


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Anybody else keep a notebook/journal in there garage? Mine started out as just a simple thing with a few notes on the car. Now it's a full blown disaster. Car crap, bike junk, water heater parts schematics for our tank less water heater, welder manuals, chain saw crap. Saved the ends of the chain box's to remind me what chain to get for the saw...every chain I have ever purchased. Going to take a few hours to sort the mess out...
I keep a little notebook in each car. I have a drawer in my tool box full of tool manuals, part diagrams, my bike journal, car stuff. It would take a day to sort it out.
Mine are notebooks and bookshelf. Along with owners manuals, whether they came with item or downloaded and printed. I wont say the Snapper riding mower manuals and the Briggs engine rebuild book are side by side on the shelf. I'm not nearly that organized. On the shelf somewhere I'm sure.
Done this,white easel board, lots of written. Thanks, I need to refer to organization again.
I use a 3 ring binder (yes shows my age along with a rolodex of business cards) to put all the tool manuals/instructions in along with a few sheets of paper for notes around where I need them. I use page protectors and they are great to also put things like wrenches, motor brushes etc for each item. Also remins me my hands are full of grease when I touch the protector. Works for me.
At first I used to keep the maintenance stuff in there but it got overwhelming so the heck with it. Also the sales receipt for the item. It just saved my *** on a 200k space heater I bought last year and it blew the ignition board out and when I went through the manual and realized it was under a 1 year warrantee. Saved me $80.00!