When are fuel prices going to start to drop

3.35 in Surprise, AZ. Definitely not cheap, but it's sure better than $4.
Here's a sticker from one of our Exxon Stations.

The Federal tax is fixed. It is not a percentage.
Each state can change their gasoline tax as they see fit. It is cheaper to buy gas in Arizona than it is in California even though we Californians buy much more gas than most any state. If the Feds stopped taxing gas, then we would only see a price drop of 18 cents.

The price of gasoline changes primarily due to the price of the crude oil on the particular day it is bought.
Things that affect the price of crude include:
stock market speculators
the value of the US dollar (petrodollars)
replacement cost for each barrel of oil
OPEC fixed pricing
supply of crude.


  • CA Gas Taxes 2.jpg
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Well how come they are earning billions each quarter? Something is wrong how they can make unlimited profits off of a product than people need, driving is not a luxury, its a need for most of us.
Most people don't really care about the price of gas. I shop for the cheapest gas in the area but when I find it I can look across the street where the price is 10 cents a gallon higher and there seem to be lots of folks who are buying it. I have asked some folks and there reasons are: I've got a credit card for this brand, or they sell the particular snack I like inside, It's not as busy so I can get in and out faster, etc. etc. There doesn't seem to be much motivation for a station or distributor to lower prices........
Due to very poor corn production this year,everthing that is made with corn products will be alot higher next year.
That's right, we got this increase each year now to put more alcohol in the gasoline. I bet that is driving up the cost also.

Yeah people don't shop wisely. Look in the gas stations how many people buy a 16 oz bottle of soda for almost $2, when many grocery stores or target you can buy a 2 liter bottle for $1 on sale. They buy little bags of chips for more $ then the larger bags sell for at other places.

Our gas stations can sell beer, wine and a very few can sell the hard stuff. People sure buy a lot there. Makes little sense to me but then I got more time to go different places to shop, if I was working overtime everyday I might say screw it, lol
Shame on you people, crying about gas prices


Exxon only made $82,175 per minute of profit the first quarter of this year


...how do they expect to stay in biz?


We all need to just keep bending over for them and our government.


I plan on moving south in my old age, so I can at least be warm when I am living under some expressway overpass!

God help us all.

4 a gallon for premium hell come near Detroit we have the highest unemployment and the highest gas price. The cheap stuff here is 3.89 a gallon.
They are living the good life for sure. They have been sending a lot of heigh buck sand cars over to the UAE. This one here says they paid 600K for it. Yikes!! Don't it make you all warm inside to know you helped pay for it?

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSaUECBWIUE"]Sandrail Big Block 1500HP Exotic Beast in UAE - YouTube[/ame]
1.18 per liter here.....and climbing.
That's 4.80 ish for a U.S. gallon regular.
And they make it right here in Alberta too!

And this is something that really bothers me. Local folk put up with the oil companies poisoning thier rivers, and lakes producing 3 eyed fish (yes it's true,there was one found in an alberta river not that long ago),sucking up alll the underground water for miles around etc etc. And seeing as how they are much closer to the source thier cost should be lower as transportation will be far less of a factor.

But lets face it. The oil companies think thier royalty and are getting away with whatever they wish. I thought we colonised North America to get away from this crap of the rich doing whatever they wish.
Heard talk that all the oil getting suck out of the ground is creating these big earthquakes. Its a new open space and the ground shifts to fill in the space and creates new stress on the fault lines.
$3.45 a gallon just across the border from Florida in Georgia on the coast.

Our government/country should have never let the oil companies consolidate and buy out all of the micro refineries and smaller oil production businesses. Big corporations and bad government will be our downfall.
4 a gallon for premium hell come near Detroit we have the highest unemployment and the highest gas price. The cheap stuff here is 3.89 a gallon.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but Chicago has the highest gas prices in the country. Thanks to Crook County (er Cook County) sin taxes (gas, liquor, cigarettes)...

Michigan averages 15 to 20 cents per gallon cheaper. We are at $4.00 for the cheap stuff.

I went on a road trip for parts this summer and paid $4 per gallon when leaving Chicago, and then found a station in Missouri selling it for $3.15. It never went down in Chicago when I got back the next day. Stayed near $4 per gallon.

I remember when Obama was elected, it went down to like $2.50 for a while and then shot up again. If he doesn't do anything about the price of gas and get more jobs available, I will be voting for the republican this time around... Unless they put some Bozo like Palin up on the ballot.

It's a shame that we can't vote for someone we support, just the lesser of two evils....
. Big corporations and bad government will be our downfall.

You got that right!

As soon as we vote them in, the lobbyist buy them off. Then we don't mean anything to them until they need our vote for the next election...

And the Supreme Court made it legal for the corporations to back a candidate unlimitedly... Talk about getting bought off...

Or more like it, we got sold out....
The gas prices are bullshit IMO. 3 days ago I looked at the cost of oil per barrel (US$) vs cost of gas (US$). By percentage, today a gallon of gas costs more per barrel vs a few years ago.......its bullshit. People in charge of this country and in charge of the oil industry are making it that way. I have accepted it and my only way to address this issue is to cast my vote. Theres no other action that I could take that would possibly have any effect IMO.

Off topic-------sry, but IMO my best option is to cast my vote, but when voting for president......the electoral colledge screws that all up. I guess i'll keep my day job lol.
The prices stay high because the demand is high enough at the high price to support it. There are really two things that can help lower prices. If each person would do what they can to reduce the demand the price of supply should go down. (Should... I know...in my area the price goes up about 20 to 25 cents for events like the motorcycle rally or national rodeo, etc. so they have buyers somewhat captive) The other is to buy from the cheapest place you can find and to convince others to do the same. When the higher priced place sees their business drop and the less expensive folks have the business they will be forced to drop to a competetive price if they want to continue to sell gas. Then when the profit gets slim on the retail end the retailers will work on the price from thir suppliers.

Too many people just sit back and complain and think there is nothing that can be done, blaming it on goverment or big oil (well if the public is dumb enough to keep handing the oil companies money why shouldn't they take it!) Right now demand for gasoline is so high that current prices have very little to do with actual oil prices, they just charge what the market will bear. Individually we can't affect much but if enough folks do just a little bit the economic system, supply and demand, works.