Stop in for a cup of coffee

Sometimes you just need a sign.

Mornin yall. Got some bad weather fixin to roll through here. I'm sure we'll lose power from the looks of it so I'll probably go "POOF" after awhile. lol
Mornin yall. Got some bad weather fixin to roll through here. I'm sure we'll lose power from the looks of it so I'll probably go "POOF" after awhile. lol
Yep, I see that heavy system is barreling in on you.
I gotto go see how bad it is out there go earn some money to pay some bills...
-22 celcius, getting back to normal winter temps. Sucks.
Back under firebird, pull axle seals and install new ones. Attatch brake hose, and start running line to master.
Morning sports fans and weather watchers. Here at the airport waiting to board. What a drive in yesterday through the storm. We took our time looking at the 10-15 cars off the road. I good decision to come in early. Roads this morning according to the locals are a mess everything business and schools are shut down. Have a great day and I’ll check in later from the sunny side. :thumbsup:
Only 15mph here. Snow flying sideways... unfortunately it's going to turn to sleet and rain later.
Gotta love that sideways stuff, wait, no you don't lol! I was up on Mt. Erie yesterday, only a bump that rises from sea level, temp dropped from 37 to 34 and it was snowing at the top for 1/2 of day.