Operation: Venomous Fish (69 Bcuda V10)



Well-Known Member
May 10, 2011
Reaction score
Vallejo, CA
Figured it was just too cool to not document. I’m swapping a Viper V10 into a ‘69 Barracuda. Deadline: Hot August Nights 2021



Wow!!! I hope you can make that fit in there, but I guess with a cutting torch, a sledge hammer, and a wire welder anything can be made made to fit.
This is going to be awesome. Thank you for your service. Did Gerst have a motor mount set up for the viper? Cool story great grandmas car.
This is going to be awesome. Thank you for your service. Did Gerst have a motor mount set up for the viper? Cool story great grandmas car.
Thanks man. Gerst didn’t have mounts for the viper so, I’ll be fabricating my own.
Very cool project man. Look forward to seeing your progress.

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Thanks man. Gerst didn’t have mounts for the viper so, I’ll be fabricating my own.
I didn’t think so. I’m subscribed to the channel. I’m slowly building something similar using the Gerst and a T56 but with SB stroker.
Finally!!! The Cuda sits on its own suspension. Big moment for me as I’ve had the car on stands for over a year. Im absolutely loving the stance.
The Transmission tunnel is finally fabbed up. The firewall is next! The Viper powered fish is one step closer to shaking the streets.
wouldn't it have been quicker/easier/neater to have cut most all of the tunnel away and make a new one from 2 or 3 large pieces of sheet rather than the patchwork quilt approach you used? no offence, it'll look great once finished up but what a lot of work compared to rolling a new tunnel in large sections that'd need only a few joins finishing for paint. i mention it as you still have the firewall to do and it'd be painful to watch you do that all again there along with all the extra finish work before paint. i also see a lot in the hot rod world where the transmission can't be removed (for example to replace a clutch), the entire drivetrain must be pulled which seems crazy. in your time lapse it seemed that you'd built the tunnel pretty snug to the back of the trans which would make removal at the least very hard.
regards, neil.
Nicely done video my man… subscribed!
Nice work. Good luck with it I’m glad to see someone doing the viper. I had done a lot of research in doing a mid engine V10 in a fastback with a V drive. But my wife decided college for the kids was more important.
wouldn't it have been quicker/easier/neater to have cut most all of the tunnel away and make a new one from 2 or 3 large pieces of sheet rather than the patchwork quilt approach you used? no offence, it'll look great once finished up but what a lot of work compared to rolling a new tunnel in large sections that'd need only a few joins finishing for paint. i mention it as you still have the firewall to do and it'd be painful to watch you do that all again there along with all the extra finish work before paint. i also see a lot in the hot rod world where the transmission can't be removed (for example to replace a clutch), the entire drivetrain must be pulled which seems crazy. in your time lapse it seemed that you'd built the tunnel pretty snug to the back of the trans which would make removal at the least very hard.
regards, neil.

I decided to take the patch approach for a couple of reasons:
1. Having never done a T56 swap into one of these cars, I was following Silver Sport Transmission’s recommended approach.
2. I’m building the car in my home garage and am limited on tools. I wasn't quite sure if I’d be able to shape such a large piece of sheet metal in a neat uniformed way.

I was also concerned that shaping a complete tunnel would be difficult without having the firewall as a point of reference. (Already cut it out). Having completed the tunnel in the manor shown on the video, I feel like using larger pieces may in fact be easier. Next time I’ll most likely fabricate it from scratch.
Nice work. Good luck with it I’m glad to see someone doing the viper. I had done a lot of research in doing a mid engine V10 in a fastback with a V drive. But my wife decided college for the kids was more important.

“Snake in a glass” would’ve made a pretty cool wheelie machine!