Bid to win letter.



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Jan 8, 2006
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on the hill
Marry said I could share this Privet message with everyone.
She is a strong mother and wife that I feel David is one of the best
fathers there is. These are real folks with real needs, One car family
Here is a letter she wrote me.


Hello there my brother,

Just an update on my family. Today I finally got our Christmas tree up with the help from David, Greg and Luke, I set it up in the living near our front door. I was supposed to set it up the morning my heart went all flooey I really did not have the energy to do it since getting home. The kids have been so quiet these past few days, an David mothering me I finally spoke up and said I have never had a Christmas without a tree and I am not about to start now!

I saw the light come back into their eyes, "Mama is back!", I heard our youngest Luke, he's 9, say to Greg who turned 14 in October. Luke looks out for his older brother. Greg has Autism. Greg has been clingy to me since I got home, David says Greg had a real hard time dealing without me while I was in the hospital. It was only the second time I have been away from him since he was born, so yeah, It was hard on mommy too.

I took Luke on a shopping trip just after Thanksgiving and let him have $20 to spend on something for David and Greg and me. He had me take him to the 'Dollar Tree " and he got everyone a little something, like I said he's only 9. I was supposed to take Greg shopping for $50 the week I was in the hospital, but that never happened. I have always been a last minute shopper.....Now, I can't. The only presents under the tree are the ones Luke bought. And what funds I had squirreled away has to go towards groceries and kerosene to keep us warm. The kids do not go back to school until Jam. 5th, 09

I am not telling you this to make anyone feel sorry for me or my family. We have a lot to be thankful for. We have our family together, a home, and we have not forgotten the "REASON FOR THE SEASON"

Now with the bid to win thing you have began here on FABO, I am experiencing the real meaning of Christmas, Mike. I am sitting here crying, not out of sadness or fear but out of joy for the kindness and generosity from you and my FABO Family.
The TIP JAR may be getting full, but my cup runneth over with happiness. You have made my tired old heart happy Mike and to all my FABO family out there...

Merry Christmas and Thank You


I know that most of the members here know that these folks live day today every sense David Grumpuscreature had a hard attack and a bypass dun this summer and we all know what Xcptshnl1 has just gone through.
I am setting in a warm house and enjoying the things I have been blest with
and to some folks it may not seem like much but I have all I need to keep
This home and family happy and strong.
Thank you for letting me post this Marry, :happy10:
WOW...what a letter, Mike, you are a GOOD man and so is everyone who can help out with this situation. I am definetly digging some stuff out of my garage tommorrow for this cause. I want to help out, times are tough and Mopar people need to stick together and help out in time of need.
WOW...what a letter, Mike, you are a GOOD man and so is everyone who can help out with this situation. I am definetly digging some stuff out of my garage tommorrow for this cause. I want to help out, times are tough and Mopar people need to stick together and help out in time of need.

Thank you bud :cheers:, Its time for me to hit the hay for today.
Yall have a nice one, it is 12:21 am here now. :clock:
Well I got my beauty sleep, Can you tell.:toothy10:

Ok so its an old picture, just thought I would say good morning and
bump this letter from Xcptshnl1.

cook and fish 401.jpg
"Mama is back!" You gotta love it! I'd like to think that I speak for everyone when I say "We're all glad that Mary is back." :)

Now what's this about heating the house with Kerosene?

Thank goodness that you have answered so many questions for me, even before I asked, lol! Logical train of thought right? Can't use wood 'cause the chimney was was not replaced after the last tornado, can't replace it 'cause homeowners insurance won't let you. Gas Turned off because of a "Habitat for Humanity" purchase of some "new" used appliances y'all bought obviously before David had a heart attack and now the gas company wants xxxx bucks to re-route the gas meter even though David can't finish the kitchen due to his health. Crap! F'd up situation. Not even to mention the children involved, one with a disability.

Dam! I just hope that I can help you all. I just let my sister and bro inlaw know of your situation and I hope to have them here soon.... They both are antique dealers :) and may have something to donate to the cause. :)

Now, I hope that all that read this thread realize that:

A: Memike has met them personaly
B: I talked to to both Mary and David on the phone tonight for almost an hour. They are just trying to survive and asked for nothing. Zero, zilch! These are are hard working, proud people who have hit hard spot in their lives, and it is incredibly hard for them to ask for assistance. They haven't even asked our government for assistance yet for pete's sake. Let us all be a one of the "Thousand Points of Light" that a great President once asked of us.......

Ramcharger (Joe)
Thank You Mike for giving me the opportunity to have a real CHRISTmas. I was headed for the " Parts For Sale Forum " but now i don't have to. You have a PM.
Thank You Mike for giving me the opportunity to have a real CHRISTmas. I was headed for the " Parts For Sale Forum " but now i don't have to. You have a PM.

Thank you Bill, You know what needs to be dun and I am looking forward to talking to you soon for a visit Marry CHRISTmas sir. You reach so far with your hart :happy10::happy10::happy10:
I have to come back and read that letter every day. I am very fortunate to be able to assist in this effort as many of us are.
I just stumbled across this thread while looking through all of the old posts... This is the only one I have not seen... wow.. I'm kind of speechless at the moment.
I am going to send the donations from Money received by paypal donations to David and Mary as soon as they move the money from paypal to or checking account .
Treva said it will take a couple days to get it moved :banghead:
But just as soon as it hit the bank I will send a money order.

sixpakmopar after paypal fee's 23.97, Thank you very much!!

keastab sent by request of cosgig after fee's 48.25. Thank you both very much.

CHASDUSTER and COSGIG did something together with a door seals and here is another donation that arived
from CHASDUSTER after paypal fee's $19.12,
It's a good thing you're doing Mike. Donation sent to the paypal address you posted. Hope it's not too late, Merry Christmas!
memike, great thing you got started here. God Bless You.
I would like to nominate memike to be the FABO member of the year!