Lost my wife and best friend Carolynn (Lynn)

Darryl, I am so sorry for your loss. Our condolences and prayers. I have been off line for the last few days so I hadn't seen your post. God Bless You.
So sorry for your loss, we are all here for your support, and you are in my thoughts and prayers. May she rest in peace.
Sorry to hear Darryl, My prayers and condolences sent.
My wife and best friend passed away in her sleep.
My world has turned upside down. I am shaking and crying
as I am typing this. Family and friends are holding me together.
She was 46 years old and I am 48 and been together since
high school.
Lynn loved gardening, camping , the house and her Barracuda
that we have been working on for 6 years now.

I miss her so much! I promise to take care of her garden and her
cat (LOUIE) We lost her dog (Ryly) last year and she was devastated.
We are having the funeral on Oct 3rd. I am trying to write a speech
but is very hard to do as my emotions are killing me.

I feel the pain for Robert (ramenth) for his wife Sarah.

I talk to Steve (4spdragtop) on the phone the other day.
THANK YOU Steve for the kind heart that you have and the link
as I read all the responds and my Heart melted.
Thank you to all the FABO members , as there are many kind
people here.

Please everyone give your loved ones a huge hug as thing can change
in a split second.
Im sorry im late i will try to read the whole thread when my computer will let me . If you need some one to talk to pm me for the number . you take care bud . God bless you in this hard time
We all were at the funeral yesterday to put my beautiful wife to
rest. I totally broke down at the internment.
I put her dog Ryly with her in a gift bag (box inside with Rylys ashes)
I then got the shovel and started to bury her,I was crying the whole
Then my good friend Paul helped then my father inlaw (Lynns dad).
Now there was silence, so I walk over to Lynn's dad and ask him to
say a prayer.
We then went to the gathering. There were about 60 people there,
friends and family.
I read my speech at the end and did not brake down.Things went very
I want to thank Steve (4spragtop) and Scott (Mrmopartech) for the
long talks on the phone (thanks for putting up with me).
And to thank FABO members that posted here and the pms.
I have read this thread hundreds of times.
When I got home I had a whole living room full of flowers that we
brought back.
I then seen that FABO sent flowers and my hair stood up,THANK YOU
FABO! This raises my spirit that friends family and Fabo are helping me
big time!
I will fight foward and keep on track.
Am posting these pictures because there is a connection to Carolynn
and friends at Fabo This was Lynns car and register to her name.
I miss her so much.
Thank you everyone!


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Darryl, Brother, may I say that I hope you find peace.

Speaking from recent experience I can say that my days have been all over the place. I've sat and cried for many hours and sat and laughed in sharing stories. My spirit has been troubled, my soul at an unrest, and now, I write this in a form of peace.

That's today.

Tomorrow may bring something different.

You're entitled to have your bad days, brother, don't be afraid to have them. You're also entitled to have your good days. Don't feel guilty when you do.

I know your pain. I know that empty spot you're feeling, the sadness you and I both know we'll carry forever. And it's okay.

I'm glad you've got someone to whom to talk. They are a God-send. Bless them for listening.

God Bless, Darryl. I'm with you in prayer and spirit.
God Bless you Robert
We are having thanks giving dinner on Sunday (Canada) at my father inlaw
and will pray for you.
Darryl, Brother, may I say that I hope you find peace.

Speaking from recent experience I can say that my days have been all over the place. I've sat and cried for many hours and sat and laughed in sharing stories. My spirit has been troubled, my soul at an unrest, and now, I write this in a form of peace.

That's today.

Tomorrow may bring something different.

You're entitled to have your bad days, brother, don't be afraid to have them. You're also entitled to have your good days. Don't feel guilty when you do.

I know your pain. I know that empty spot you're feeling, the sadness you and I both know we'll carry forever. And it's okay.

I'm glad you've got someone to whom to talk. They are a God-send. Bless them for listening.

God Bless, Darryl. I'm with you in prayer and spirit.

God Bless you Robert
We are having thanks giving dinner on Sunday (Canada) at my father inlaw
and will pray for you.

God bless both of you.. you will both be in my thoughts and prayers.. As many others have said, I cant imagine painful this time is for either of you.. Stay strong, we are all here for you..
Just got off the phone with ya bud, and am glad to hear that everything went as well as can be expected. Trust me I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know you, so I dont consider this "putting up with you". Beautiful pic with Lynns Cuda and the flowers. Talk soon bud.
We all were at the funeral yesterday to put my beautiful wife to
rest. I totally broke down at the internment.
I put her dog Ryly with her in a gift bag (box inside with Rylys ashes)
I then got the shovel and started to bury her,I was crying the whole
Then my good friend Paul helped then my father inlaw (Lynns dad).
Now there was silence, so I walk over to Lynn's dad and ask him to
say a prayer.
We then went to the gathering. There were about 60 people there,
friends and family.
I read my speech at the end and did not brake down.Things went very
I want to thank Steve (4spragtop) and Scott (Mrmopartech) for the
long talks on the phone (thanks for putting up with me).
And to thank FABO members that posted here and the pms.
I have read this thread hundreds of times.
When I got home I had a whole living room full of flowers that we
brought back.
I then seen that FABO sent flowers and my hair stood up,THANK YOU
FABO! This raises my spirit that friends family and Fabo are helping me
big time!
I will fight foward and keep on track.
Am posting these pictures because there is a connection to Carolynn
and friends at Fabo This was Lynns car and register to her name.
I miss her so much.
Thank you everyone!

We are here for you, prayers have been said for you daily and they will continue.
Glad all went as well as it could.

Hang in there and keep fighting...

Still praying for you...

Ma Snart
OMG! I'm so sorry to read this! Please accept my condolences, and prayers for you and your loved ones.
I hope your doing OK Darryl. I tried to call you back but could never get through. Just kept getting a recording saying you were busy.
It's a tough time for you right now. But with God's help and His great love, you will heal. I know from personal experience.

In Romans chapter 5, the Apostle Paul wrote that we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings because suffering produces perseverance, perseverance character, and character hope. And hope does not disappoint us because God pours out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.

This passage does not suggest that we rejoice because of the event in our lives that is causing us pain. It simply reassures us that God is with us, guiding us through painful times in our lives.