Don't Forget to Take Out the Garbage

Just so everyone knows.....don't ever try and get a Black Widow spider as a pet. When I was 13 years old I loved animals and insects, one day I found a Black Widow....she was beautiful so I trapped her in a large glass jar and brought her to my bedroom. I knew that their bite was dangerous but I also had no fear!! After a few hours I thought to myself, if I keep the lid on the jar she will eventually suffocate. My solution was to get a kitchen knife and poke some skinny slots into the lid for air to get in. I'm no dummy, I made the slots way too thin for her to get through!! (I'm a genius!!) Anyway, after a few days of feeding her flies and bugs she started to build this intricate web in the large jar. I said to myself, "Pretty Cool!!". Then one morning I woke up and their was an egg sack hanging in the web, I said to myself, " Alright, she's going to have babies!!!". Remember I was young and dumb and ...blaa, blaa, blaa!!
I continued to feed her then one night I went to sleep (here's where it gets creepy).....I was awakened in the morning because something was touching my face and I woke up brushing my face with my hand as I woke up. I brushed my face with my hand as I opened my eyes but whatever was on my face would brush off!! I tried to focus on what was on my face but it was so close I could make it out. So I sat up in bed to find that I was covered with spider webs (head to toe) !!! I looked around my bedroom and the whole room was covered (top to bottom, corner to corner) with spider webs, every corner and everywhere. Like I said before, I'm fearless, but I was starting to worry!!! I said to myself, "What the hell is going on???".

Long story short....The egg sack had hatched and thousands of baby Black Widows (which are extremely small) had crawled through the small slits in the jar lid and populated my bedroom during the night. As my eyes slowing focused I could see thousands of tiny spider crawling all over my body, bed, walls,....EVERYWHERE!!!! I had to slowly brush thousands of tiny webs and spiders off my body to stand and get out of bed only to get totally covered by more webs that were suspended all over my room. I'm fearless....BUT I WAS TERRIFIED!!!!!
In time I killed as many tiny spider as I could find in my room. They are very, very small (super tiny) and can hide in the smallest crevasse, in my bed frame, closet, etc, etc. Needless to say I set the spider loose outside and couldn't sleep for many, many nights wondering if the few tiny spiders who were hiding in the smallest places would get revenge on me for killing all their brothers and sisters!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sounds familiar to what happened to me, only I was in my 20's in SD serving in the Air Force....LOL And them things have poison even at newly hatched.
Here's a good pic of what I had to deal with in my bedroom except there were many, many more. Evidently a Black Widow can have anywhere from 200 to 1000 babies hatch at one time. It made my skin crawl to have to walk through hundreds of fresh spider webs full of spiders to get out of my room. I had no choice....lay in bed and get eaten alive or slowly and carefully brave the spiders in their webs!!! It was extra creepy getting out of bed as I broke free from all the webs they had spun over me and on my bed while I slept, I think they had plans for me??????
To make things worse, the faster I moved the more I made the webs vibrate causing all those tiny spiders to come towards me....I still like Black Widows, they are cool:


MAGGOT!!! Wasn't that the name of one of the guys in the movie, "The Dirty Dozen??"
Telly Savalas
We have Tarantula migrations here in the very rural areas in the fall, usually about the first rain during deer season. Lots of fun and scenic 2 lane roads just right for motorcycle rides around here. It's not unusual to run across a herd of the big hairy arachnids crossing the road. Motorcycle or auto, it's like driving on grease when you encounter a herd. Kinda sounds like your running over bubble wrap. :wtf: was that noise?