Remember Paper Straws?



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2009
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La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
They usually collapsed long before you could finish your milkshake. Supposedly, they have been improved over the years. This morning, the local TV news station found it appropriate to run a story of how local restaurants would begin stop using (plastic) straws altogether to save the environment.
paper straw company: Home

I remember paper straws. They probably want to do away with them (plastic straws) because, so many people now a days pollute. It really makes my stomach turn.
I've heard of people carrying their own personal straws.

Personally, why do people need straws anyway? I can't think of a single reason.
The upscale restaurant where I work has a rating company, who told us this year that they frown on plastic straws, so now we just don't give straws at all, because the paper straws get soggy and other kinds of straws, bamboo or whatever, are too expensive. Very few people so far have asked for a straw. Maybe this simple way to keep less plastic from getting out into the environment will gain popularity.
Once I went to take a sip with a plastic straw, but for some reason I moved my head forward real fast and too far. That plastic straw tried to drill a hole right through the roof of my mouth (palate?). That hurt.

goofy straw.jpg
you use a pen barrel for that
no one suspects the guy with the pen

I'll have to remember that for when I teach my son how do not get caught when he's one of those delinquent gearheads. With the primer and bondo Duster that the whole school can hear from a block away with the roots blower and no hood.

I always preferred the paper straws over the plastic ones.
Heck, remember plastic straws back when they had enough thickness that they didn't collapse on themselves (like paper straws) when you try to use them? Remember when they put enough paper on the straw wrapper that you could hit it on the table and tear the top, then slide the wrapper down, rather than having to peel it into pieces. :-/
Heck, remember plastic straws back when they had enough thickness that they didn't collapse on themselves (like paper straws) when you try to use them? Remember when they put enough paper on the straw wrapper that you could hit it on the table and tear the top, then slide the wrapper down, rather than having to peel it into pieces. :-/
And after you peeled it down a bit then blowing in the open end and the paper would shoot out into the air. Still do that actually, still a kid at heart.