dog is telepathic



barbee 6043
FABO Gold Member
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
Shepherd, Texas ( SE Tx)
Red Dog #2 is his name...he is telepathic just like Red Dog #1 (no relation). While ago I messaged a guy that just sent $ for a couple of F body manuals. Nothing verbal on my part. Nothing to give him a hint that We would get in the pickup and run to town. He loves to go, anywhere. He has never liked to ride in any of my old Mopars though. Maybe afraid the fumes would kill him??

Red Dog #1 was same, all I had to do was have a thought about getting in the truck. Then all of a sudden, he is more than ready to go!

Minature Dachsssssssssssssshunds.
Ok, my Dacshund must be related to yours, same scenario except he loves getting in the old Mopar, except it isn't on the road yet so he just sits there and looks at me! LOL he loves truck rides !
Red Dog #2 is his name...he is telepathic just like Red Dog #1 (no relation). While ago I messaged a guy that just sent $ for a couple of F body manuals. Nothing verbal on my part. Nothing to give him a hint that We would get in the pickup and run to town. He loves to go, anywhere. He has never liked to ride in any of my old Mopars though. Maybe afraid the fumes would kill him??

Red Dog #1 was same, all I had to do was have a thought about getting in the truck. Then all of a sudden, he is more than ready to go!

Minature Dachsssssssssssssshunds.
I believe you. My dogs do stuff like that every single day.
So are my cats-

If I open the pantry door to get a snack, they come running.

..but if I open the pantry door to get cat meds...they go running.
Pets are very connected to your thoughts.... And as YY1 mentioned, it works both ways....
My brothers German Shepard would be in the house looking out the window.. His wife would be headed home, walking down the street. The dog could not see her as she was not visible yet. His tail would begin wagging and about 10 seconds later she would come into view. I don't have any idea how, but seen him do this many times.
Animals have lots of senses humans don't. Like common sense for one.
The dog we used to have could hear my wife's car about 1/2 a mile away, on a road with lots of other traffic, before she even turned on to our street, which was half of that distance.
Our girls generally get excited when the truck turns onto our street, a few houses away. And are more excited when it's a morning return, they know we probably went to Bojangles and brought them back a biscuit or two.
Our animal friends seem to be so much smarter than most of us bone headed humans, my cat Abby does all of them things and more!
Our dogs, cats, horses etc all have built in clocks too!

Yep. Just about to begin the "fun" of transitioning to DST.

They have a hard time understanding why we change the time we do things.

We have to try 15 minute changes over the course of several days.

Fall back is WAY easier for me, personally.

Spring forward is much easier for them.

We get up pretty early anyway, as we both have to be at work at 7:00, and I have a 40 minute drive.

...but my 13 year old diabetic cat friend has decided that 4:06 is the time we should get up.

Not 4:00, 4:05, or 4:10.

4:06. Nearly every day without fail.
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I wonder if he thinks he's giving us an extra six minutes?
LOL..........If you'd yell "who wants to go for a boat ride" Archie would bolt for the dock. When you'd yell "who wants to go swimming" he'd bolt for the house. Man, I miss that little guy. :(

troy11 050.jpg
LOL..........If you'd yell "who wants to go for a boat ride" Archie would bolt for the dock. When you'd yell "who wants to go swimming" he'd bolt for the house. Man, I miss that little guy. :(

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As a long time dog owner myself, I absolutely love this picture, and this post.

Thank you.
On the odd occasion that I leave town, my boss cares for my dog at his house, which is out in the country. A few weeks ago when I was in the hospital, my close friend (who also lives way out) took her. Both reported the same thing: She's deaf as a post. Both said when she's asleep, they can open garage doors, start cars, etc. without her even lifting her head. "I have to speak up to wake her."

I call BS:
  • She listens to me just fine.
  • She sho' 'nuff hears either one of 'em open a can of food without issue.
  • She can still hear me unwrap a Slim Jim through an outdoor wall. She looks right at the window, then body-slams the door to be let inside where the goods are.
I think it's more about her being almost 14. She simply does not give a damn anymore.

"Is this worth waking over? I think not."

Too funny. My dogs raise hell whenever someone breaks the driveway alert and sets off the bell in the house. However, if it's my GF they immediately shut up and go into tail-wagging mode, even though they can't see her yet. Somehow they know what her car sounds like from 50 yards away through the walls of the house.
A good friend has a dog. If I visit and they are home.......The dog goes nuts. When I visit and no one is home, she doesn't make a sound. I assume that in her mind, she is alerting the family.......Pretty cool.
Cats did OK with adding another 15 minutes this morning.

Got a little restless around 3:35-3:40-ish but held out until after 4:00.
Whoops. Thought this was the "my dog doesn't understand DST" thread.