hurst promatic custom indicator



HP@idle > hondaHP@redline
Oct 12, 2012
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hey guys

I recently installed a promatic II in the duster, and for my winter project I would like to upgrade the gear indicator
I'm thinking of building a slide, that attaches to the nub which now acts as indicator, and block out all light except for a small section, which only light up the gear I am in

anyone ever attempt something like this before?
I painted my indicator fluorescent orange because it gets lost in all the other shiny stuff around it.
I had the exact thought you did on an indicator, and decided I would like to have a small character on the dash that held up the appropriate amount of fingers for each gear, but I got a bit hung up on what to do about park, neutral and reverse.

A lit indicator of what gear you are in up where you can see it would be nice.
With another cable (like a manual choke cable) added to your shifter you could do damn near anything mechanical you wanted.
Right there is where I decided to think about the possibilities a bit more before I did anything.
View attachment s-l1600.jpg

I had to check it out. I like the idea of an easy to read indicator (especially at night). I'd like the one you found better though if the numbers lit when in gear instead of the bar indicator. I think that it might be easier to tell which gear you were in when it's dark. I like my Pro-Matic shifter but a better indicator would be a nice touch.
View attachment 1714858570

I had to check it out. I like the idea of an easy to read indicator (especially at night). I'd like the one you found better though if the numbers lit when in gear instead of the bar indicator. I think that it might be easier to tell which gear you were in when it's dark. I like my Pro-Matic shifter but a better indicator would be a nice touch.

Having the individual letters and numbers light for the corresponding gear instead of anything else would be mandatory or it seems it would be worthless as the one on the floor.
thanks for the input guys

what I am looking to do is replace the one in the actual cover with something that only lights up the gear I'm in

I am considering this one a little bit more seriously

once that is accomplished I bet I could use the choke cable trail mention to make the stock column indicator operational again (but that would be secondary
update, this is what I cobbled up

I removed the little metal tab which acts as an indicator and used a little screw to attach a small metal bracket into that spot

into this bracket I mounted a small green LED, so that with each shift, the light moves and shows up where the indicator ought to be

then I contacted fellow member ChallengerGary and had him make a small decal which went overtop of the clear plastic indicator
(I did make sure I wetsanded off the printed on indicators)

I hit up the backside of the plastic with a red sharpie where reverse is

I still need to adjust the bracket to make sure the light is in the right place each time, but the idea is there

There ya go.
I got soooo much going on right now I can't even think about doing something with mine.
yeah, and it only took me 3 months from beginning to close to finish

Oh, well that's not too bad then. :D

I have window felts that have been sitting here for two years.

Once I take the back seat out to clean and lube the rear regulators and tracks THEN those will get done.