Moparfest 2013


Captain Canuck

Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2011
Reaction score
Woodstock, Ontario
I'm surprised nobody has started a thread for this year's Moparfest! August 17th & 18th.

I recently sent away the registration form for this year's show, and I was sure to tell them that I wanted to park with all my buddies from FABO. I was surprised to see that they sent me a special thing to hang from my mirror for club parking.

I hope that this year's turnout will be as good, or better than last year. I will be bringing my portable BBQ again on the Saturday and will be grilling up some hamburgers and sausage on a bun for all my fellow FABO members.

Come out and enjoy a great weekend! Its sure to be a blast!!


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there's a beautiful 69 charger on the moparfest website thats going to be for sale.....err looks like a 68 grille
I will be coming and I will probably be pitting in Kindersley Sask again if my crew chief is available , speaking of which I should probably get a manual valave body shipped out to him to trick out and have ready to swap when I get there , unless you have one in stock there Kimmer ?
I will be coming and will probably pit in Kindersley there Steve if my crew chief is available to give the car the once over eh Kimmer
Gimme a heads up when yer coming, I would love to help you guys if I can...
will do Steve - I plan to leave on Friday Aug 9 after work some time depending on the ferries , which after driving most of the night put me in Kindersley early in the evening on Saturday last year . I haven't talked to Kimmer yet to see what his plans are I know last year he took the following week off to go floating down a river but he has a different job this year so I don't know what his plans are , Heck I don't even know if he has access to a bay to work on the thing but I bet the guys at Hard Candy Customs can fit me in on one of there lifts if the need arises .
As for the new car notice they had posted one last year when they opened it up to the newer stuff saying pretty much the same thing that they would only accept so many and that they wanted them to be somewhat unique but I know when we pulled in Saturday morning last year we got stuck in line behind what seemed like half the new Chally's in Ontario .
I have my club parking pass for this year ... # 160. Still not sure if I have to work Saturday am but will be there in the afternoon and all Sunday.... I'll bring the Irish coffee's early Sunday for you Saturday night party animals... lookin forward to this year
I totally agree with the fact they should be something special, but still must be limited to the numbers or a special spot over by the trucks.
A buddy of mine two years ago from NY had car problems so he came anyway and brought his mid 90s Dodge vehicle...because he had a registered car they let him bring his van in. Now he is a good buddy of mine but they should not have let him on the grounds, or the guy that had that rusted peice of crap work truck I parked beside years ago as well.
after reading these posts I pulled up the page of entry pics that has my car in it from 827-830 Saturday last year and there is 19 challeys lined up in front of Scott ,John and myself and that's out of 21 cars in front of us on the page , so yes I agree they let to many in last year .
The 200 car limit has come with mixed feelings, we've received a lot of not very pleasant responses, but we unfortunately are running out of space, and something had to be done. Having said this, 200 cars is still quite a few, lots of spots are still left, we will hopefully have a counter set up on the, website shortly, and we are strongly hoping not too many will be coming through the line up and try to register at the gate when they get there. We are not looking forward to that part.

On a more positive note .... I just got word that "Mr.Norm" has confirmed he will be attending the show for the weekend, this year is Mr.Norm's 50th anniversary, that's great news!
This will also be updated on the website shortly, it's all coming together nicely. You heard it here first.

The 200 car limit has come with mixed feelings, we've received a lot of not very pleasant responses, but we unfortunately are running out of space, and something had to be done. Having said this, 200 cars is still quite a few, lots of spots are still left, we will hopefully have a counter set up on the, website shortly, and we are strongly hoping not too many will be coming through the line up and try to register at the gate when they get there. We are not looking forward to that part.

On a more positive note .... I just got word that "Mr.Norm" has confirmed he will be attending the show for the weekend, this year is Mr.Norm's 50th anniversary, that's great news!
This will also be updated on the website shortly, it's all coming together nicely. You heard it here first.


SWEET -you da man :headbang:
See ya there eh !
LOL, Chris, there's not many guys like you out there, that'll drive a few days to come and hang out for a bit, with a few "characters". Certainly not a couple years in a row. Always a pleasure having you. On my "to do list" this year at the event, is stop in and have a cold beers with the "FABO club", I never really had a chance last year.
I told my wife that when I retire and have plenty of time off, we'll hit the Nationals in Columbus (which we do every year), then drive on up for Moparfest. Either the Dart wagon or convertible ought to be done by then (maybe).
LOL, Chris, there's not many guys like you out there, that'll drive a few days to come and hang out for a bit, with a few "characters". Certainly not a couple years in a row. Always a pleasure having you. On my "to do list" this year at the event, is stop in and have a cold beers with the "FABO club", I never really had a chance last year.

I know how busy you guys are Friday but thats really the time to slip away and come hang at the hotel with us starting in the early afternoon till we are drunk enough to call her a night , get someone sober to drop you off or call and I`ll come get you from the fairground but you will need a sober ride home from someone else eh LOL , my rule is I only drink in on Onterrible and I`m only there for 1 weekend a year which means I need to pack in all the stupidity I can brother .

PS speaking of packing in the stupidity has anybody heard from Bill ? sure will be missed if he no shows us again .