Bulk head connection issues

Yes. The breakdown is:
J is ignition, although what that encompases changes a bit over time.
2 is the second segement or section in the circuit.
B is the second branch from section 2
14 is SAE wire gage.

More here
Electrical Wiring (Session 247) from the Master Technician's Service Conference
or watch the accompanying filmstrip.
1968 Electrical Wiring from The Master Technician Service Conference Series (Session 247)

Since wiggling is to resulting in loss of connection, definately a problem. Could be the ignition or could be one of the power feeds. Many years have the fusible link (on the battery feed) at that connector. So if that's been abused, it could have a similar effect.

Carefully seperate the connectors. (three for a lot of years).
question on the main harness plug on firewall
One they are off, you can remove the terminals. (Make a drawing first just in case the wires aren't quite as the manual shows. Once in a while there was a goof. )

1969 Dodge Dart - Engine Compartment Main Bulkhead Connector

if you need to replace terminals,
Sources for Chrysler type wire terminals