Stop in for a cup of coffee

My friend got me a gift tonight ...

PEZ!!!! I love PEZ but I can never find it because Wal-Mart does not carry PEZ ...I checked, and checked again ...and then scanned ....and again, Walmart doesn't have them.

She said she found these at Target which explains why I didn't see them. I have not been to Target for ages now, I might have to go there this season. ( just make sure you use the bathroom somewhere else before you go in)

but I am so happy, Two things I love ....TOGETHER!!

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Is the one on the right Kevin? I sooo need one of those...
The ham sounds good! How did you do it?

I did think of you when I saw my Dad today. He's in a good patch at the moment but it can change in a flash. I'll take the good moments when I can get them!

I hear you about the phone. I really only use mine for e-mail, texts and the sharing of pics and vids. The rest I pretty much ignore.

Let's see.... on the ham I rubbed/packed/slathered paprika, dry mustard, cloves, balsamic syrup, orange marmalade, red pepper flakes and brown sugar on it. Got it up to temp on high then let it cook on low a few hours. Then I put the juices in a saucepan, added a splash of soy sauce and red wine vinegar and a little more orange marmalade and red pepper and reduced it down. Poured it back over the ham and spooned it over the slices I put on my plate.

I hope you have some recordings of your Dad's voice, I miss being able to talk to mine.
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Let's see.... on the ham I rubbed/packed/slathered paprika, dry mustard, cloves, balsamic syrup, orange marmalade, red pepper flakes and brown sugar on it. Got it up to temp on high then let it cook on low a few hours. Then I put the juices in a saucepan, added a splash of soy sauce and red wine vinegar and a little more orange marmalade and red pepper and reduced it down. Poured it back over the ham and spooned it over the slices I put on my plate.

I hope you have some recordings of your Dad's voice, I miss being able to talk to mine.
Thanks for the recipe, have to try that sometime. I actually have a bunch of video of my Dad from over the years and even some old 8mm film (images also include my Mom and my grandparents). I have saved them so that one day I might share them with my grandchildren so they could see where they come from.

One of my Favorite clips is my grandmother scolding my grandfather about his hearing. It went kinda like this...

Her: You need to put in your hearing aid Dad
Him: What?
Her: Your HEARING AID. you need to put it in.
Him: What?
Him: What about it?
Him: Put what in?
Him: Yeah, I need to shout. I heard you the first time...(under his breath and turning to the camera and grinning)...crazy old woman!
Oh man that is classic. I remember my Grampa and Grandma always going back and forth correcting each other...."no, Marion, that was when we lived in the yellow house."
My grandfather was a nut. He had a wicked sweet tooth and when he would reach for a cookie or piece of fudge, he would pause and say...

"Satan, get thee behind me...and push!"

Then he would grin and grab the treat and pop it into his mouth.
Hi all! Just checking in/curbing the addiction, how is everyone?
holy smokes!! a little while ago Ben posted a pic of Ters and asked if anyone had seen him anywhere - that made me think of you - I didn't mention it because I really figured you probably weren't going to come around! It's good to "see" you Tye (bet I spelled it wrong) - how's the Boston area treating you?
did someone say its time for cookies!!!!

I went out shopping this evening and Big lots has these once again.

I am usually too late to get one and have not had my hands on one for the last two years because once they sell out ....they are gone.

I got there this evening and the worker bloke was stocking 5 of these on the shelf.

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What is the package made of? Looks like the exact cookies we have gotten in round tins. Never saw the yard long pack