To All the Men and Women Who've Served, or Are Serving, Our Great Country....



Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2011
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Naperville Illinois
I know it's a day early, but will be traveling tomorrow and may unable to post. Thank you, each and every one of you, for your sacrifices, all you have done and are still doing to take care of our Great Country!

While we may be a bit divided as a country these days, when push comes to shove, all the political parties, personal differences and general BS is put aside and we come together, United, to "Take Care of Business"!

I hope we all keep the fact that we are all in this crazy world together as we sort things out moving forward.

Thank You again for your service!

Be well all,
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Well, to be honest, I feel my time in the Navy and my wife's current career in the Navy has been a very fortunate blessing and honor. I would like to thank you tax payers for funding it. Here is your tax dollars at work
Love it USN 87-95 Boats then Intel squint then Air force rescue the rest of 25! Bless us all that fight for freedom!
I know it's a day early, but will be traveling tomorrow and may unable to post. Thank you, each and every one of you, for your sacrifices, all you have done and are still doing to take care of our Great Country!

While we may be a bit divided as a country these days, when push comes to shove, all the political parties, personal differences and general BS is put aside and we come together, United, to "Take Care of Business"!

I hope we all keep the fact that we are all in this crazy world together as we sort things out moving forward.

Thank You again for your service!

Be well all,
Thanks to our Canadian military serving our great country as well. And to our neighbors to the south. Have had family serve in both countries.
Very well said Pat!
without the military vet's that did n are fighting/guarding /protection our rights to be free . get the biggest thanks we can offer up right follow members . after all we would not be able to get into our cars or hobbies without the freedom to do so . this pic was taken on the 4 th of july , thought it was a fitting one .
I salute and thank everyone that has or is serving in our military. Thanks for affording the life my family enjoys. And thanks also for the idiots that have the right to protest the Trump election. Thou they may not believe it, they only need to look back to 1989 and theTiananmen Square protests to see what happens without their right to protest!
I was very fortunate to serve my country during a time of peace and want to say thank you to all who have served in times of conflict and continue to sign that blank check and put their lives on the line for freedom!