you aint gona believe this

I just got back from my lawyers office and she has already started screwing up last tuesday we had a agrement that I got my three kids every weekend and could get my belongings . took the kids back sunday afternoon and she told me I could only get them every other weekend and could not have any of my things .

Lawyer said let it ride untill the hearing on the 2march2009 he would take care of her then

And if your reading this thelma hi
PRENUP is what I've learned. Spend the $$$ for it in the beginning and you'll be that much ahead if it comes to divorce and the treatment of the kids. That's my motto since I've never been married. Might Never. I like my Mopars LOL
I'm going to use the new method I learned on here not to long ago.

You remember the old three F's... motto.. now it's..

If it Flys, Floats, or F--ks then you better off to rent it!

Yep, and if it has tits or tires, expect to have trouble with it, and expect to pay big bucks to fix those troubles. :toothy10:
Dropped my kids off today and the first thing she asked for was the child support. one of my neighbors said she left friday night dressed like a hooker 6in heels and 7 in skirt.

And my oldest son told me that she has been hauling them around in the cargo part of a ford escape.
This says it all.

a long arm..the worm is slowly turning though..more and more dads are getting custody, and their homes...
a long arm..the worm is slowly turning though..more and more dads are getting custody, and their homes...

I got it guys. 2 kids, and a helluva lawyer bill. ( cost 4 times as much if the father is going for custody). Eventually granted custody. Anyways bud, what ever the cost, its worth it. Keep your kids by your side. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about.
Sure glad to see more men are getting their kids and houses in these situations.
I went through this back in '84 when my daughter was 7 and my son was 2. However, mine wasn't 4 times as expensive since my ex never hired an attorney and never showed up in court. I got full custody of both kids, bought her out of the house really cheap to offset her paying me a very low child support of $100 per kid per month.
Paid her for the house right up front and then she never paid me child support. I took her back to court and the female judge lowers the support to $75 per kid per month - they ate more than that!
Anyway, she continues to not pay child support for a bunch of years so I wait until she re-marries and then take her back to court and the court grabs part of her paychecks, their joint tax returns, and puts a lien on her house (with new husband). No statute of limitations on child support in California.
Well, THAT sure got her attention!
I was full-time "Mr. Mom" for both kids and wouldn't have traded it for anything in the world. Kids are now 32 and 27 and both know I'll be there through hell and highwater for them no matter what.
Hang in there and do the best for your kids. It's worth it.
Thanks for all the prayers guys went to the first court hearing today and it was dismissed , she didnt show up , I was also able to get my car and tools away from thier as far as i could tell she didnt damage the car but thier was about 5-6 thousand dollars worth of tools missing . My next big battle come on the 27th when I face the state for criminal diomesct volince show keep me in your prayers .

I get my kids tommoro after school and have them untill 6pm sunday so I wont be on till tuesday

I will also start removing the engine from my car sometime next week

Thanks for everthing so far
Glad to hear everything is getting back to normal. I know it's slow and emotional but it will all work out. You more than likely will have to pay a fine and be required to go to DMV classes.
picked up my kids friday night got them to where I am staying thur all this (had to listen to everything I had done wrong ) I went to bath my youngest son and his male part was black blue and purple any unnormal color you can think of my daughter had a rash starting on her bottom and tired as hell.

my 6 year old son told me that mommy had took the to where she used to live and they spent the weekend before in a house with no water heat or fridge or food they had to use a bucket for the toliet.

went to drop off the kids on sunday they wanted to stay with me and she had on display her valitines present from her new freind (the unlucky bastard) some neighbors told me that that guy looked like to same one that hung around while I was in iraq which brings to question is my daughter acutaly mine?

I will keep you all updated
Almost sounds like a tv movie of the week. If you have any questions about your daughter being yours, have a paternity test done...especially if she is going to ask for child support. If you can prove infedelity on her part, especially if it was while you were at in Iraq, would blow her credibility to any any lawyer or judge.