New job....again



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Aug 28, 2009
Reaction score
Ontario Parts Unknown
As some of you may know, I've been
away from home quite a bit the last 4 years trying to further my career in water wastewater industry. Its been a long haul on everyone around me. (I can get cantankerous lol)
I finally got a call from a municipality back home and a job offer. 20 minutes from HOME. Permanent full time. So stoked its unbelievable. I havent told Lori yet, I will surprise her this weekend lol
More family time and Mopar time!

Hey, congratulations. Being home more will be awesome
The toll it takes on the family is why Im sick of the military, and Im a reservist WTF? Time is all we really have, how we spend it and who we spend it with is up to us really.
Thanks guys, if there is ever a "life changer" this is it. Where Im working now, townhouses start at over $500k. A freakin townhouse! 500 sq ft
Im at an age where my my earning potential is dwindling as fast as my memory lol.
Moparfest is 100% on now! So I am looking fwd to tipping everyone and seeing a few...wait other way around lol.
Thanks again all!
Thanks to my Mom and Dad thru all this as well.
Rip Dad
Lori's boyfriend is going too be pissed.... Congrats hard work always pays off.You went to school first them took the jobs in that field where ever they were.Way to go Steve you earned it.
Thanks again all, yeah Martin Im wondering if there will be a strange pair of work boots at the door once I get home LOL.
............Congrats Steve, very proud of u for sticking with this/these jobs............u had a tough go of it, but now ur
Crazy the moves you have to make in certain fields to further your career, maybe the guy you're replacing is getting to move back to his home too. Well congratulations on it all working out for you!
Awesome news Steve!! Huge thumbs up for your willingness to stay the course over the last several years.

Your wife must be a saint :D
glad you got good news. time is a precious commodity on this Earth.

I have always chose to live where I want and if no job there worth having to match my education/experience, then screw it! $ does not make me happy.
I believe things happen for a reason........ minus the timeframe LOL

Good luck im sure things will be good!