Old Name, same ugly face LOL


67 Power Wagon

Hemi Pawr or BUST!
Jan 13, 2014
Reaction score
Hell, USA
Hey Guys....
Sorry I've been gone so long, I sadly went through a bad accident last year, and lost some fingers and partial use of my left hand.... And then a few surgeries later, the computer system I was using crashed, got it up and running again, and then all went on the blink, it come and go, till somehow Windows 10 Downloaded overnight onto the system and well, here I am again on that same computer! -I had a few "bugs" to work out of Windows 10 to get here, but here I is!

GLAD to be back, and hopefully my absence didn't piss anyone off, its been awhile damn near a year since I was on last!
Welcome back...Power.. As a Mopar guy,you already know about perseverance.
Sorry to hear about the injury. Winderz 10 was being forced on my puter also but I stopped it by jerking the plug.
win10 is like electronic ignition, you dont know how good it is until you use it. XP great, Win 7 was better after a while, win10 is starting to grow on me. Boots alot faster though.
That sucks about the accident and injuries... Glad you survived...

Welcome back.... :welcome:

Now you get to learn the new format.... :BangHead:
Thanks everyone! Yeah the accident sucked..... To give a bit of a story behind it. I was a Pyro-Tech for a LONG time, and last year I took on a job that wanted everything old school, so we went and ordered everything to suit. on July 3rd, I had a 6 inch mortar go off in my face that had a 9 foot fuse on it, that gave me about 7 seconds to get away.... In reality that amount of green fuse should have gave me well over 5 minutes to safely walk away. And didn't, was a "Test fire" too...... above and beyond state requirements as well, turns out the way, type and tech we used was investigated, and came back above FEDERAL requirements, and then materials were investigated and the fuse we got, from over seas was faulty manufactured...... SO, I wound up hurt, I lost the tip of a finger, and use of both hands for a time, and I'll be loosing the end of yet another finger come the start of winter.... As I can use BOTH my hands right now, and need to get something done around the house, so..... I held off on doing it all.

THEN after a short time I was getting use back, in both hands healing still and the old system crapped out, I was unable to sign in, my wife downloaded a virus, that had removed all sorts of things and left me to only be able to sign into a few places, oddly enough, so, I was there till more recently when the computer just up and downloaded windows 10, and BAM, what troubles I was having seem to be gone now, (sadly didn't restore all my lost pics and family stuff) but, MAYBE in different places, I'll find it online as a lot of what I was doing was online so.....

Anyway, its good to be back........ WITH a few new projects!!!! (I still have the '67 too!) :) AND some added model work! -ONE finally completed after a LONG hard recovery, and being able too work on some models....
Damn!!! You've had a rough ride. Hope you get to do better coming up!!
Sounds like you had a tough time for a while. Appears that your perseverance and sprit haven't let you down. Welcome back.
perseverance and spirit will get you a long ways, so yes...... I wasn't "down" spiritually, but was feeling crapy as I do like to get into things when ever I'm able!
Thanks Dale, Been awhile huh????? -I'm gonna be adding all that NICE model junk to our plastic addiction area!!!!! As you know, I got a lot to post LOL

LOL @ Big Ears