Running scale models?


67 Power Wagon

Hemi Pawr or BUST!
Jan 13, 2014
Reaction score
Hell, USA
Check these out!


And the BEST one:

I'd LOVE to have one of the second one I posted, that actual Hemi 426 model.. that is AWESOME!

I wonder how that go on say... a push mower to power the blades? You'd be the only person with a Hemi powered lawn mower! LOL

You know, as much as I hate this, this motor you posted? Isn't even a "true" Hemi! Unlike the other REAL 1:1 size ones aren't, this one is merely made to look as tho it is..... the "Valve covers" are just that "covers" to have the spark plugs to go down through them and off to the front of the head!

Now, I know your going to ask, "How does he know that!?" WELL last year when I was up to absolutely, NOTHING after getting home from the hospital about the only thing I could stand to do, was sleep, and look things up on the computer. This went on for about 3 weeks. (I watched more TV in that time then I have my whole life!) BUt that's another story for another time....I read up on this particular engine you posted! Those "covers" only serve for "looks"!!!!!!

Yeah, I was bullshit too reading that as it says "Hemi" and its truely not even remotely close to a Hemi!

Matter of fact, the second one I posted is the only "true" Hemispherical motor here! The first one is a Semi-Hemi really, even tho it has an Ardun Hemi get up on it......Again, I actually talked with the builder of that second "426 Hemi quarter scale model" The guy you see "starting it" with a drill, and pressing on the "gas pedal" is actually the machinist who made and assembled it!

In ANY case (ALL 3 here) they're impressive!!!!!!