Maxi is in the Hospital......

there is no setting a "vestigal" bone.. So say the vets. JR's gal has a serious clue. The big problem was her "heel" bone on a human, seperating from her distal.

She was a beer barreled dog who loved frisebee. Now, if I'm lucky.....Is a crazy ***** who defends me against all the other crazy women,.....LOL!
quote: No.... The Distal is considered a vestigal bone in a dog. The prognosis was "Left Tarsal Luxsation/Distal Tibial Fracture.

Sorry Joe I don't understand, does this mean they can't set the bone ends back together?
dang joe....this sucks....having a Rum and Coke for you and hoping the best. Aloha!
Sorry to hear about Maxi Joe. I sure hope everything turns out well.

I am going to have to start being careful with my dogs. We play and wrestle really, really hard. Duster rolled over and fell off the master bed yesterday morning and hit the floor, back first, pretty hard.
It was carpet and he was back up and trying to chew on me a split second later, but I now realize they are not indestructable and it was a 3 foot drop for a 75lb dog and he landed on his side and back.
If it were hardwood..............

I am glad he is a pup still and it turned out Ok, but I got lucky.
I have to figure out how to get the most rough housing in with the least amount of risk. We really, really, really like to play.

Don't beat yourself up too bad buddy. Unfortunately accidents happen. It will all work out according to plan.

Give me a holler if you still have my number.
Prayers and Positive thoughts for your entire "family" Joe. My dog has always been there for me! I wish I could say the same thing for my ex!
OK... I can spell again:

1. Whoo Hoo! I took her for a little walk (clompa, clompa, clompa) and she peed!

2. She still won't eat yet but is going downtown on her bone packed with peanut butter.

3. She stopped whining! The pain must be reducing and she's peg legging around (clompa, clompa).

4. She's drinking water again!

5. Thank you again for your advice Nikki! I know very little about what makes living things tick and your advice is very, very much appreciated. I'm keeping her bandages/cast dry with the afformentioned IV bags they gave me. I tried to just walk her around the front yard this morning and she would have none of it. Wham bam she wanted out the gate...... So I took her four houses down and four houses back. She really dug it. :)
OK... I can spell again:

1. Whoo Hoo! I took her for a little walk (clompa, clompa, clompa) and she peed!

2. She still won't eat yet but is going downtown on her bone packed with peanut butter.

3. She stopped whining! The pain must be reducing and she's peg legging around (clompa, clompa).

4. She's drinking water again!

5. Thank you again for your advice Nikki! I know very little about what makes living things tick and your advice is very, very much appreciated. I'm keeping her bandages/cast dry with the afformentioned IV bags they gave me. I tried to just walk her around the front yard this morning and she would have none of it. Wham bam she wanted out the gate...... So I took her four houses down and four houses back. She really dug it. :)
Sorry to hear about Maxi Joe. I sure hope everything turns out well.

I am going to have to start being careful with my dogs. We play and wrestle really, really hard. Duster rolled over and fell off the master bed yesterday morning and hit the floor, back first, pretty hard.
It was carpet and he was back up and trying to chew on me a split second later, but I now realize they are not indestructable and it was a 3 foot drop for a 75lb dog and he landed on his side and back.
If it were hardwood..............

I am glad he is a pup still and it turned out Ok, but I got lucky.
I have to figure out how to get the most rough housing in with the least amount of risk. We really, really, really like to play.

Don't beat yourself up too bad buddy. Unfortunately accidents happen. It will all work out according to plan.

Give me a holler if you still have my number.

I will never, ever, ever play with a dog on a wood floor (ice, tile whatever). I know what you mean 340, that's why I have big dogs, so we can play and I don't have to worry about breaking them (so I thought). We're always leaning against each other, trying to push each other over, wrestling, kicking each other off the couch, etc. :sad8:

Prayers and Positive thoughts for your entire "family" Joe. My dog has always been there for me! I wish I could say the same thing for my ex!

'Aint that a fact. :-D Maxi's been through thick and thin with me. :cheers::cheers::cheers: She's my baby girl. :-D I hesitate to think what would happen if someone if someone hurt a real child of mine.....
Those are all good signs Joe.:cheers: All she needs is time and your love.

She's improved in just 12 hours. :cheers: Dogs are amazing creatures in their capacity to heal. Mother nature and Father time are incredible for dogs, not so much good for people though.


Thanks Ink! I can't believe how happy a peeing dog could make me. :) Sometimes it's just the simplest things in life that make it worth living. The smell of a pine tree after a rain, the quack of duck as it flies overhead and a peeing dog that looks like a potato with four (three) toothpicks for legs. :-D
Blue sends his best.....

Well that's good news Joe now it's just the eating part which I'm sure will come. Don't be surprised if the turds are really runny for a couple days, her system could be all screwed up from the drugs and injury. By the way what the hell time did you make to bed "this morning" and how's the head.:-D

Jake's a little busy but says hi

Blue sends his best.....

Hey Blue! Merlin says WOOF!

Well that's good news Joe now it's just the eating part which I'm sure will come. Don't be surprised if the turds are really runny for a couple days, her system could be all screwed up from the drugs and injury. By the way what the hell time did you make to bed "this morning" and how's the head.:-D

Jake says hi

Maxi's clomping around even after her pain pill. She hasn't pooped yet but what you say is exactly what the doc said. No matter, I'm always cleaning up after the monsters anyway..... :-D

Yeah buddy, I tied on a good one last night, lmao. Coffee helps though...... Thanks for the phone call BTW. :)
It's great she's doing much better. It's so hard to believe all from playing around. I enjoy playing with my dogs, sometime one of them tears me up. Little brat dogs. : ^ )
dogs have am amazing ability to recover and heal from an injury even more so with some good care and a lot of patience
Nikki said that the reason Merlin pissed on Maxi is because he was trying to cover up her smell so that other animals wouldn't sniff out a wounded animal...he's trying to hide her because he likes her.

I have a hangover and we are going to go adopt a heeler mix today from the Puget Sound Pet Rescue so Frank will have a new sister/girlfriend to play with and a partner to beat up Ross when he comes over. I will have pics later.
Almost forgot Joe, do you remember our longwinded discussion this morning, one just like this animal tried killing me back in the early 70's but thankfully didn't succeed.8) It was a high 10 second bike, mind you it did have expansion chambers and big assed carbs on it. Stock they were 11.5 sec.

It's great she's doing much better. It's so hard to believe all from playing around. I enjoy playing with my dogs, sometime one of them tears me up. Little brat dogs. : ^ )

Yeah, I got my share of "scratches" too. :) Maxi can be a handfull.

dogs have am amazing ability to recover and heal from an injury even more so with some good care and a lot of patience

Thanks cafe racer! I'm keeping my eye on her. 8)

Nikki said that the reason Merlin pissed on Maxi is because he was trying to cover up her smell so that other animals wouldn't sniff out a wounded animal...he's trying to hide her because he likes her.

I have a hangover and we are going to go adopt a heeler mix today from the Puget Sound Pet Rescue so Frank will have a new sister/girlfriend to play with and a partner to beat up Ross when he comes over. I will have pics later.

Wow! Never once in a million years would I have thought of that, but it makes perfect sense. :cheers::cheers::cheers: I feel so much better now knowing this. Thanks Nikki!

Kick *** JR! Pics, pics, pics! No ovaries in a jar though, lol. What are you going to name her? Bride of Frank? Frankensister? Franchesca? :-D You are doing such a great thing giving a pooch a new home.
Almost forgot Joe, do you remember our longwinded discussion this morning, one just like this animal tried killing me back in the early 70's but thankfully didn't succeed.8) It was a high 10 second bike.

I barely remember you calling, lol! :-D It doesn't suprise me one minute that we started bench racing bikes though. Those H3's were brutaly fast and notorius for the 120 mph tankslapping heart attacks. :-D Flexible flyers they were. Steering dampers were not optional but mandatory. :read2:
Lets have a naming contest for J.R.'s new hound, what do you think J.R. is it worthy of it's own post. I vote "Bridezilla".:-D
I barely remember you calling, lol! :-D It doesn't suprise me one minute that we started bench racing bikes though. Those H3's were brutaly fast and notorius for the 120 mph tankslapping heart attacks. :-D Flexible flyers they were. Steering dampers were not optional but mandatory. :read2:

You really were tanked weren't ya, you were the one that phoned me Joe.:-D:-D