Winter Meeting



Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2009
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some were not prepared


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For several years during one period in the early eighties, and for another several years in the mid nineties, I worked in Spokamentro, about a 45 mile drive from home. It was INVARIABLY a 4x4 that was in the ditch.

One day I was rollin along nicely "spaced" between two groups of cars, trying to drive slow enough to stay on the road, yet fast enough not to be overtaken by the nuts behind. I was driving maybe 45 in slushy, mushy, crap, and here comes some guy steamin along in the left line just MOVIN. He no sooner got passed, that he made about a 1080. On one of his rotations, he slid past my car and missed by inches. I was as far to the right as I could get, nearly clipping the markers.

I figured, "last I'll see of HIM." NOPE. He got back there and gathered his courage, wiped his a$$ I bet, and came steamin by AGAIN. That time he made it, and as soon as I saw him coming I slowed way down. He kept goin' that time.

'People never learn."
winter driving rule #1
just because you have AWD doesn't mean you wont get stuck, it simply means you'll get stuck far enough in so you need a wrecker to pull you out

it does seem that everyone driving a AWD SUV thinks they are on rails
Several years back while driving to work on a 4 lane wide e-way some fool in a 4wd pickup goes blazing past on the inside lane which hadn't really been plowed. He loses it, starts spinning around and the rest of us are doing all we can to avoid contact. There was some minor contact between him and a couple of cars, some people ended up off road in the ditch.

He ends up stopped sideways in the middle of the 4 lanes. I can clearly see the guy say "****" and then flip on the emergency lights on his roof. He now has something he can talk about in class, because his truck has big bold lettering all along the side saying "First responder emergency training". Must have been late for class.
In New England we can have some winter storms that are scary. I was commuting on I-93 South in a storm. A state of emergency was declared which mandated a max speed of 45 mph. An Audi AWD went flying by me spraying slush everywhere. 2 miles down the road he is in the median sideways. I slowed and hollered to him "Are you hurt". "No" was his reply. I said, "Good, now go and f**k yourself, a*****e." My best commute ever.
I drove a 440 Roadrunner for over a decade from northern IL to central WI daily and never lost control of the car. I think people should have two or three years of physics before they are allowed to touch a car.
winter driving rule #1
just because you have AWD doesn't mean you wont get stuck, it simply means you'll get stuck far enough in so you need a wrecker to pull you out

it does seem that everyone driving a AWD SUV thinks they are on rails
---- Same goes for 4 X 4 Trucks, SUVs etc. - they don't stop any better than a 2 WD on a slippery road.
---- Same goes for 4 X 4 Trucks, SUVs etc. - they don't stop any better than a 2 WD on a slippery road.

With all the extra weight they carry, they stop even worse. And too many people get fooled by the extra traction they don't believe it's slippery out until they touch the brakes.

Been driving 4 wheel pick ups and SUV's (Ramchargers) most of my adult life. I laugh at the guys who think they are invincible and usually wind up upside down in the median somewhere. Seen it more than once.
People here can't drive if it even Rains !!

LOL, same here.
And when it does rain they still try to do 80 in the 65.
Of course there is also always at least one doing 40 in the left lane with no lights on during it all.

I was driving my Dart in a pretty bad snow storm last year (vision was a bout 50 feet or so) and the amount of white cars without lights on was just dumbfounding.
Couldn't even see them till they were 30 feet from you.

Just last month it was raining pretty hard and some woman just stopped right in the road on a 2 lane 45mph.
Didn't pull off the road, and didn't turn on any lights or flashers, just stopped. WTF?
I saw her stopped in the road in enough time, signaled and moved into the left lane and just layed on the horn as I went by.
Dumb *** people.