PCB? Pour it on a mod!



Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2007
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After snapping a pic of the printed circuit board screws I clicked up one side and down the other looking for where to post it. Messaged the member @clementine for help and he says a mod got involved ( nothing better to do ) and the thread disappeared. So...
Both screw types measure .162->.164 diameter with a tapered vented thread cutting tip. Both measure approx. .425 long. Those with a 1/4" hex head have a kept washer so they reach only .375
A plastic filler in the center pod is fairly thick so the phillips head screw would reach about the same .375 in that application but would reach a little deeper when there is a instrument there.

inst panel screws.JPG
Thanks RedFish. It may have gone to 'interiors'. I can't find it in 'my content '. But either way i appreciate you getting that info out there. Finicky little things. I have spent some time in this dash and am hoping to make very few to no mistakes, especially in hard to reach places.

Thanks RedFish. It may have gone to 'interiors'. I can't find it in 'my content '. But either way i appreciate you getting that info out there. Finicky little things. I have spent some time in this dash and am hoping to make very few to no mistakes, especially in hard to reach places.
Instrument panel, printed circuit board, should be in electrical. I dont know where it was moved from / to, just could not find it. Anyway...
If you want to replace the speedy nuts on the thermal gauges with same hardware as on amp gauge, those are #10 internal tooth washers and #10-32 hex nuts.
A #8 toothed washer could be used at the hex head circuit board screws also. They are a bit thinner than a common flat washer. Changes screws reach. Those are blind holes in a cast metal rallye housing. I dont know about your housing or hole depths. Hardware stores typically stock standard lengths. .425 falls between their 3/8 and 1/2. You should find something that works. Washer thickness as adjustment. Good luck
Thanks Red! I have drawers of old screws but nothing seemed to wanna play nice. I took it apart, promptly lost the screws, and well, stupidity should hurt. It does.

Thanks again!
PS i did post in electrical originally.
Best damn car forum as far as format and being user friendly and not looking like the classified ads in the Hemmings as far as i can tell.


But yes, may have left the safety off and one in the chamber.