Favorite WWII Plane?



Nov 15, 2005
Reaction score
Mine is the P38 Lightning. Crazy but inspired design, super fast and very heavily armed. the Germans called it the "Fork Tailed Devil". :snakeman:


Was the gull wing a WWII plain Joe, I always like them and thought they was a dandy for there day =P~
F-4U corsair.
The Japanese called it whistling death

The lightning is my 2nd fav



B-24 Liberator.


My Grandfather was a tail gunner in a B-24 in WWII. He has some amazing stories of young crews flying them with very little training. He said the most interesting was the "instrument" landings on dark runways... ;-)

I still have the jacket he wore when he was shot. It had a hood that rolled up into the collar. That rolled hood is what stopped the bullet. He said he had a crazy bruise, but that was it.

He just passed away a few months ago.

Those were tough men!

B-24 Liberator.


My Grandfather was a tail gunner in a B-24 in WWII. He has some amazing stories of young crews flying them with very little training. He said the most interesting was the "instrument" landings on dark runways... ;-)

I still have the jacket he wore when he was shot. It had a hood that rolled up into the collar. That rolled hood is what stopped the bullet. He said he had a crazy bruise, but that was it.

He just passed away a few months ago.

Those were tough men!


WOW! Thank you!
There are too many super cool airplanes to have one favorite. When I was a kid there was a P38 Lightning at a small airport near where I lived. I was lucky enough to gat to sit in the cockpit and up front (it was a droop snoot with the glass nose) and play with the controls. The guy aslo had a Wildcat that he flew at his annual air show. I was at an air show in Canada and there was a Corsair that I thought was awesome. The P47, Spitfire and Mosquito are some of my other favorites. I like piston powered planes much more than the jets. WW2 produced some of the coolest aircraft in history.
DC-3 a.k.a. C-47 the only un armed plane to be credited with an enemy fighter kill
Has to be the Me-262. This plane was so far advanced that the allies had nothing that could stand toe to toe with it during the whole war. It was the the starting point for both the MiG-15 and the F-86 Sabre. If it would have came out in greater numbers just a year before it did the WWII would have had a different ending for sure. And it was just a damn pretty plane that truly looks like a shark on the hunt.

Has to be the Me-262. This plane was so far advanced that the allies had nothing that could stand toe to toe with it during the whole war. It was the the starting point for both the MiG-15 and the F-86 Sabre. If it would have came out in greater numbers just a year before it did the WWII would have had a different ending for sure. And it was just a damn pretty plane that truly looks like a shark on the hunt.

there is a restored ME-262 at the willow grove naval air station I drive by it a couple times a month

DC-3 a.k.a. C-47 the only un armed plane to be credited with an enemy fighter kill

Not 100% true. The last air to air kill on the European front was a Piper Cub shooting down a Fiesler Storch. Lt's Duane Francies and Bill Martin was able to shot the Storch down by hanging their .45s out the window and blazing away. They hit the pilot in the ankle and forced the plane down in an open field.

http://www.oldgloryprints.com/Duel in the Sun.htm

Edit: I stand corrected...I just seen in your post that it was a fighter plane that was taken down by the Dak....My bad....
Has to be the Me-262. This plane was so far advanced that the allies had nothing that could stand toe to toe with it during the whole war.

True, the Germans had ICBM's too but the flight time of the ME 262 was maybe 5 minutes IIRC?
I'll go with the P-40. Woefully outclassed in both theatres at the outbreak of the war but deadly in the hands of a skilled pilot. Take a look at the kill ratio of the AVG in China against the Japanese Zero....
WWII bomber pilots get nothing but respect from me. If you think about what they were doing and the fact that most of the "old men" of the squadrons were in their early twenties. How many twenty year olds would you trust today with the keys to the Liberator?
this is easy. P51 Mustang all the way.



found a place you can go up in one and fly it for like an hour. cant wait until i can afford it
True, the Germans had ICBM's too but the flight time of the ME 262 was maybe 5 minutes IIRC?

No..I think what you are thinking of is the Me-163...it was the little rocket plane that would zoom up over the bomber formations then glide down while shooting at the bombers.


The main issue with the 262 was that the BMW-004 engines were only good for 10 hours of flight before having to be overhauled. The metals were just not up to the RPMs that they were creating and lots of cracking would be created in the turbines.