Stop in for a cup of coffee

Fun day in the Salt mine?
Actually today was the better day of the last couple weeks.

It’s more I’m striking out on interview after interview. Which is a new thing for me. In the past, if I passed the phone screening and got the interview, I always landed the job. But now, I’m striking out, which is okay. I understand there’s better candidates out there but the companies that really get to me, 4 of them in the last month now, drag me through multiple interviews, some as long as 7 hours, only to have them say they’d decided to postpone hiring for that spot.
Actually today was the better day of the last couple weeks.

It’s more I’m striking out on interview after interview. Which is a new thing for me. In the past, if I passed the phone screening and got the interview, I always landed the job. But now, I’m striking out, which is okay. I understand there’s better candidates out there but the companies that really get to me, 4 of them in the last month now, drag me through multiple interviews, some as long as 7 hours, only to have them say they’d decided to postpone hiring for that spot.

Been there...

Things are dicey economically i do get the hesitancy of companies so i wouldn't take it personally. But yeah, better that they would just not drag you through it and then decide they aren't
Been there...

Things are dicey economically i do get the hesitancy of companies so i wouldn't take it personally. But yeah, better that they would just not drag you through it and then decide they aren't
Exactly. Or at least just say up front that it’s economic dependent
Been there...

Things are dicey economically i do get the hesitancy of companies so i wouldn't take it personally. But yeah, better that they would just not drag you through it and then decide they aren't
Lots of large layoffs going on also.
Been there...

Things are dicey economically i do get the hesitancy of companies so i wouldn't take it personally. But yeah, better that they would just not drag you through it and then decide they aren't
But did you know you can buy insurance that will cover up to 9,000 a month income if you’re laid off
I know it sucks but stay where you are and just swallow it. You have some time there already and are not the new guy.
Oh I am, for now. But I have a feeling I’m very close to the chopping block.
I was only fired from a job once in my lifetime, and I was 16 at the time. I was the nightshift manager at the Burger Chef, and the general manager's wife happened to be working the front line that night. Well we got busy with customers and the other two girls up front were working their asses off. GM's wife was sitting off to the side. So I said something to her about that, and please help the other girls. Apparently she wasn't hearing me or underestimated my resolve. After 4 or so attempts to get her working failed, I Fired Her !!
Next day when I came in to work, one of the Owners was there, and wanted to talk to me. Yup, you guessed it, he fired me. But I let em have a piece of my mind on the way out. That day, I decided that no one will ever have that power over me again. Went to work in the Auto Parts Industry, and eventually had my own chain of stores. Uhhhh. Did I ever fire anyone ? Yes of course I did, but they were all for valid reasons...Retired at age 44... :thumbsup:
Kind of stiff and achy. Then i remembered i took nothing today so i think im doing very well. Back at it tomorrow,panel is ready to weld in, other than punching the spot weld holes. Will take but a minute.
Just outa curiousity. How cold does it hafta git fer yer mustache to freeze? I was skiin Mammoth Mtn. long ago, ridin' the lift up the mountain an :wtf: is goin on with my mustache here? :lol: My breath had froze it up from side to side :lol: Only time I ever had that happen to me
You know it's to cold out . when you throw a cup of hot water in the air and it freezes before it hits the ground!:BangHead:
Hey Hey Hey its Thong Thursday!
-8c. Thats getting down a little. Should have brought some pellets into shop.
High of 72 today, then rain and cold starts tomorrow. Teens at night. 30's daytime.