Question regarding my wife and her health



Senior Member
Oct 23, 2009
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Modesto, CA
Please I am asking ANYONE out here for some assistance. My wife has been very sick for some time now and She has been hospitalized twice for dizziness and has has Ct Scans of her Brain, Heart, Neck. They thought it was Vertigo She has been sent to a ear nose throat specialist and he referred her to Raleigh Neurology and she has been there twice. The first time to get checked out by the neurological doctor and back again on Friday when they looked at her eyes and ears with a sophisticated mask she wore that measured her eye movements as well as a camera where they looked into her ears and blew varying amounts of cool and warm air into her ears. Well I am completely at a loss of words as to why they cannot find anything so far but she is really so dizzy she needs help to even turn over when she is lying down. Even worse if she needs to get up to walk. This is so much for her to suffer and I am so heartsick for her as I watch her suffer like this. She was on Mecclazine and Valium which helped slow down the dizziness, but the Dr stopped these because all she would do was sleep. She is still sleeping a lot because it is getting to the point that every time she is awake she cannot even keep her eyes open. I have been Praying to God for her to heal and it seems to be getting worse. The Dr said even if she was hospitalized that there would not be much that they can do. She is going back to the ear nose and throat Dr tomorrow, She has also already been seen by an optometrist who prescribed stronger contacts for her. But if anyone out here could please ask around to anyone in the medical field and explain in brief what she is suffering, At this point I am open to suggestions to try with the Dr's. It is really heartbreaking to see my wife suffering like this every day since Sept 22nd. Sorry this is so long but I got to find an answer for her somehow. Thanks and please pray for her
Tom prayers for your wife and family I know this is hard on everyone there. I am praying for the Doctor to have guidance and strength for you and family.
Well, I'm certainly no doctor, and this might sound silly, but has anyone checked her blood sugar levels?

Also, the dizziness while lying down is indicative of an inner ear infection.

just my 2¢, something to ask your doctor about, anyway.
Thanks for all the responses. Yes she is a type 1 Diabetic and we monitor her sugar levels. She also suffers from Fibromyalgia and was on Cymbalta for a while and the Dr stopped her Cymbalta. I am wondering if this may have been caused by the Cymbalta. They have done so many different tests on her but she just is not improving.
She was camping at the campground all summer. I believe they may have already tested her but I will be asking about this tomorrow at her Dr appointment.
Check out all of her medications and cross check them for interactions. I have a drug called Zanaflex that is fatal to me if I take it. I was hospitalized twice over it and my quack doctor never bothered to check out my meds. By the grace of god, I found it by checking my medications on line.

Prayers going out for full discovery of the issues and full healing.
Sounds like what a family member has. Ménière's (say "men-YEERS") disease is an inner ear camera problem that affects your hearing and balance.
Thanks Great suggestion. I will research all of what she is taking on line and see what I may find.
Possible side effects of Cymbalta:

dizziness, faintness, or lightheadedness when getting up suddenly from a lying or sitting position

Possible side effects of Meclezine:


Possible side effects of Valium:

dizziness, faintness, or lightheadedness when getting up from a lying or sitting position suddenly
Can they safely treat Meniere's disease without making her dependent on narcotic Valium type drugs?
So What I'm getting is she may have to lay off all treatments for her various issues due to side affects. Wow that is interesting. Why would the Dr.s keep giving her this type of medication in the first place????
So What I'm getting is she may have to lay off all treatments for her various issues due to side affects. Wow that is interesting. Why would the Dr.s keep giving her this type of medication in the first place????

They are confused at the symptoms.
Well, my wife suffers from Vertigo and she takes a Claritin-D once a day to help control it, it's what the doctor suggest she try. She still get's dizzy once in a while, but not as often or as bad.
So What I'm getting is she may have to lay off all treatments for her various issues due to side affects. Wow that is interesting. Why would the Dr.s keep giving her this type of medication in the first place????

Not all people have the same reactions to every drug so the blanket side effect statements do little good. That is why it is important to look at your wife's medications and the side affects that fit with her.

While I trust my doctor that I have now, I still check every medication that I take after the Zanaflex issues.
So What I'm getting is she may have to lay off all treatments for her various issues due to side affects. Wow that is interesting. Why would the Dr.s keep giving her this type of medication in the first place????

Remember, those are "possible" side effects. It doesn't necessarily mean that's whats causing it.
Prayers for you n the wife. My 1st thought was Diabetes, but if you check inkjunkies thread out on diabetes, there was a European member that chimed in where his wife was diabetic and taking insulin injections. Turns out she was allergic or something to the injections. Best of luck!
List the meds she is on. My dr put me on Seraquil to help me sleep and the side effects were horrendous. took it at an hour before bed. I saw people, animals walking around the room and one nite 15 bicycles parked next to my bed.
The falling is what really was scary. Stopped taking it when I realized what it was doing.
I know there are crystals in ear canal that get out of place that can cause balance issues. It sounds like your wife's issue is too bad for this to be it.
Prayers sent for your wife and your whole family during this time! Ill ask my wife when she gets home if she has any ideas, she works in the medical industry with a phlebotomy background! Geof