Pops is getting modified.



Fusing with fire
Oct 20, 2009
Reaction score
San Jose, Ca.
So my dad has had serious issues with his shoulder for the last 45 years. Hes finally getting it fixed. Well it's so bad they are going to replace the entire shoulder.

From what I've seen in the literature it looks terrible but I hope it's all worth it in the end. I told him 3 months of pain vs 45+ years of pain is a good trade...

So here he is in his normal form, chipper as always....


He was real concerned about going under as one of his friends went under a few weeks ago and never came back.

To be honest it made me a bit nervous but hes in recovery now and should be home Saturday.

Also I gotta find out what that juice is that they wiped his skin with. That **** made his old tattoos look great. Or maybe he just need to shower more....

Pops clearly needs to get modified. Apparently only one finger works on his left hand!

I asked if they could reduce the size of his ****** cuz he whines like a little girl all the time... for such a rough and tough bastard he sure whines a lot..
It a huge shame, his surgery was not gonna be for a month but they pushed it up after reviewing his MRI and X Ray's. So now hes been busting his balls to get his truck ready for the big MOPAR show and it just happens to fall when hes in the hospital.

I already paied for his truck to enter so my buddy will be driving his truck to the show.
He has put so much work in it crazy. He went in to the hospital today at 11 AM and was working on the truck before I woke up, was at the shop when i showed up at 9 AM and didn't stop working on it till after 10AM then went right into the hospital.

His first words when he woke up were. " I wanna go home, my truck ain't ready."
3% Chlorohexadine is what they used on pops. Did a shoulder arthroplasty yesterday on an old buzzard. Your pops looks in better shape. Hopefully he got an interscalene nerve block for postop pain. Don’t worry. It’ll be next year by the time you get your next ***** slap from pops. Lol.
I'm a full grown man. He will never touch me in anger.

Hes not the only bad **** in our family.
Your dad looks like the actor that played the police captain on "The Closer".

The guy also does those insurance commericals where weird things happen but they cover it.
Hes no actor, just a old man.
He could hurt him self having a good dream but if your a normal person you dont want him to be up set. That's for sure.
Hey Cope, glad your Pop’s is on the mend. Praying for a complete and speedy recovery. On a side note when and where is this Mopar show?

Never mind, found it. Sunday in Cupertino. I may try to get there. Looks like a great show.
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Come on down!

I'll be in the project section with my white dart and the green 94 ram.
What exactly is wrong with his shoulder? What kinda problem is he havin with it? I ask because Kitty has an upcoming surgery on her right shoulder.