Stop in for a cup of coffee

Nip it in the bud early, because if you spoil them too much, it's hard to get them back on track later.... :mad:

Hindsight... :BangHead:
This is why my Kids still hate me, and love their Mom !! But they are only in their late 20's... They'll catch on later...:lol:
No matter what you do, it's a crapshoot how kids will turn out. 3 kids raised the same way, 2 may turn out great, 1 might be a POS. The values you instill are about the best shot you have but society's influence can derail all you've tried do. Crapshoot. But then again, all three could turn out just fine...

Just be consistent and love em.
Went down to pea size after about a minute of big stuff. Smurfs village is bad. Lots of plant damage from what I can see still raining really hard.
I just looked at the Radar. Looks like it's hitting Ray up in Hoppyland pretty hard too. Also headed this way.
crazy chit - the storm that I was SO sure was going to ruin my ride home barely even edged us... it turned south -- as you have all already noticed
I would NOT hit that!
Well then...How bout this one ??
Im highly considering it. I don't care about from the inside, it won't be visible either way, it'll be covered. ;) top secret plan lol. I just figured since I was doing a full quarter on the drivers side, I'd do it on the passenger side. Looks like AMD does have lower patch panels for a 70 to 71 but not a 72 to 76, Hmmm
If it's good front of wheel, why cut into it? And the need for highest quality is not so much as the panal gets smaller. As long as it's not total crap, too thin etc. Never did a quarter, but must be a pain if shape is not near perfect. With smaller section, not trying to make so many edges match up.
Alright Guys. Gonna go get in my easy chair and watch a Comedy Show. The DNC !!