Thought I'd finally register



Well-Known Member
May 30, 2004
Reaction score
Concord, California
Just wanted to say hi, I've been reading these boards for a few weeks now, along with a few others just getting tips and ideas.
I've been out of the mopar loop for awhile. I'm just trying to get the rust off me and my never ending project, now that I finally may have some cash and more room to work on it.
I'll be moving this year to a two car garage (and a flat driveway I hope) thank god!!!! heh.
Anyway, nice board and a nice group of people here.
WARNING!!!!WARNING!!!!!!!This board can become habit forming.If you begin to feel compeled to spend too much time here,take a break do a burnout then resume.The Surgeon General has determined that Smoking your tires can be benificial to your well being.
I thought tire smoke was good for the lungs! :twisted: AAAAAAAH!!The smell of burning tires :!: :lol:
Thanks for the welcome guys, lots of great cars here.
I'll have to remember the health benefits of tire smoke when I get my car done. Ya know It's for my own good...:wink: :twisted:
Welcome ProStreetDuster. It rerally is a good site with great people.