left it there.. I'm stronger than those ******* things... I hope.

Keep going for it! There will be more withdrawal fights. Been there done that. It sucks big time but in the end, you can reclaim the title
what worked for me was not being around people that smoke

I'd travel a bit when I was younger, and I'd go weeks without a smoke
then id come back, my sister smoked, my friends smoked, and within a day or two I'd smoke again as well

must done that a dozen times

finally moved away, got some not smoking friends and been smoke free ever since

Keep going for it! There will be more withdrawal fights. Been there done that. It sucks big time but in the end, you can reclaim the title
Thanks for the encouragement, guy. I'm trying, and that helps.
what worked for me was not being around people that smoke

I'd travel a bit when I was younger, and I'd go weeks without a smoke
then id come back, my sister smoked, my friends smoked, and within a day or two I'd smoke again as well

must done that a dozen times

finally moved away, got some not smoking friends and been smoke free ever since
The wife smokes, but at most half a pack a day. She'll quit if I do, I have no doubt. I'm the reason she does, lol.
Thanks for the input. It helps to have that from a forum that I can relate to. :)
Just buckle down and get mean in your head!
On yourself, against the smokes, whatever it takes, keep it up! 45+ hours? Your on a roll and keep that ball rolling! YOU - CAN - DO - IT!

I kept saying to myself, “Oh no! I’M BOSS, I’M BOSS!” No matter how bad it got, during the withdrawals, I yelled at the reactions the body was going through like someone or something was doing it’s darndest to make me collapse and give up quitting.

I said no way.... “I’M BOSS!!!”
three packs a day man you don't mess around LOL, all kidding aside hang in there man the greater the battle the greater the victory! My wife use Chantix it was amazing and I highly recommend it best of luck to you.
oh, and just a heads up...don't fall for the "you'll save so much money" line

it will disappear some where else
oh, and just a heads up...don't fall for the "you'll save so much money" line

it will disappear some where else
did you do the math?? of course he will be saving money!!

I don't know how anyone could smoke 20.00 worth of cigarettes a day and still be alive to tell about it, let alone afford it. you will DEFINITELY be saving a ton of money, and your life.
Congratulations it’s hard to do that’s like me giving up coffee.
I smoked for 38 years. Quit January 2013. After I wound up in hospital with double pneumonia. I’ve had two cigars in all these years since. Toughest thing I ever had to do. Hang in there.
I'm cigarette free but not nicotine free...I've substituted(partially) with something else lol. It's legal here now...
Used to be pack and a half a day. Smokes now are $16/pack!! I've quit several times before. Tell yourself your DONE. Part of the mental exercise. As of right now(and forever) an EX smoker. No drags nada. Fair bit of mental toughness involved.
Good luck and you got this. Remember what you said about the young lad.
Go, GO, GO !!! You can do this - just keep in mind how much you will save ($$$) to use on your car projects!
Ron , quitting nicotine is the hardest thing I've ever done in my whole life. At one point I was smoking, chewing and on the patch trying to quit. The patch didn't do anything for me so that was the first to go. Then cigs . I chewed for another 20 years or so. . I'd quit for awhile and start back up.
Then the vapor deal most recently. That was a pita, with keeping all the BS charged up and working. Finally just quit it all for good. You can do it. But one smoke and it's all like you never quit.
I always treated any vise I was interested in like an enemy when I wanted to quit. Make it your enemy, if you walk into a room and someone is in there you don’t like, just turn around and walk out. When I thought of stuff that way, I immediately didn’t want any part of it. I quit everything like that, cold turkey. Never really had the desire to start up again as long as I thought that way. After awhile, I just forgot about it all together.
Went in the house for a few minutes, and came back to all these words of encouragement.. thank you all!
Good job man!!!!!! Keep fighting! Think about your loved ones, your dog, anything. My Mom, my Grandfather both died from Emphysema, sad to see them suffer. You can do it! Praying for you friend!
did you do the math?? of course he will be saving money!!

I don't know how anyone could smoke 20.00 worth of cigarettes a day and still be alive to tell about it, let alone afford it. you will DEFINITELY be saving a ton of money, and your life.
For the last 6 years or so I've been rolling my own with pipe tobacco. Cost is about $1.20 a pack, as they don't tax pipe or cigar tobacco like they do cig tobacco.. congressmen want their cigars and pipes cheap. So, about $3.00 a day.. it's still $90 a month though.
It's really weird. It's like I can feel my lungs in my chest, belly, and back.

And they are all screaming for a hit.. just one.

**** that. Gonna crank out Counting Crows 'Mr Jones', breathe, and **** that ****.
For the last 6 years or so I've been rolling my own with pipe tobacco. Cost is about $1.20 a pack, as they don't tax pipe or cigar tobacco like they do cig tobacco.. congressmen want their cigars and pipes cheap. So, about $3.00 a day.. it's still $90 a month though.
Stay focused on the real reason you are doing it...and it’s not the money.

Kinda like me losing weight, trying to be a better me...not to save money on the food bill.

Focus on the goal, not the false motivations, rocks in the path or stumbles along the way. Just keep moving forward.

You can do it!
Stay focused on the real reason you are doing it...and it’s not the money.

Kinda like me losing weight, trying to be a better me...not to save money on the food bill.

Focus on the goal, not the false motivations, rocks in the path or stumbles along the way. Just keep moving forward.

You can do it!
Thanks man.