Old lady complaining about my shed



Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2005
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Here's the scoop. The old lady across the alley from me is sicking a lawyer on me for having a shed in my backyard.
Here's the facts
1. Subdivision covenants say no outbuildings
2. My shed has been up for over 20 years (12'x32')
3. Almost everyone in the subdivision has a shed of some sorts
4. Old lady has a shed
5. Old lady lives in Belmar #3 subdivision
6. I live in Belmar #2 (the alley between us is the boundary)
7. I need the shed big time as my 69 383-S fastback and my son's 67 notchback are in the garage.

Anybody with experience with something like this?
went they look at your shed...point out her shed.....
Subdivision by laws suck! That is why i live on 20 acres out in the sticks. I hear stories like this from time to time, Sorry for your headaches.
Go to the zoning department and check to see what her subdivision covenant says about out buildings.
Then as 70aarcuda said point out hers if the subdivision covenants are the same on out buildings.

You might also get some support from your other neighbors with sheds too.
If it's in good shape and not on her property which obviously it's not with an alley between you. What's her beef?
Check dates of covenate you may be grandfathered if older building, If new you may be screwed. If yours goes down everybody elses should too. damn shame. the old lady just needs some pecker, maybe you could hook her up with somebody8) good luck
Your shed has been up for 20 years? How long have you lived there? How long has she lived there? Is there a fence or anything up between the two of you or just the alley? What does your shed look like? What does her shed look like? Do the two of you speak? What have you already gotten from her lawyer? Do you wake her up or create loud noise with your cars?

I would think that if your shed is 20 years old you would be ok. You might want to find out what her real problem is and see if there is a reasonable resolution. Maybe she thinks it needs paint, or maybe she doesn't like your loud cars. I would try to negotiate first. What does she want and how can you cooperate, if not - tell her if you have to get a lawyer that you will countersue and she looses her shed too. Maybe a privacy fence would be in order.
i store my car and parts car at my fathers place. we had problems with the neighbors complaining about the cars. they called the cops on us. they told the cops we were street racing. they showed up and read us the riot act about what they could do. so for a week we would take our street cars out and stop in front of her place, pop the hood and rev the **** out of it. after that week her son stop my dad and asked us to stop and we did. now if we do a run down the road with the race car no cops are called. not quite the same but that is my story.
That's why I live in the poorest zip code in Denver. No one complains.

There are downsides though....... Like Mariachi bands in the neighbors back yard. I'd still rather deal with a party neighbor than an old pissed off person like me......
I live in a small country subdivision.Before I built my garage the neighbors kept giving me troubles because I had six cars in my drive.The Cops came out over and over.Finally I snapped I told the cops Get of my FU##ING property unless you come back with a warrant or a ticket or I am calling a lawyer!And furthermore tell my F@#King neighbors we are zoned AG. and I am about ready to go buy some hogs and chickens..
Well the Cops or Neighbors never bothered me again..
Tell the old BAT the shed has been there for 20 years go F@#K herself.Or maybe tell her you been thinking about taking the shed down and putting up a dog very large dog kennel to hold 10-12 dogs.Maybe hounds or beagles they bark alot.. Jim
On Wed. I fired up my 73 Dart Sport in my garage(open headers)quickly backed down my driveway and loaded up on the trailer.Well 1 of my neighbours next door (there,s 2.Darryl and Greg?Fluff brothers)says his windows are shaking!Cry me a river.I told him,I loaded my car..I,m going racing.He says..well I,m gonna complain.I told him to go ahead.He,s got 2 g.labs barking all the time,I don,t complain.We,ll see what happens?Sounds like the old lady needs someone to ***** at and you got a bigger shed.Offer to build her a bigger one?LOL!
My closest niehgbor is 1/4 mile away, and its my grandma. I have no personal experiance with this problem, but I've had friends go through this in sub divisions. If she has lawyered up, maybe you should too. And take pics of your shed and hers incase you do have to go to court.
Boy am I glad I live in the subdivision I do (actually considered a condo association). We have rules about out buildings (have to match our houses) a couple of us have them and they all conform and we help eachother build them! We weren't allowed to have fences, but then people wanted pools and we decided fences would be a good idea. The economy sucks and a couple families are struggling, so the board, entirely on their own, lowered our annual dues. Repairs to the road are going to be done in a worker bee fashion, one person from each house.
And the best part, no one complained (notice the past tense) when I'd start up one of my cars and often times it brought a neighbor over to say hi and enjoy! Or like last night, when I needed another floor jack, went to my neighbors, no one was home, grabbed one of his and left a message on his phone as I'm walking it to my garage.
Don't worry about it.... she's trying to use the old scare tackett. Your shed has been there to long and with everyone else having a shed the by law is broken therefore out the door ... in the trash. I live in a neighborhood with by laws... a neighbor moved a fire engine red out building on his property. People was complaining... got together and found out that we did not have a committee and no money to take the guy to court. Well nobody didn't want to pay to take the guy to court so the building is still there today.

For you to tear down your shed everyone in the development would have to do the same. Why has the old crotchy ***** singled you out?

Wow......... I have 5000 posts!!!!!
If its been up for 20 years it is probably grandfathered. Some people just need something to ***** about. When I was younger and still lived with my parents, I owned a 71 hemicuda. Granted, it was pretty loud...even with the full exhaust, but I was awear of it and tried to be respectful of my neighbors. One Saturday morning the guy that lived across the street was going on a ride with a few of his Harley friends, so at 7:00 AM, 8 Harleys are blasting out of his driveway. The next weekend I was taking the hemicuda to the Mopars at Englishtown show, I started the car, immediately backed it out of the driveway and down to the end of the dead end street to warm up so not to disturb the nieghbors. When I returned from the show, this idiot had the balls to come over and tell me my car was too loud and it woke him up so he was going to complain to the cops next time. I said I can't believe you are so stupid that you don't realize that 8 sceaming bikes makes more noise than 1 car...maybe I'll complain on you. He never said another word.
exaclty, all talk and no action. Old peoples hobbies when they get to a certain age is pray they didn't **** their pants and ***** at anything that makes a sudden move or sound. I personally would not worry about it, and when I was younger and living with my friends in a house in small town of 300 people, trust me we raised hell and almost got evicted, and its stricter their because everybody knows everybody and its a little religious town to boot!
Don't worry about it.... she's trying to use the old scare tackett. Your shed has been there to long and with everyone else having a shed the by law is broken therefore out the door ... in the trash. I live in a neighborhood with by laws... a neighbor moved a fire engine red out building on his property. People was complaining... got together and found out that we did not have a committee and no money to take the guy to court. Well nobody didn't want to pay to take the guy to court so the building is still there today.

For you to tear down your shed everyone in the development would have to do the same. Why has the old crotchy ***** singled you out?

Wow......... I have 5000 posts!!!!!
ratchet mouth lol
You could go to your city council and get a variance for the zoning law. You might also be grandfathered in because the shed was there before the law was made. Jayson
Bi-laws are usually good for 10 yrs. unless specified to renew automaticaly. The bi-laws for your phase are not tied to her's. Each must have it's own. She has no legal right to tell you anything. Tell her to GFH..
I would think her lawyer would be going through the city and the city would contact you about any problems with the shed. Any direct contact from the lawyer may be a violation of your rights. I have a neighbor who just built a fence and put the finished side facing his house and not mine which is not legal here. We also already had a fence in place so now we have 2 with a space between them on his side. Weeds are growing but I only get to see them. I could complain but I'll just kill the weeds and go on. Not worth fighting with a neighbor even though I could force him to take down his fence and redo it right. Already have one crackhead neighbor who complains I mow the yard of an empty house because I am trespassing but the owner knows I mow it and even pays a little once in a awhile for gas. I used to live where all the neighbors called the cops on each other and just stirred the pot all the time. Its a very nice change to have civil neighbors and I try to get along as best I can.
Plant a hedge of these.
