Lost a good friend



Tyr Fryr's Inc.
Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score
Central, IL (Hooterville)
I don't know all the details except that a good friend and long time gearhead (75 yrs old) died last night as the result of someone speeding (cops estimate 75-80 mph at time of impact, 55 mph zone) and not paying any attention (no evidence they even hit the brakes before impact) hit my long time car buddy Paul Jensen in the rear end of his 67 Ford Galaxie 500 so hard it pushed him off the road into a tree and the tree was pushed in the car nearly 2 feet. That was 5 weeks ago. Paul hung on for 5 grueling weeks until last night but his small frame couldn't fight any more. He was a man of high moral character and would help anyone in need in any way he could. For over 20 yrs. he patiently worked on building a 47 Ford like the one he had when he was young and just finished it for this years cruise season and only got to enjoy the toils of his labor for a couple months before someone ended his life. I'm certain he's looking down on us and not in pain anymore but it sure hurts here
That is horrible I'm sorry for your loss and my condolences to his friends and family.
I wished people would be more careful on the road. This didn't have to happen. I'm so sorry about your friend Fishy. Prayers to you and his family!
Another sad, sad incident. We are all at risk, can't ever go out on the highway anymore without seeing some nut driving crazy. Seems to be the "safer" the new vehicles are built, the more people drive irresponsibly.
Our condolences from up here Tracy.
Sounds like he made a positive difference in people's lives.
Prayers and positive thoughts to all affected.
Sorry to hear of this Tracy.
He is in a better place now.
Just keep remembering him and the happy times.
My condolences, he sounds like a good man. It really makes me angry when I hear about a idiot driver taking an innocent life. Sad thing is it could happen to any of us.
Tracy I sure am sorry. You have our condolences.
Tracy, sorry to hear you lost a very good friend, prayers for his family and you.
Tracy.....very sorry for the loss of a good friend. Such a senseless act of carelessness on the other drivers part! Prayers for his family and friends.