How to thread new turn signal switch harness ?



Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2005
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fort lauderdale
How do you get the 7 wires from the new wiring harness down through the steering column I taped them together they are too bulky to fit through can anybody help figure out how to get the harness down and I used a wire to pull old harness up through I had to cut ends first I then attached wire to harness then attached new harness try to pull through no way
I turn the connector on the end parallel to the wires and tape the connector to the end of a coat hanger wire, then feed it down through the column.
I think you might find taping the wires up is a mistake, because the wires like to lay out flat going through and not in a bundle.
To remove- cut the wires of the switch 1"-2" above the connector so you can clearly see the color code to re-attach. To install- taping is OK but tape them in a tappered manner and somewhat flat. Use minimal tape. a guide wire is OK. Re-attach wires using the color code.
Block connector needs to be removed
Block connector needs to be removed

I f u learn how, the pins can be removed from the block connector , and then re assembled . I had to do that when I rewired my car using an E Z wireing harness that was designed for chebies , to make the connections line up with the right mopar pins.
Like the earlier poster said run it flat thru the tube too .