should i feel this way about fathers day



Well-Known Member
May 13, 2010
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Grand Tetons
Hi Y'all,

IMHO, i feel like fathers day is a crock. I feel like i am a sperm donor / cash register. My wife says i am important, but other than working my *** off to provide for my family i just dont see it.

Maybe im jaded but the simple fact is im gonna have to work my *** off for the next 16 years minimum , and figure out how to pay all my bills and maybe have a little left over for my project.

In fact the next 16 years are going to be a combination of work and sleep.

I dunno. Does changing stanky diapers qualify me for the honor, how about when my 9 year old daughter who has oppositional defiant disorder screams obscenities at my wife, and i cringe, and have to try to act like it doesnt bother me. Does that qualify me for the honor?

You know what i want for fathers day?? To be able to sleep for a year uninterrupted. I know thats not gonna happen.

To those of you who love fathers day, i wish you all a happy one. It just isnt in the cards for me.
Having been there and done that, it's not that bad.
It probably won't be only 16 years though. :D
I lost my father on July 9, 2013.

So, if the appreciation from your family is not enough for you, wake up on Fathers Day (and every other day) & be thankful for another day of living.
I lost my father on July 9, 2013.

So, if the appreciation from your family is not enough for you, wake up on Fathers Day (and every other day) & be thankful for another day of living.

Lost mother recently, Pops twenty years ago... This quote fits my feelings,at the moment.
Been there,done that, got the t-shirt. I was 24 with 3 kids,1dog, 3 jobs (1- full time , and 2 part time ),and a mortgage. Worked 7 days a week for 15years. ,vowing to give my kids everything I never had. Now they are grown and productive members of society. Looking back as most of you guys do , I would do it again in a heartbeat. You will have plenty of time for your toys when they get older don't worry. Just keep your head down and push on. Just remember "anyone can be a father,but it takes someone special to be a dad". Cherish the times that they are little , it will go by in what seems to be a blink in the eye. Corny I know ,but true.
It's an honor to be a dad my 2 girls give me plenty of joy one of the best things to ever happen to me was becoming a dad along with marrying the most wonderful woman i could ever imagine..
YOUR life is the sum of YOUR choices. Doesn't sound like anyone held a gun to your head for any of it. It pisses me off to hear people whine that their life is harder than everyone else's. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, spend some time helping those who are truly in need. Maybe then you'll see you ARE having a Happy Father's Day but just didn't know it.
I never had a father, I enjoy being one and I am going to keep moving forward and take it one day at a time.. Busted my butt over 45 years working and living on a pay check that did not make it easy, no parents to mooch from, no body had to worry about me and my family becouse I was raised to be a man (thank you Mom and grandma) and was a man at the age of 15, now I am enjoying my first child hood ...:coffee2: Fathers day is special for everyone around my house.
Ask either of my 2 daughters (grown and on their own) what I want for my birthday and/or Father's day.
They will tell you that dad just wants to be left the hell alone. I don't ask for the world, I also do not consider either days an occasion for gifts or celebration
YOUR life is the sum of YOUR choices. Doesn't sound like anyone held a gun to your head for any of it. It pisses me off to hear people whine that their life is harder than everyone else's. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, spend some time helping those who are truly in need. Maybe then you'll see you ARE having a Happy Father's Day but just didn't know it.

^^^^^^^THIS^^^^^^^^^^ Sounds to me you need more help than anybody on a car forum can give you.
I got a father's dad card today from one of my two daughters. it makes me happy.
I thank God that I have been an able bodied person to have worked and provided.
life is not always easy.
i'm thankful for girls grew up to be honest, hardworking, young women. they have lead their own lives. never once whinned to me or anyone. they make their own way.
I cry when I think of my youngest, now 39, battled Chrone's Disease for years until 10 years ago had her large intestine removed. has to use the "bag". hard working girl with 4 kids, looks like a model. i'm proud to be her father and thanks the good Lord she still lives.
next Sunday, we will go out to breakfast at a country café for breakfast to celebrate Mother's and Father's day.
I miss my Dad. passes away Mar 15, 1982.
Dont get me wrong, i love my kids, got 4 of em, but most times i feel like i am taken for granted.
I lost my father on July 9, 2013.

So, if the appreciation from your family is not enough for you, wake up on Fathers Day (and every other day) & be thankful for another day of living.

Lost mine almost five years ago.

My goal is to get through Father's Day without getting a card :) (The results of a misspent youth. Looks like I can mark off one more year...whew....)

Wish I could send my dad a card.
Agreed!!!^^^^ You have to be happy being a father to have a happy Father's Day!!

You have to be happy period.

MoparMat. Maybe you should talk to your kids on how you feel. Sometimes we are guilty of not sharing our feelings with the people who need to hear them.

Hey Moparmat, we all go through phases, and oftentimes feel like we are taken for granted. I think for the most part, it's just that many folks don't know how to show their appreciation for a family member.

Hang in there. One thing I try to do is the 100/0 principle. I give 100% of myself and expect 0% in return. It's not easy sometimes, but when I start feeling unappreciated I remember 100/0.

I also think being the man of the house comes with the strength of not needing to be appreciated...we just do what we got to do...and like it, lol!!!!!
My relationship with my son is pretty much non existent, so I can sympathize. Every single time we talk, without fail, I get a lie. He cannot tell the truth about the simplest of things. I cannot STAND that. I doubt seriously I will hear from him his weekend.

I pray for you though Matt and hope that you can find some meaning. I use Father's Day to reflect on all the good time Daddy and I had....and there were a lot of them.
I kinda find this disturbing. I am 46 years old and lost my dad this past January from being killed at work. What I would give up to be able to talk with him again. My wife and I could never have kids and these blood sucking places who would get you on a list for adoption was way out of my spending range. So we have two dogs and my wife and I give each other something for these days from the pups..

Be thankful that you have been blessed with children, I can imagine it is very tough to think that all my money is going to take care of them. This is not the time to be selfish and all about me... I wish I was so lucky. Happy Fathers day.
Lost my Dad 6 years ago, and, yes, I still miss him. I plan on spending time with my son, and his family tomorrow. Life moves on, and playing with those two little grandson's sure does make it better. Happy Father's Day, to all the Dad's out there.
My Dad was killed on the job when I was 14 Years old...I'm 66 now and hardly remember him.Had a step-dad I don't want to remember.Matt...maybe I was a little harsh in my 1st post but you really need to set down with your family and work these feelings out before it's too late.We all feel a little used up once in a while....hope you can find resolution in your life.:prayer::prayer:
My relationship with my son is pretty much non existent, so I can sympathize. Every single time we talk, without fail, I get a lie. He cannot tell the truth about the simplest of things. I cannot STAND that. I doubt seriously I will hear from him his weekend.

I pray for you though Matt and hope that you can find some meaning. I use Father's Day to reflect on all the good time Daddy and I had....and there were a lot of them.

Your son will talk to you? Even if he lies it is better than 3 out of 4 of mine not willing to admit I exist! If I get a card or a call from the one who will talk to me I'll be thrilled.

Yes I screwed up while raising my kids, and I wasn't the best husband either, but I did the best I could. I fought chronic depression for ~30 years and was an idiot as far as parenting goes, but I tried. I also asked anyone I could for help but only got "your parental instincts will take care of it!"

I do not expect a "fathers day" so it wont be to bad tomorrow.

If your dad is living, tell him you love him!
If you are a dad tell your kids you love them no matter what they do! (You do not have to like what they do to love them!)
We all feel unappreciated at times, a lot of the time even. But throughout the year when your kids do something you taught them... or use one of your sayings... or just generally act the way you raised them... that's fathers day for me.. forget all the hype of THAT one day a year. Draw pleasure from the things you did right all year. And forgive yourself for the stuff you really F'd up. We all did some of that too...