Colorado man attacked by 3 Coyote's



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Jan 8, 2006
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on the hill
His car was broke down and had to walk to work or walk the rest of the way to work :-k
He used a flash light to fight them off and as soon as he fought one off another would attack he said, this was on the world news this morning :tongue9:
2 years ago or so a lady doing some yard work just 1 mile away from me was unaware that a Cougar/Mountain lion was stalking her and got as close as 30 yards to her when her husband came running out of the house, he spotted the large cat as he walked out the back door to his home and just happened to see it in the shadows of the tree's, He said he ran to his wife and pulled her toward there tailor house, and kept his eye's on the cat as they made it to the deck of the trailer, and the cat turned and moved like a ghost back in to the wheet/straw field :evil:

These cat's are about to start there migration threw our area again, this was 8 days before Thanksgiving, so! the question is will I be packing a side arm as I walk the fields and around ponds I fish this time of year by myself, Hell yea and if I get in trouble for packing a side arm with out a licence to carry a large center fire side arm on privet property I have permission to fish and hunt
even if gun season is not in ? If so I can guaranty I will be making it public that I was not shooting or firing the side arm, just carrying it for protection .
Did anyone see this on the new's, the young man has been undergoing rabies shots and the Coyote's tour him up bad .. :sad7:
It that time of year again, stay safe and watch your children and small four legged friends as they play outside, as it seems mother nature is striking back and taking there hunting area to a new level
Scary man!
We have had two deer killed by mountain lions on our property this summer. Before we got our seasonal monsoons, we were in a drought. All the deer were coming down low to eat and the cats were following them. The first one was 20ft from the back door of my shop. The second one was 5ft from our deck. Both times it came back that night for seconds. Carry a side arm? Both my wife and me without a doubt! I have photos but not sure if they are PC.
Keep safe out there this fall! They see you way before you see them!
We are encroaching on their habitat more everyday. It was theirs first.
No doubt Rob! They are dropping in more homes and pushing further into the woods here every day. We called DOW when this happened the first time and they said " keep you kids and pets in side and if you don't want the cat to come back, remove the carcass" Kind of hard to do once the vulture's get into it.
Everyone want's mountain views with and tall trees. Lots of clueless transplant out here. Most don't get it. But if you build it they will come.
We are encroaching on their habitat more everyday. It was theirs first.
So true Rob, yet man has had to protect there families and tribes from there strengths of packing up in packs to survive and feed there young, this food chain thing is always changing, The wolf was near extinction in parts of our country at one time, know here in Arkansas we have what we call a Wolf Coyote mix breed and some nights I can stand outside and hear the packs growing in large number, seeing them stand on hay bails watching every move we make.
I can't help but think if my child was taken by one that I would go on a hunting spree out of anger of the lose of a child/family member.
Where I live and have lived many years 38 to be exact with in 3 miles I have had close encounters and one time it was a mountain Lion, the Game wardens came to my old home where I called in and reported that a Mt Lion or Cougar
walked up to a small pond I was fishing just 50 yards from my home and they parked 3 truck in my yard and tracked it and confirmed it was a Mt Lion/Cougar and set live traps and they came back the next year and set live traps.. Here first or not I have and will take one out if I am being stalked by a wild animal ..
Some times I wonder what it would be like to live in a part of the world where there are things that can crawl into your bathroom and kill you.

Or when I'm sitting in my sunroom and the sliding glass doors are at ground level I think about something large enough to come inside and eat me in those places.
I live in Sun City West, Arizona....We have Coyote's every where here especially if you live close to a golf course. We had one walk up to our front door mid day one time.Mind you this in the middle of a City not out in the country. I never walk my little Lhasa Apso near or after dark and don't leave him in the yard by his self. I watched 8 of them walking across the street from a sale where there were 50 or so people.As Rob said we have encroached on their territory and they have adapted very well. One nice thing is the rodent and rabbit population is pretty much kept in check here.
Holy cow! That's nuts! I know we had something in the front yard the other night here at my place. I had just opened the door to get my wife's bag out of the truck as requested when I heard something larger than a dog (sounded like) growl at me. I immediately shut the door without even looking around to see what it was. You can bet you dairy air that this white boy wasn't going to be dinner! lol it's definitely sounded larger than any dog I've ever dealt with...