Prayer requests for my father in law.



Restore it, Dont part it!
Aug 10, 2011
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He is not doing good he had some siscs removed about a month ago off his liver and he has been downhill since. He went into renial failure right after surgery they got that straightened out then his liver shut down they have been been trying to get his liver function back to normal now he has fluid in his chest cavity they keep draining it but it comes back. Please pray for him. He is my actually my stepfather in law but he has been more of a father and grandfather than my actual father in law. He is a good guy.
Liver and kidneys ain't somethin to mess around with. Addin him and all of your family to our prayer list.
They are taking him in for another surgery last we heard. They was going to fly him to a different hospital and im not sure what happened but they had to take him to surgery instead. Thanks for the prayers guys.
What is Father in Law's name so my angels know who I'm talkin' about? They just kinda scratch their heads and look at me funny when I say "DartFreak's FIL"
Prayers sent.
What are siscs ?
Do you mean Cyst's ?
Is he a drinker or smoker ?
Just wondering what caused his condition.
Prayers sent for the whole family. May He lay His healing hand upon your Dad, and bring peace and comfort to you all!
Prayers and positive thoughts from us up here. Like Rusty said liver and kidneys are serious stuff, BUT can be transplanted.
Hoping for a good outcome.