Not to change the subject, but while we are on the topic of Mopar scam artists....did the OP of THIS thread:
...or any other member on this site who got taken by same, ever get any resolution on this scumbag?
I think we need to "out" these effers and eradicate them, not only from this site, but from the general public (read: "jail time")
Somebody had posted earlier that Mike/Justin had no posts other than selling parts. Red flag, people. Admins, is there a way to change the settings so that any member can't sell (not buy) parts without a defined number of posts? Honestly, we don't need any snake-oil salesmen on here trying to hawk parts if they're not a member in good standing.
The forums I admin on require a member have 25 posts and to have been a member for at least 90 days before they are allowed to post in the FOR SALE threads. While this won't weed them all out, at least it will discourage the A-holes that care nothing for the A-Body community and are only trying to snag a buck. There should be SOME type of screening for potential sellers that could be set up by the admins.
And members...think this over. Virtually every part you need is available from Classic Industries or Year One. Sure,'ll pay more. But you will also receive what you ordered with some sort of return policy rather than flushing money down the toilet. To the embers who got much did you "save" in the end?
If you are buying from long-time site sellers with a good reputation, you can feel relatively safe, I think. New member, no previous sales or feedback? You pays your money and you takes your chance.
I am also a proponent of a Hall of Fame/Wall of Shame thread as a sticky in the FOR SALE sections. A few minutes of careful research before PM'ing the seller could save a lot of members a whole bunch of grief.