why do the police speed?



Fusing with fire
Oct 20, 2009
Reaction score
San Jose, Ca.
I came from a small town and worked volunteer fire.
we never ran above the speed limit unless we needed to roll code. why the hell do i see cops runnning 65 in a 45 all day? (San Jose)

are they trying to ketch the car in front that they cant see? is their radio broke?

What gives?

Please drive like your kids live here...
if your gonna haul *** turn your lights on.. oh but that turns on the dash cam...

and folks wonder why they got such low appeal in big citys...
I see it all the time around here. It's not just speeding though. - Failure to use turn signals, not stopping at stop signs, not dimming their lights, tailgating, etc... It seems that the worst offenders are the quickest to ticket others for the same behaviors.
I have a few friends that are officers, they dont dim their lights because they want you to swerve, then they can roll on you and "check you". Its reason right there.
makes me sick, but i dont want this to go political...

Protect and Serve...

even thats gone now..

They do not serve you or me..

Just try giving one a tip...

Im voting monicas ex boyfriends wife.
cuz she will fix it...

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cops everywhere speed - why? because they can.. who's gonna pull THEM over..? I swear it seems like it one of their job perks..
Not really a perk, but when you are running calls back to back you want to get there and get the heck out. No one needs more drama. Everyone complains that the police take to long to respond as if they are waiting around the corner when called. In truth, if someone gets their cell phone stolen during a robbery; one does not want to wish to risk their life by speeding to the scene in hopes to find the phone full of memorable photos and contacts. Take the report and move on.
cops everywhere speed - why? because they can.. who's gonna pull THEM over..? I swear it seems like it one of their job perks..

Same as why a dog licks its balls... Because they can....
Not really a perk, but when you are running calls back to back you want to get there and get the heck out. No one needs more drama. Everyone complains that the police take to long to respond as if they are waiting around the corner when called. In truth, if someone gets their cell phone stolen during a robbery; one does not want to wish to risk their life by speeding to the scene in hopes to find the phone full of memorable photos and contacts. Take the report and move on.
I think we're talking about non-call situations here.. when the lights are flashing it's a given that the officer is in a hurry and therefor speeding.. what I am referring to (and I believe others are too) is prevalence of fast moving police cars that are not en route to a call - - they're not hammering down the street so to speak, but they ARE speeding - - be sure, you and I would get pulled over for it- period.
Not to stereotype, but most of them do forget they have public servant jobs. Most of the one's the one's that really
goes to there head are the one's that are new (rookies) that just put that badge on. Takes a few years to get it out of there system.
Do what I did and look up the email address for, or call the traffic division Captain and professionally chew his *** about it if it bugs you that much.
People here drive like there are no rules or even lines and the traffic cops are nowhere to be found, so I asked if there was a new place where all the traffic cops go when they are on duty because they sure ain't out there doin their damn job.
I own and operate a fairly well known business here, so they know who I am and what my car looks like, but they also know if they mess with me they better have a good reason for it.

Now on the flip side, if they catch me doing 65 in a 45 I politely take the ticket without issue with them and pay the piper.
They have 62 officers here and TWO traffic cruisers in a town where everyone drives however the hell they feel like, and they hardly ever do squat even if something happens right in front of them.
Last time I got pulled over the cop said he was going to have to write me a ticket and I said "Yea, well at least your ticketing SOMEBODY for SOMETHING" :D

Can't ***** about them not doing their job and get pissed because they did, right? :D
I had to take a **** quite urgently. Lights and siren directly to 7-11! (This happens more than once for me)
I have 2 friends that are cops and one prosecutor. All say they have a license to speed and boy do they. Anytime they get pulled over , just show their badge.
At least you are talking about Cops on duty. What chaps me is my retired relatives that get away with **** because flipping to their license they "happen" to flash their retired badge and say something like " could you show a bit of consideration to a retired flatfoot, or I know what its like to be on your side" or some sort of bullshit like that. Works every time.
If you catch me speeding, fine, give me a ticket, I deserve it, but I'd like to see people get pulled for plugging up the left lane too. One guy I work with explained "the left lane is the through lane, the right is for entering and exiting" WHAT? When did they start teaching THAT?
I live in a small town, 20,000 people. What gets me is before shift change I will see a couple heading up Main Street where the speed limit is 20mph. They are running flashing lights and sirens if traffic is heavy weaving in and out of traffic. Main Street is a 2 lane road. As soon as they get to the police station, you got it. The lights and sirens go off. They pull in and park, then walk in side to get ready to go home.
I have seen cops here blip the lights to blow through a light that just turned red on more than one occasion. Block later they shut them off and proceed on their way. It's well known they drive over and tailgate to "intimidate" people to speed. Or "pace" people and say they were going over. Lots of other things. But occasionally they do pay the price!

Police officer ticketed after crash with failing to yield
Not all of them do, but a lot of them are guilty. Late to the doughnut shop?
how do you know they are not in a hurry to get somewhere to save someone's life. ...you don't know. Maybe they don't want to turn the siren on to not spook a perp in a situation. you don't know that.

I cant speak for the whole country but in my county, I am going to stand by the cops. They do a fine job keeping me safe. ( I have some stories) I have seen my local deputy sheriff not engage in a high speed chase in the interest of public safety yet they still get their perp. That happened one time when I saw a Jeep Cherokee speed by and run stop signs and then a few minutes later a deputy sheriff was seen going a reasonable speed and looking for people who may be crossing the road as he tried to keep the jeep in sight. Later on the news, they got their perp which was a kidnapping and assault case.

If cops were not as effective there would be a lot more chaos on streets spilling over into our happy law abiding lives. This country has some of the best cops who resist corruption. Look at so many other countries where Cops get away with rape and theft and run the streets like their own play ground. I don't believe these cops here are near that bad, and there is a nice legal system here to act as a check and balance. Problem is that most citizens would rather just be spectators. Does your county offer citizen ride alongs??? mine does and have been on one before. Does your county offer tours of the jail and related offices??? mine does and I have spoken with a police captain myself.

So for shame to blindly demonize those who risk their lives to protect us and keep BS out of our neighborhoods. My local sheriff office staff are nothing but heros to me. I would hate to think people could have such a poor attitude towards other people who will be there when you really need them.