Stop in for a cup of coffee

Thank you Rani. I can hear the other s snickering.
You know this means I need to redo the mankini image, change it to red velvet, add silver sleigh bells to the straps, put the santa hat on you and swap the sneakers for elf much work to do!

Tikini santa man.jpg
There's something incredibly wonderful about the sound made when a cork is pulled from a whiskey bottle.. just makes me smile...
There's something incredibly wonderful about the sound made when a cork is pulled from a whiskey bottle.. just makes me smile...
It's kinda like the "Pfssst-crack" sound made from the tab on a can of beer, the "Pfssst-clink" sound when opening a bottle of beer, or just the "clink" of ice in a glass...
I thought you were staying home today and raiding the fridge...
That was the original plan but another friend had her car break down while shopping so I responded to that and then got involved with the black Friday festivities
We tried to set up the Christmas tree today only to discover that half the lights are out. They were giving us some issues last year but apparently the move to the new house took it's toll.

I can't complain, it was a good pre-lit artificial tree that we bought in Memphis 10 years ago when my daughter was 2 years old and has served us well. I ordered a new one tonight with plug-n-play technology so no more chasing wires to plug it together. Now each section connects directly when it's put in the base. A bit pricey, but it comes with a 10 year warranty and the company has been around a long time and is very reputable.

I can't do a real cut tree, my allergies won't permit it and we have moved long past the days of watering the tree, vacuuming shed needles and the inherent fire hazard that made me nervous from the day the thing came into the house until it left.

Besides, I could never quite accept killing a living 15 year old tree to celebrate the holiday for a few weeks and then throw it away. It just somehow felt terribly contradictory to the intent of the thing...
Went to a bonfire party tonight. Got to see the hosts collection... Frickin awesome. He restored most of them himself.

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