venting .. BEWARE!



Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2009
Reaction score
Prince George BC
this may not be about mopars, and you guys may be angry that i decided to vent on this topic but you guys are my only family that'll listen and voice your opinion.

kay, 4 years ago when my sister was 16, she got a 2001 vw jetta tdi, for her birthday, $16000 car, all good is there, just means my parents will get me something like that when i turn 16, right? no, i got stuck with my gramma's old 1989 corolla 4 door, which was willed to me. and for the past two years my parents have been calling me spoiled rotten or ungreatful because i have a car and i dont need one for my 16th, which i find stupid because my only real hobby is working on cars, and my dad promised me an old car when i turned 16, now that went down the drain...

until about a month ago, when we were looking at cars and he asked me what old cars/ trucks i like

which are in order. 1967-76 abody
1962-64 galaxie
1967-1979 ford pickups
which coincidently are my dads favorite cars too, and ever sine then he has been over my shoulder looking at the cars i like, which never happens.. and 3 days ago he left to go somewhere with our car trailer, and some people tell me vancouver, some say Alberta, he got home this morning and i really want to go look in the car trailer, but if i do, it could reck my birthday present, so what do you guys think? and yes, i do come from a gifted family, but this would be the only expensive birthday i've ever had, so please voice your opinions, i can take whatever you guys dish out
Dont go look and also dont just assume its your b-day present. If Ive learned nothing else in life its that If I have LOW expectations then I will rarely be let down. Just my 2 cents
Don't you dare go look in the trailer. If it is a gift for you, you will spoil it for everybody including yourself. If it isn't for you, then if it was your business, he would tell you. A persons privacy is one of the most important aspects of life, don't infringe on it.

Besides, if it's a new to you A-body, then it will be worth the wait.

Good words, low expectations no let down, assume the worst, expct nothing.

Did you remind your parents of the sisters better 16th B-day present vs the let down of a promise and the willed corola? And there big difference?

Worry not, expect nothing and you'll be ahead of the curve. Be it your parents are more for your sister or there outta money for this, it doesn't matter. It'll only make you stronger.

IMO, @ 16, this is nothing to ***** about. But I inderstand your concern and where ya come from.
Save your money and get the cr yourself. This way, no one owes you nothin.
The best way to have healthy and happy relationships with family members is DO NOT HAVE EXPECTATIONS of anyone. Just let them "be." You will prevent so much misery by following this rule.

Just forget about what your folks give your sister compared to what they give's one of the oldest stories in the world.

Just be happy, you are luckier than many kids. And a great member of FABO too.:cheers:
There are kids out in the world today that do not even have one parent to raise them never mind two. Be happy you have your parents around to raise you and remember that it's not what is given to you in life that counts, it's what you work hard for and acheive in life that really matters. You are very blessed that you come from a "gifted" family. My Dad used to beat my Mom and died at 44 from liver failure due to being an alcoholic, and my poor mother was left to bring up 7 kids herself. We were dirt poor. But I learned the golden rule in life is this,- "The reward in life for a job well done is not a raise, but the opportunity to do better" that is my .02 cents on this one. Unlike you, I had to work to get my first car and I am very thankful that I was not handed things on a platter growing up. I learned a really valuable lesson that if you want something, you need to work and earn it. This philosophy I have tried to instill in my children as well so that they will not think they can get everything handed to them.
I say look.
After they show it to you.
Now go put a 5" fart can on that Yota to irritate them.

And happy birthday....
Don't look! You'll get to look soon enough. Enjoy the excitement for awhile. (And no matter how careful you are, he'll know if you look. Parents have eyes and ears everywhere.)

Nineteen years ago, my parents bought my newly-licenced sister a brand-new Jetta, too. When I turned 16, did they buy me a new car and pay for its upkeep and repair? No. They loaned me a couple thousand dollars interest-free so I could buy a '65 (Canadian) Valiant Custom 200 -- the one you can see in the first two pics here. I appreciated the interest-free loan, but I was a little bent outta shape that they bought my sister a new car costing 4x the value of the loan I had to pay back.

But things have a way of equalising and balancing out. The Jetta was an unreliable piece of junk, and some years later my folks bought me a red '91 Spirit R/T (the one you can see in the first three photos here). The R/T was also unreliable (appetite for timing belts!) but unlike the slug-slow automatic Jetta, the R/T was hella fun to drive when it was running, and Chrysler paid for most of the repairs because I bought one of the "Added Care Plus" service contracts they were offering at the time. Boy, did they lose money on my particular service contract!

Anyhow: Don't look til your dad says okeh.
Don't look .... Like all our members here have said it is what it is, and I can say buy watching my brother next door they spoil there daughter and make the boys fend for there self, They do help the boys with needs . like tires and help tote the note on there first car and the daughter got a nicer car of the bunch and did not have to get a job....
It happens, so hold your head high and count your blessings even if it is having your own bed room and your own yard soaring around your home.
Show your family that you have the knowledge that it takes to respect your family and there privacy Mike, If you have the time mow the yard and stay busy to take this off your mind for know, Don't have any expectations of how you should be treated and life will be much better in the long run. You would not believe what some folks had for a home at your age, no parent's or a home.:clock::clock::clock:
Id be happy you dident get a volkswagen! those things are junk and worse yet when something breaks its a nightmare to fix.

anyway im thinking you might have got stuck in the corolla untill you learn how to drive better. not saying your the guy weaving in and out of traffic and hopping up on the shoulder to pass but, your just inexperienced at the moment. you would rather wreck some beater corolla then some cherry A body rite?

also dont look in that trailer untill you are allowed to. your going to have to learn to wait for alot of stuff in life so this is some good practice.:clock:
Happy Birthday Mike......One Christmas when I was about 12 yrs old ( I was real good at unwrapping my gifts early to see what I was getting ) I told my oldest sister two days before Christmas what was in the big box for me. After seeing the look of disappointment on her face due to lack of surprise I never peeked again. If it's for you then let it be the surprise. If not for you.....nothing lost.
Mike, you look in that trailer and I'll come up there and kick you in the ***, I really will. :-DBesides it would be totally disrespectful to your father if you did cuss sure as crap you'll get caught then both you and your father will feel like crap. Besides I wish I had your parents, I come from a family of 5 kids and I had to pay for my own motorcycles and cars. I started wrenching when I was 12 or 13 (can't remember which) and worked nights and weekends to put myself through tech school so know matter what you end up getting for your birthday Mike be sincerely thankfull to your parents for it. Just ignore that trailer and by the way young pup Happy Birthday.8) One last thing to remember Mike, I know where you live and I've got your phone number here somewhere.:read2:
You're venting? Over what, exactly?
When was/is your birthday?
I'd say that whatever is in the trailer you will find out when your dad is ready to show you. Until then, don't assume it's for you and don't go looking...
Happy b'day...
Dude, at least you got a car. I didn't get **** at 16. I had to wait until almost 18 - I got a $130,000 scholarshop and my parents bought me a whopping $3,000 Cutlass!!! You're already lucky, you don't get to rant :)

As far as the trailer, don't look...
Well I say lets go see whats on that trailer !

No just kidding, looks like there is a lot of good advice here already.
Daddy was a mailman for 36 years. Mama worked a few jobs until she got sick with cancer and daddy had to retire early to become her caregiver. They bought my sister a car when she turned 16. A 1976 Chevy Monza. They barely had enough to scrape together to send her to nursing school. So, obviously, in our family through the years, money was not present. I worked from the time I was nine, in 1974 until I was hurt on the job by a practical joke in 1999. I have been disabled ever since, so obviously, in our family now, money is not present. No one ever bought me a big present like a car. In fact, I always got my sister's hand me down bicycles. That is until a neighbor down the street sold me his old 10 speed for 40 bucks. I never even had a new bike. My advice to you is to be thankful your family is as blessed as it is and hope and pray nothing ever happens to change that. A lot of families are nowhere as blessed as it sounds like yours is. Sounds like you expect a lot just for pretty much being nothing more than a member of the family. My advice is expect nothing but appreciate anything. No one owes you a thing.
Whatever is in the trailer, feel lucky.................
.....I was given a handed down for the 3rd time 1962 Studebaker Lark 4 dr...
6 cyl. 3 on-the-tree with overdrive with Twin Traction and naturally it was
robins egg blue. A real studmobile.

I had to work for my first car at 16

What's was your Dad towing with I got a glimpse of a pink Yugo on a trailer heading up your way?