What should I do?



Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2012
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federal way, wa
I drive a company service truck everyday to and from work. Tonight I was at a red light stopped and was rear ended by a mini van going 50+ mph. I was pushed forward into the tow truck in front of me. She was sited and was found at blame. My back is jacked up! I don't wanna get fired! I need my job but I have an honest injury. What would you do?


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It would not go well if your employer fired you for reporting your injury. In New York. that is illegal!
Check with HR about your benefits. Insurance, short term disability, etc. I imagine you were off the clock, so I doubt workman's comp would be in play here.

No company in their right mind would fire you for an accident that wasn't your fault.

I would definitely go to a doctor and get your back and neck checked out. Don't screw around with that stuff. Trust me on that one.
It would not go well if your employer fired you for reporting your injury. In New York. that is illegal!

I was in route straight to my home. Sober! Will pass drug test and not had accident in over 10 yrs. I worry that if I start an injury claim it will have negative effects.

At the scene I turned down medical attention because I thought I was fine. It must of been adrenaline. Few hrs later back mostly is tight and sharp pinching pain. Worried I should have got medical attention. I cut the ends on front bumper off with battery powered saws all at scene cause it was pushed back onto front tires. Was trying to save a tow. Only 3 miles from home
Is your employer really that bad? I would be looking for a better job, son. Geezus that in itself should be grounds for one e'll of a lawsuit.

Or are you worried "the other direction," you should have gotten attention and you didn't? The thing is, we are all human, and most of us here are not medical professionals. Hell, I don't even play one on TV. You could not know that "later" you would feel jacked up on this.

Maybe a little (true) humor?

When I was "in" HVAC service, I was cleaning a condenser, and got some sort of cinder blown into one eye. I thought it would come out, of course, and it didn't. Next morning I found myself getting looked at with some machine stuck in my eye. Hell, I didn't know WTF she was doing, they never tell you. She had the damn thing tuned into one eye, and announced "I have to be honest, I cannot see A THING in your eye."

"Well," says I, "that's because THE OTHER EYE is the one that hurts!!!!"

(Hell I could tell the troubled eye just looking in the mirror!!! All red and swollen up!!!)
IF it were the USPS here is what would happen. You report injury. Your told to file a Injury Comp claim. And told to stay home until recovered. As to your pay the DOL is SUPPOSED to pay you...but they won't. So you burn up your sick/annual leave. Run out of it? No pay. Unable to return to full duty? Have a nice life....outside the USPS....Be careful what you do here...
Check with HR about your benefits. Insurance, short term disability, etc. I imagine you were off the clock, so I doubt workman's comp would be in play here.

No company in their right mind would fire you for an accident that wasn't your fault.

Don't screw around with that stuff. Trust me on that one.

USPS will....
IF it were the USPS here is what would happen. You report injury. Your told to file a Injury Comp claim. And told to stay home until recovered. As to your pay the DOL is SUPPOSED to pay you...but they won't. So you burn up your sick/annual leave. Run out of it? No pay. Unable to return to full duty? Have a nice life....outside the USPS....Be careful what you do here...

My thoughts exactly! I don't wanna screw myself outta a job. I'm the only welder/ fabricator. If I'm not working jobs don't get done. I will be replaced. That's as sure as the sun will rise. I been working 60hr weeks for months now because we are so busy
IF it were the USPS here is what would happen. You report injury. Your told to file a Injury Comp claim. And told to stay home until recovered. As to your pay the DOL is SUPPOSED to pay you...but they won't. So you burn up your sick/annual leave. Run out of it? No pay. Unable to return to full duty? Have a nice life....outside the USPS....Be careful what you do here...

My thoughts exactly! I don't wanna screw myself outta a job. I'm the only welder/ fabricator. If I'm not working jobs don't get done. I will be replaced. That's as sure as the sun will rise. I been working 60hr weeks for months now because we are so busy

Project I'm nearly finished with
I would definetly get checked out for any injury to your back and have it documented.What if in the next week,month it gets to the piont where you can,t work.Try explaining to your boss in a month that you were in an accident a month ago and can,t work now.Just sayin...get checked out now before it could turn into a long term injury.
Don't mess around, file the reports, get looked at.
This **** can come back and bite you in the ***.
If the tow truck driver was injured by your companies
truck no matter who's fault, lawyers will go after everyone
involved to get into the money.
You could end up in a civil suit with no recourse but to lawyer up
at your expense, not to mention your possible injuries that will come out of our pocket and medical ins later if you don't do the paperwork now.
In Illinois even if you refuse medical treatment at the scene you still have so many days to go to the Dr., I would go to get checked out if you are hurting
In Illinois even if you refuse medical treatment at the scene you still have so many days to go to the Dr., I would go to get checked out if you are hurting

pursue it all the way!~ doctor -lawyer -all accident reports to every one ,including your boss first! if he fires you, you can sue him and WIN! there is not a lawyer in the world that won`t take this case, both against your boss if he fires you, and the person resposible for hitting you to start with!! be sure and get (keep) copies of the police report too! this injury may bother you more when you get older.---ask me how I know----bob:coffee2:
pursue it all the way!~ doctor -lawyer -all accident reports to every one ,including your boss first! If he fires you, you can sue him and win! There is not a lawyer in the world that won`t take this case, both against your boss if he fires you, and the person resposible for hitting you to start with!! Be sure and get (keep) copies of the police report too! This injury may bother you more when you get older.---ask me how i know----bob:coffee2:

The driver that rear ended you will be the party at fault and will be on the paying end. You need to get things checked so the costs don't go back on your employer in the future. A simple adjustment may put you back in shape.
Get x-rayed asap...same thing happened to me in '06. My body will never be right again ....
Go to the ER ASAP. If you don't you're an idiot.
Go see a doctor. A DO, not a MD. DO's can do back adjustments like chiropractors (or some of them at least).

I was rear ended by a drunk 18 year old kid doing over 90 MPH and it messed my back up real bad. He straightened the curve of my spine at my neck, I was hit so hard. I did go to the hospital the next day, but they were a shitty hospital and told me to come back in a week if I still hurt - after making me wait over 5 hours to tell me this.

I finally went to a doctor three months later after I was in pain whether I was standing, sitting down, or lying down. After seeing a chiropractor for a few months, it did help, but there will always be a problem.

See a chiropractor or DO and have your back checked out. You don't realize how important your back is until you have injured it....
Go see a doctor. A DO, not a MD. DO's can do back adjustments like chiropractors (or some of them at least).

I was rear ended by a drunk 18 year old kid doing over 90 MPH and it messed my back up real bad. He straightened the curve of my spine at my neck, I was hit so hard. I did go to the hospital the next day, but they were a shitty hospital and told me to come back in a week if I still hurt - after making me wait over 5 hours to tell me this.

I finally went to a doctor three months later after I was in pain whether I was standing, sitting down, or lying down. After seeing a chiropractor for a few months, it did help, but there will always be a problem.

See a chiropractor or DO and have your back checked out. You don't realize how important your back is until you have injured it....

That works in some states. Here in NY you need to go the ER or your PCP and get the referral for a specialist. (Even then, the ER will make you follow up with your PCP to get the referral.) Most insurance companies require the referral, too.

This, on the other hand, should be an ER or PCP visit to keep the chain in line for insurance purposes and then let the doc make the referral from there. The person at fault's insurance will have to pay the bills and they may require a referral before they pay it out. Better to follow the steps and make sure the insurance company pays out.

The idea that you might put your future health in jeopardy over a job now...?

What happens when you're in your forties and everything related to your back can be traced to this accident? Especially if you've moved jobs? Keep all your ducks in a row and make sure that you're compensated for any future accident related down time/surgeries/etc. If it goes to comp, keep all your paperwork since anything filed in the future as a result of this accident comp will pay out.
I am tellin you. If you go to the ER, it will have more pull if you have to end up turning it legal. After the ER, THEN go to your regular doctor. What you really should have done was take the ambulance ride. But that's water under the bridge now.