This bright red font on the forums doesn't work for me.

If a post is in one of the "For Sale" sub-forums, why does the title also need to have "For Sale" in bold red letters? Kind of tautologically redundant, isn't it?
I like it and since my opinion is the only one that counts, it stays.
If a post is in one of the "For Sale" sub-forums, why does the title also need to have "For Sale" in bold red letters? Kind of tautologically redundant, isn't it?

No, it's for those of us that only use the "Today's Posts" to browse. The sub-forum name is way over at the right. If they're not marked in some way, they're really hard to spot, especially since many don't use thread titles that make it obviously a for sale item.
no, it's for those of us that only use the "today's posts" to browse. The sub-forum name is way over at the right. If they're not marked in some way, they're really hard to spot, especially since many don't use thread titles that make it obviously a for sale item.

Right, which is why they should be just some other color, or maybe just black if nothing else. It's just nice having them there in some way.
I like the idea, because when someone post something that you want or need for sale, it pops. I have missed out on some things here because someone else saw it first, which is to be expected. The reason I like it, if I'm refreshing my page with the "Todays Posts" and someone just posted something, it jumps right out and I may get a shot at it, LOL.

Blue might work too, easier on the eyes.
I like it! We all needs stuff for these old... I mean vintage cars. My first thought was that the red was a bit too much, blue, purple or green ( green means go) would be an improvement.
I don't have an issue with it. It may have helped me buy and some one else sell a car.