rite are wrong



Well-Known Member
May 9, 2009
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it sure is a good felling when you do the rite thang let me tell you it is awesome ! i pulled into gas staion today on the way home and started in when i looked down and low and behold there is a wallet i pick it up and look in it and find the guys cdl with his name on it i go in to station and ask for david no one answer so i go home when i open the wallet to find a number it has two credit cards and $ 520 dollars in cash it crossed my mind for fraction of a second to keep the cash and give rest back but the good lord preveld so i call credit card company and the try to reach him with no luck so i told lady on the phone if he calls to give him my number five min later he is on the phone and i tell him were i live he pulls up in a big truck and gets out with this man im such a dum *** look on his face when he gets across the street i hand him his wallet he looks in it to see his money still intack and that when this big o boy teared up and gave me big bear hug lol he offers to give me finders fee and i tell him no he looks up to the sky and says lord im sorry and i beleave there is still good in this world well any way he takes my number off the back window of my truck and says he will be calling me to do some work on his moms appliances she lives here in town so guess it all works out for both of us and im going to say it again it really fills good thanks for reading and tell some of your good deeds:cheers:

You might have found your new best freind!?
And that kids is why "honesty is the best policy". Like I always say, you get what you give.
Good for you! :cheers: If everyone in the world would do the right thing as you did, the world would be a MUCH better place.
You did put a wide screen plasma TV on one of his credit cards, right? ;-)
lost my wallet on the side of the road at a bike rally and the guy that found its girlfriend wanted him to keep the money so he dropped her. didnt want to be with a crooked girl and sent my wallet to me minus the 14 dollars overnight fee.i find ways to help others since.good karma breeds good karma.
A long time ago I read something that stuck with me, if you live by one rule, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, everything else will pretty much fall into place. Thanks for sharing your experience.
You did the right thing son and no amount of money could buy the feeling you have right now. :) Makes you want conquer the world with kindness doesn't it? It also makes you want to bludgeon the buttheads of the world, at least I feel that way, lol! Every time I watch "Gangland" on the History Channel, I want to be this guy in their nightmares.....:thebirdm:

Good job, you should be proud of yourself. :cheers:
I´m sure of that something very good will happen to you in the future.
moparisbest, yo is de man.

Don't worry about the instant thought of keeping the cash; it was probably just the feeling of having that much free cash dropped into your hands. You always knew you would do the right thing. Whether the guy was a millionaire or a pauper, you did the right thing. Look at the event as a test.

The world needs more people like you.
You'll never feel bad about doing the right thing. If it was your wallet found you'd feel the same when it was returned. Be proud! toolman