offy intake any good?



Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2007
Reaction score
hey guys i was given an Offenhauser Single Quad High-Rise Intake and im doing a mild build on a 360 i was wondering how this will perform? i do plan on getting it port matched and all that facny stuff
Ought to work just as well as any other dual plane high rise, short of an air-gap.....and it's paid for!
Unless it's a Dual Port with the ports split in two horizontally, or a single 4 tunnel ram. Nice Valiant by the way.
What exact Offy intake are we taking about? Got a picture by chance?
great looking pictures and car 7172 duster the wheels up action..........kenn
thanks for the comment on the car
here is a pic of the intake

003 - Copy.jpg
I do believe that is a split single plane intake. It's fine to use and will perform in about a 1000 - 5500/6000 like RPM.
alright so it should perform just fine on a mildly built 360?
Yes, it should perform fine. I would put a open spacer on top if I had room so both side of the engine can feed off the carb at once. You might want to try this if performance isn't what you think it should be. You'll also need to richen up the carb a bit since it's now on full time work duty feeding the whole engine instead of just one side.

Ummm, click this and read up some on intakes. This may help.