site has malware

Got it this morning and I just shut the computer down and restarted it. Nothing since.
FABO doesn't have the malware, the site has the malware and effects and picture or link attached to said site.
Got it. It was a picture in a members signature. Should be good now. Let me know if it keeps up. has no maleware but does host naughty pics lol and interjects these types of sites ...

I ran a scan on fabo and before adamR removed that picture was a referer on the server... that of which would trigger that popup for a reference warning.

If you are ever worried what is hitting this site install Tamper Data in your firefox browser and run it when surfing any site.. it will show up what URls are tagging the hosted site.
Thanks for alerting us Daredevil.

And thanks to Adam for cleaning it up!!!
That's a huge part of the problem with the internet these days.
A simple link or picture on a website can cause an infection in a (Windoze) system, and I try to explain that to customers all the time when they say "But I didn't click on anything like that"